* {flag} can be '0' or '1'
* {tail} can be Esc>\ or STERM
+ * Check for resource response from xterm (and drop it):
+ * {lead}{flag}+R<hex bytes>=<value>{tail}
+ *
* Check for cursor shape response from xterm:
* {lead}1$r<digit> q{tail}
j = 1 + (tp[0] == ESC);
if (len < j + 3)
i = len; // need more chars
- else if ((argp[1] != '+' && argp[1] != '$') || argp[2] != 'r')
+ else if ((argp[1] != '+' && argp[1] != '$')
+ || (argp[2] != 'r' && argp[2] != 'R'))
i = 0; // no match
else if (argp[1] == '+')
// key code response
if ((tp[i] == ESC && i + 1 < len && tp[i + 1] == '\\')
|| tp[i] == STERM)
- if (i - j >= 3)
+ // handle a key code response, drop a resource response
+ if (i - j >= 3 && argp[2] == 'r')
got_code_from_term(tp + j, i);
key_name[0] = (int)KS_EXTRA;
key_name[1] = (int)KE_IGNORE;
// Check for key code response from xterm,
// starting with <Esc>P or DCS
- else if ((check_for_codes || rcs_status.tr_progress == STATUS_SENT)
- && ((tp[0] == ESC && len >= 2 && tp[1] == 'P')
- || tp[0] == DCS))
+ // It would only be needed with this condition:
+ // (check_for_codes || rcs_status.tr_progress == STATUS_SENT)
+ // Now this is always done so that DCS codes don't mess up things.
+ else if ((tp[0] == ESC && len >= 2 && tp[1] == 'P') || tp[0] == DCS)
if (handle_dcs(tp, argp, len, key_name, &slen) == FAIL)
return -1;
- var items = ['protocol', 'version', 'status']
+ var items = ['protocol', 'version', 'status', 'resource']
+ key_entries->copy()->map((_, v) => v[1])
# For each terminal compute the needed width, add two.
if proto == 1
&t_TI = ""
elseif proto == 2
- # Enable modifyOtherKeys level 2 - no status is reported
- &t_TI = "\<Esc>[>4;2m"
+ # Enable modifyOtherKeys level 2
+ # Request the resource value: DCS + Q modifyOtherKeys ST
+ &t_TI = "\<Esc>[>4;2m" .. "\<Esc>P+Q6d6f646966794f746865724b657973\<Esc>\\"
proto_name = 'mok2'
elseif proto == 3
# Enable Kitty keyboard protocol and request the status
# Pattern that matches the line with the version response.
const version_pattern = "\<Esc>\\[>\\d\\+;\\d\\+;\\d*c"
+ # Pattern that matches the resource value response:
+ # DCS 1 + R Pt ST valid
+ # DCS 0 + R Pt ST invalid
+ const resource_pattern = "\<Esc>P[01]+R.*\<Esc>\\\\"
# Pattern that matches the line with the status. Currently what terminals
# return for the Kitty keyboard protocol.
- const status_pattern = "\<Esc>\\[?\\d\\+u"
+ const kitty_status_pattern = "\<Esc>\\[?\\d\\+u"
ch_logfile('keylog', 'w')
if reltime(startTime)->reltimefloat() > 3
+ # break out after three seconds
keycodes[name]['protocol'] = proto_name
keycodes[name]['version'] = ''
keycodes[name]['status'] = ''
+ keycodes[name]['resource'] = ''
# Check the log file for a status and the version response
ch_logfile('', '')
var log = readfile('keylog')
for line in log
if line =~ 'raw key input'
var code = substitute(line, '.*raw key input: "\([^"]*\).*', '\1', '')
+ # Check for resource value response
+ if code =~ resource_pattern
+ var resource = substitute(code, '.*\(' .. resource_pattern .. '\).*', '\1', '')
+ # use the value as the resource, "=30" means zero
+ resource = substitute(resource, '.*\(=\p\+\).*', '\1', '')
+ if keycodes[name]['resource'] != ''
+ echomsg 'Another resource found after ' .. keycodes[name]['resource']
+ endif
+ keycodes[name]['resource'] = resource
+ endif
# Check for kitty keyboard protocol status
- if code =~ status_pattern
- var status = substitute(code, '.*\(' .. status_pattern .. '\).*', '\1', '')
- keycodes[name]['status'] = Literal2hex(status)
+ if code =~ kitty_status_pattern
+ var status = substitute(code, '.*\(' .. kitty_status_pattern .. '\).*', '\1', '')
+ # use the response itself as the status
+ status = Literal2hex(status)
+ if keycodes[name]['status'] != ''
+ echomsg 'Another status found after ' .. keycodes[name]['status']
+ endif
+ keycodes[name]['status'] = status
if code =~ version_pattern
echo "For Alt to work you may need to press the Windows/Super key as well"
echo "When a key press doesn't get to Vim (e.g. when using Alt) press x"
+ # The log of ignored typeahead is left around for debugging, start with an
+ # empty file here.
+ delete('keylog-ignore')
for entry in key_entries
# Consume any typeahead. Wait a bit for any responses to arrive.
- sleep 100m
- while getchar(1)
- getchar()
+ ch_logfile('keylog-ignore', 'a')
+ while 1
sleep 100m
+ if !getchar(1)
+ break
+ endif
+ while getchar(1)
+ getchar()
+ endwhile
+ ch_logfile('', '')
ch_logfile('keylog', 'w')
echo $'Press the {entry[0]} key (q to quit):'
if r == 'q'
log = readfile('keylog')
- if entry[1] == 'Tab'
-# keep a copy
-rename('keylog', 'keylog-tab')
- else
- delete('keylog')
- endif
+ delete('keylog')
if len(log) < 2
echoerr 'failed to read result'
code = substitute(code, cappat, '', 'g')
# Remove any kitty status reply
- code = substitute(code, status_pattern, '', 'g')
+ code = substitute(code, kitty_status_pattern, '', 'g')
if code == ''