+ Support BitTorrent Enhancement Proposal #21 "Extension for Partial Seeds"
- Mac
+ Groups (moved to preferences) can have a default location when adding transfers
- + Bonjour support for web interface
+ + Bonjour support for the web interface
- GTK+
+ Minor display improvements and HIG compliance
-SVN_REVISION=`find ./libtransmission -name "*\.[chmp]" -o -name "*\.cpp" -o -name "*\.po" -o -name "*\.sh" | \
- xargs grep "\$Id:" | \
- grep -v third-party | \
- cut -d"$Id:" -f3 | cut -d" " -f3 | sort -n | tail -n 1`
+SVN_REVISION=`find -E ./libtransmission ./macosx \
+ -regex ".*\.([chmp]|cpp|po|sh)" \
+ -exec grep -oh '\$Id: [^ ]\+ [0-9]\+' {} + \
+ | awk '{ if ($3 > max) max = $3} END { print max }'`
-#dirty fix to ensure the highest version number is found when running release_builder.sh
-SVN_REVISION_MAC=`find ./macosx -name "*\.[chmp]" -o -name "*\.cpp" -o -name "*\.po" -o -name "*\.sh" | \
- xargs grep "\$Id:" | \
- grep -v third-party | \
- cut -d"$Id:" -f3 | cut -d" " -f3 | sort -n | tail -n 1`
# Generate files to be included: only overwrite them if changed so make
# won't rebuild everything unless necessary
replace_if_differs ()