.. module:: aepack
:platform: Mac
:synopsis: Conversion between Python variables and AppleEvent data containers.
+ :deprecated:
.. sectionauthor:: Vincent Marchetti <vincem@en.com>
.. moduleauthor:: Jack Jansen
AppleEvent descriptor is handled by Python objects of built-in type
:class:`AEDesc`, defined in module :mod:`Carbon.AE`.
+.. warning::
+ This module is removed in 3.0.
The :mod:`aepack` module defines the following functions:
.. module:: aetools
:platform: Mac
:synopsis: Basic support for sending Apple Events
+ :deprecated:
.. sectionauthor:: Jack Jansen <Jack.Jansen@cwi.nl>
.. moduleauthor:: Jack Jansen
manager, see section :ref:`osx-gui-scripts` for details. This restriction may be
lifted in future releases.
+.. warning::
+ This module is removed in 3.0.
The :mod:`aetools` module defines the following functions:
.. module:: aetypes
:platform: Mac
:synopsis: Python representation of the Apple Event Object Model.
+ :deprecated:
.. sectionauthor:: Vincent Marchetti <vincem@en.com>
.. moduleauthor:: Jack Jansen
contains object specifiers for a number of common OSA classes such as
``Document``, ``Window``, ``Character``, etc.
+.. warning::
+ This module is removed in 3.0.
The :mod:`AEObjects` module defines the following classes to represent Apple
Event descriptor data:
.. module:: autoGIL
:platform: Mac
:synopsis: Global Interpreter Lock handling in event loops.
+ :deprecated:
.. moduleauthor:: Just van Rossum <just@letterror.com>
automatically locks and unlocks Python's :term:`Global Interpreter Lock` when
running an event loop.
+.. warning::
+ This module is removed in 3.0.
.. exception:: AutoGILError
file and the finder information are encoded (or decoded), on other platforms
only the data fork is handled.
+.. warning::
+ In 3.0, special Macintosh support is removed.
The :mod:`binhex` module defines the following functions:
from Carbon import AE
-**Warning!** These modules are not yet documented. If you wish to contribute
-documentation of any of these modules, please get in touch with docs@python.org.
+.. warning::
+ The Carbon modules are removed in 3.0.
:mod:`Carbon.AE` --- Apple Events
.. module:: Carbon.AE
:platform: Mac
:synopsis: Interface to the Apple Events toolbox.
+ :deprecated:
.. module:: Carbon.AH
:platform: Mac
:synopsis: Interface to the Apple Help manager.
+ :deprecated:
.. module:: Carbon.App
:platform: Mac
:synopsis: Interface to the Appearance Manager.
+ :deprecated:
.. module:: Carbon.CF
:platform: Mac
:synopsis: Interface to the Core Foundation.
+ :deprecated:
The ``CFBase``, ``CFArray``, ``CFData``, ``CFDictionary``, ``CFString`` and
.. module:: Carbon.CG
:platform: Mac
:synopsis: Interface to Core Graphics.
+ :deprecated:
.. module:: Carbon.CarbonEvt
:platform: Mac
:synopsis: Interface to the Carbon Event Manager.
+ :deprecated:
.. module:: Carbon.Cm
:platform: Mac
:synopsis: Interface to the Component Manager.
+ :deprecated:
.. module:: Carbon.Ctl
:platform: Mac
:synopsis: Interface to the Control Manager.
+ :deprecated:
.. module:: Carbon.Dlg
:platform: Mac
:synopsis: Interface to the Dialog Manager.
+ :deprecated:
.. module:: Carbon.Evt
:platform: Mac
:synopsis: Interface to the classic Event Manager.
+ :deprecated:
.. module:: Carbon.Fm
:platform: Mac
:synopsis: Interface to the Font Manager.
+ :deprecated:
.. module:: Carbon.Folder
:platform: Mac
:synopsis: Interface to the Folder Manager.
+ :deprecated:
.. module:: Carbon.Help
:platform: Mac
:synopsis: Interface to the Carbon Help Manager.
+ :deprecated:
.. module:: Carbon.List
:platform: Mac
:synopsis: Interface to the List Manager.
+ :deprecated:
.. module:: Carbon.Menu
:platform: Mac
:synopsis: Interface to the Menu Manager.
+ :deprecated:
.. module:: Carbon.Mlte
:platform: Mac
:synopsis: Interface to the MultiLingual Text Editor.
+ :deprecated:
.. module:: Carbon.Qd
:platform: Mac
:synopsis: Interface to the QuickDraw toolbox.
+ :deprecated:
.. module:: Carbon.Qdoffs
:platform: Mac
:synopsis: Interface to the QuickDraw Offscreen APIs.
+ :deprecated:
.. module:: Carbon.Qt
:platform: Mac
:synopsis: Interface to the QuickTime toolbox.
+ :deprecated:
.. module:: Carbon.Res
:platform: Mac
:synopsis: Interface to the Resource Manager and Handles.
+ :deprecated:
:platform: Mac
:synopsis: The Scrap Manager provides basic services for implementing cut & paste and
clipboard operations.
+ :deprecated:
This module is only fully available on MacOS9 and earlier under classic PPC
.. module:: Carbon.Snd
:platform: Mac
:synopsis: Interface to the Sound Manager.
+ :deprecated:
.. module:: Carbon.TE
:platform: Mac
:synopsis: Interface to TextEdit.
+ :deprecated:
.. module:: Carbon.Win
:platform: Mac
:synopsis: Interface to the Window Manager.
+ :deprecated:
.. module:: ColorPicker
:platform: Mac
:synopsis: Interface to the standard color selection dialog.
+ :deprecated:
.. moduleauthor:: Just van Rossum <just@letterror.com>
.. sectionauthor:: Fred L. Drake, Jr. <fdrake@acm.org>
The :mod:`ColorPicker` module provides access to the standard color picker
+.. warning::
+ This module is removed in 3.0.
.. function:: GetColor(prompt, rgb)
.. module:: EasyDialogs
:platform: Mac
:synopsis: Basic Macintosh dialogs.
+ :deprecated:
The :mod:`EasyDialogs` module contains some simple dialogs for the Macintosh.
dialog items correspond (both type and item number) to those in the default
:const:`DLOG` resource. See source code for details.
+.. warning::
+ This module is removed in 3.0.
The :mod:`EasyDialogs` module defines the following functions:
.. module:: FrameWork
:platform: Mac
:synopsis: Interactive application framework.
+ :deprecated:
The :mod:`FrameWork` module contains classes that together provide a framework
dialog window in a non-standard way it is not necessary to override the complete
event handling.
+.. warning::
+ This module is removed in 3.0.
Work on the :mod:`FrameWork` has pretty much stopped, now that :mod:`PyObjC` is
available for full Cocoa access from Python, and the documentation describes
only the most important functionality, and not in the most logical manner at
.. module:: ic
:platform: Mac
:synopsis: Access to the Mac OS X Internet Config.
+ :deprecated:
This module provides access to various internet-related preferences set through
:program:`System Preferences` or the :program:`Finder`.
+.. warning::
+ This module is removed in 3.0.
.. index:: module: icglue
There is a low-level companion module :mod:`icglue` which provides the basic
modules, and the HOWTO :ref:`using-on-mac` for a general introduction to
Mac-specific Python programming.
+.. warning::
+ These modules are deprecated and are removed in 3.0
.. toctree::
.. module:: MacOS
:platform: Mac
:synopsis: Access to Mac OS-specific interpreter features.
+ :deprecated:
This module provides access to MacOS specific functionality in the Python
interpreter, such as how the interpreter eventloop functions and the like. Use
with care.
+.. warning::
+ This module is removed in 3.0.
Note the capitalization of the module name; this is a historical artifact.
.. module:: macostools
:platform: Mac
:synopsis: Convenience routines for file manipulation.
+ :deprecated:
This module contains some convenience routines for file-manipulation on the
:class:`FSSpec` objects. This module expects a filesystem which supports forked
files, so it should not be used on UFS partitions.
+.. warning::
+ This module is removed in 3.0.
The :mod:`macostools` module defines the following functions:
Read a plist from the resource with type *restype* from the resource fork of
*path*. Availability: MacOS X.
+ .. warning::
+ In 3.0, this function is removed.
.. function:: writePlistToResource(rootObject, path[, restype='plst'[, resid=0]])
Write *rootObject* as a resource with type *restype* to the resource fork of
*path*. Availability: MacOS X.
+ .. warning::
+ In 3.0, this function is removed.
The following class is available:
.. module:: applesingle
:platform: Mac
:synopsis: Rudimentary decoder for AppleSingle format files.
+ :deprecated:
+.. deprecated:: 2.6
:mod:`buildtools` --- Helper module for BuildApplet and Friends
.. module:: buildtools
:platform: Mac
:synopsis: Helper module for BuildApplet, BuildApplication and macfreeze.
+ :deprecated:
.. deprecated:: 2.4
.. module:: cfmfile
:platform: Mac
:synopsis: Code Fragment Resource module.
+ :deprecated:
:mod:`cfmfile` is a module that understands Code Fragments and the accompanying
.. module:: icopen
:platform: Mac
:synopsis: Internet Config replacement for open().
+ :deprecated:
Importing :mod:`icopen` will replace the builtin :meth:`open` with a version
that uses Internet Config to set file type and creator for new files.
+.. deprecated:: 2.6
:mod:`macerrors` --- Mac OS Errors
.. module:: macerrors
:platform: Mac
:synopsis: Constant definitions for many Mac OS error codes.
+ :deprecated:
:mod:`macerrors` contains constant definitions for many Mac OS error codes.
+.. deprecated:: 2.6
:mod:`macresource` --- Locate script resources
.. module:: macresource
:platform: Mac
:synopsis: Locate script resources.
+ :deprecated:
:mod:`macresource` helps scripts finding their resources, such as dialogs and
menus, without requiring special case code for when the script is run under
MacPython, as a MacPython applet or under OSX Python.
+.. deprecated:: 2.6
:mod:`Nav` --- NavServices calls
.. module:: Nav
:platform: Mac
:synopsis: Interface to Navigation Services.
+ :deprecated:
A low-level interface to Navigation Services.
+.. deprecated:: 2.6
:mod:`PixMapWrapper` --- Wrapper for PixMap objects
.. module:: PixMapWrapper
:platform: Mac
:synopsis: Wrapper for PixMap objects.
+ :deprecated:
:mod:`PixMapWrapper` wraps a PixMap object with a Python object that allows
access to the fields by name. It also has methods to convert to and from
:mod:`PIL` images.
+.. deprecated:: 2.6
:mod:`videoreader` --- Read QuickTime movies
.. module:: videoreader
:platform: Mac
:synopsis: Read QuickTime movies frame by frame for further processing.
+ :deprecated:
:mod:`videoreader` reads and decodes QuickTime movies and passes a stream of
images to your program. It also provides some support for audio tracks.
+.. deprecated:: 2.6
:mod:`W` --- Widgets built on :mod:`FrameWork`
.. module:: W
:platform: Mac
:synopsis: Widgets for the Mac, built on top of FrameWork.
+ :deprecated:
The :mod:`W` widgets are used extensively in the :program:`IDE`.
+.. deprecated:: 2.6
.. _obsolete-modules:
QSIZE = 100000
+from warnings import warnpy3k
+warnpy3k("In 3.x, the Play_Audio_mac module is removed.")
class Play_Audio_mac:
def __init__(self, qsize=QSIZE):
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "", FutureWarning, ".*Controls")
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "", FutureWarning, ".*MacTextEditor")
+from warnings import warnpy3k
+warnpy3k("In 3.x, Carbon is removed.")
Based upon STDWIN dialogs with the same names and functions.
+from warnings import warnpy3k
+warnpy3k("In 3.x, the EasyDialogs module is removed.")
from Carbon.Dlg import GetNewDialog, SetDialogItemText, GetDialogItemText, ModalDialog
from Carbon import Qd
from Carbon import QuickDraw
+from warnings import warnpy3k
+warnpy3k("In 3.x, the FrameWork module is removed.")
import MacOS
import traceback
only suitable for the simplest of AppleEvent servers.
+from warnings import warnpy3k
+warnpy3k("In 3.x, the MiniAEFrame module is removed.")
import traceback
import MacOS
from Carbon import AE
J. Strout <joe@strout.net> February 1999"""
+from warnings import warnpy3k
+warnpy3k("In 3.x, the PixMapWrapper module is removed.")
from Carbon import Qd
from Carbon import QuickDraw
import struct
# Apple Event Registry, chapter 9.
+from warnings import warnpy3k
+warnpy3k("In 3.x, the aepack module is removed.")
import struct
import types
from types import *
+from warnings import warnpy3k
+warnpy3k("In 3.x, the aetools module is removed.")
from types import *
from Carbon import AE
from Carbon import Evt
"""aetypes - Python objects representing various AE types."""
+from warnings import warnpy3k
+warnpy3k("In 3.x, the aetypes module is removed.")
from Carbon.AppleEvents import *
import struct
from types import *
r"""Routines to decode AppleSingle files
+from warnings import warnpy3k
+warnpy3k("In 3.x, the applesingle module is removed.")
import struct
import sys
# This script is put into __rawmain__.pyc for applets that need argv
# emulation, by BuildApplet and friends.
+from warnings import warnpy3k
+warnpy3k("In 3.x, the appletrawmain module is removed.")
import argvemulator
import os
import sys
# BuildApplet will use it as the main executable in the .app bundle if
# we are not running in a framework build.
+from warnings import warnpy3k
+warnpy3k("In 3.x, appletrunner is removed.")
import os
import sys
for name in ["__rawmain__.py", "__rawmain__.pyc", "__main__.py", "__main__.pyc"]:
want unix-style arguments.
+from warnings import warnpy3k
+warnpy3k("In 3.x, the argvemulator module is removed.")
import sys
import traceback
from Carbon import AE
import os
+from warnings import warnpy3k
+warnpy3k("In 3.x, the bgenlocations module is removed.")
Error = "bgenlocations.Error"
# Where bgen is. For unix-Python bgen isn't installed, so you have to refer to
"""tools for BuildApplet and BuildApplication"""
+import warnings
+warnings.warn("the buildtools module is deprecated and is removed in 3.0",
+ DeprecationWarning, 2)
import sys
import os
import string
import EasyDialogs
import shutil
-import warnings
-warnings.warn("the buildtools module is deprecated", DeprecationWarning, 2)
BuildError = "BuildError"
__all__ = ["BundleBuilder", "BundleBuilderError", "AppBuilder", "buildapp"]
+from warnings import warnpy3k
+warnpy3k("In 3.x, the bundlebuilder module is removed.")
import sys
import os, errno, shutil
import imp, marshal
__version__ = "0.8b3"
__author__ = "jvr"
+import warnings
+warnings.warn("the cfmfile module is deprecated and is removed in 3,0",
+ DeprecationWarning, 2)
import Carbon.File
import struct
from Carbon import Res
import os
import sys
-import warnings
-warnings.warn("the cfmfile module is deprecated", DeprecationWarning, 2)
error = "cfm.error"
Mostly written by erik@letterror.com
+from warnings import warnpy3k
+warnpy3k("In 3.x, the findertools module is removed.")
import Finder
from Carbon import AppleEvents
import aetools
Reading and understanding this code is left as an exercise to the reader.
+from warnings import warnpy3k
+warnpy3k("In 3.x, the gensuitemodule module is removed.")
import MacOS
import EasyDialogs
import os
"""IC wrapper module, based on Internet Config 1.3"""
+from warnings import warnpy3k
+warnpy3k("In 3.x, the ic module is removed.")
import icglue
import string
import sys
+from warnings import warnpy3k
+warnpy3k("In 3.x, the icopen module is removed.")
import __builtin__
_builtin_open = globals().get('_builtin_open', __builtin__.open)
Package generated from /Volumes/Sap/Applications (Mac OS 9)/Metrowerks CodeWarrior 7.0/Metrowerks CodeWarrior/CodeWarrior IDE 4.2.5
+from warnings import warnpy3k
+warnpy3k("In 3.x, the CodeWarrior package is removed.")
import aetools
Error = aetools.Error
import CodeWarrior_suite
Package generated from /Applications/Internet Explorer.app
+from warnings import warnpy3k
+warnpy3k("In 3.x, the Explorer module is removed.")
import aetools
Error = aetools.Error
import Standard_Suite
Package generated from /System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app
+from warnings import warnpy3k
+warnpy3k("In 3.x, the Finder package is removed.")
import aetools
Error = aetools.Error
import Standard_Suite
Package generated from /Volumes/Sap/Applications (Mac OS 9)/Netscape Communicator\xe2\x84\xa2 Folder/Netscape Communicator\xe2\x84\xa2
+from warnings import warnpy3k
+warnpy3k("In 3.x, the Netscape package is removed.")
import aetools
Error = aetools.Error
import Standard_Suite
Package generated from /Volumes/Sap/System Folder/Extensions/AppleScript
Resource aeut resid 0 Standard Event Suites for English
+from warnings import warnpy3k
+warnpy3k("In 3.x, the StdSuites package is removed.")
import aetools
Error = aetools.Error
import Text_Suite
Package generated from /System/Library/CoreServices/System Events.app
+from warnings import warnpy3k
+warnpy3k("In 3.x, the SystemEvents package is removed.")
import aetools
Error = aetools.Error
import Standard_Suite
Package generated from /Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app
+from warnings import warnpy3k
+warnpy3k("In 3.x, the Terminal module is removed.")
import aetools
Error = aetools.Error
import Standard_Suite
in the Required suite according to the Apple docs, but they often seem to be
in the Standard suite.
+from warnings import warnpy3k
+warnpy3k("In 3.x, the _builtinSuites module is removed.")
import aetools
import builtin_Suite
# -coding=latin1-
+from warnings import warnpy3k
+warnpy3k("In 3.x, the macerrors module is removed.")
svTempDisable = -32768 #svTempDisable
svDisabled = -32640 #Reserve range -32640 to -32768 for Apple temp disables.
fontNotOutlineErr = -32615 #bitmap font passed to routine that does outlines only
copy(src, dst) - Full copy of 'src' to 'dst'
+from warnings import warnpy3k
+warnpy3k("In 3.x, the macostools module is removed.")
from Carbon import Res
from Carbon import File, Files
import os
"""macresource - Locate and open the resources needed for a script."""
+from warnings import warnpy3k
+warnpy3k("In 3.x, the macresource module is removed.")
from Carbon import Res
import os
import sys
There is a minimal main program that works as a command line tool, but the
intention is that the end user will use this through a GUI.
+from warnings import warnpy3k
+warnpy3k("In 3.x, the pimp module is removed.")
import sys
import os
import subprocess
# Mac/OSX/PythonLauncher/doscript.m.
+from warnings import warnpy3k
+warnpy3k("In 3.x, the terminalcommand module is removed.")
import time
import os
from Carbon import AE
# Jack Jansen, August 2000
+from warnings import warnpy3k
+warnpy3k("In 3.x, the videoreader module is removed.")
import sys
from Carbon import Qt
from Carbon import QuickTime
import datetime
from cStringIO import StringIO
import re
+import warnings
def readPlist(pathOrFile):
def readPlistFromResource(path, restype='plst', resid=0):
"""Read plst resource from the resource fork of path.
+ warnings.warnpy3k("In 3.x, readPlistFromResource is removed.")
from Carbon.File import FSRef, FSGetResourceForkName
from Carbon.Files import fsRdPerm
from Carbon import Res
def writePlistToResource(rootObject, path, restype='plst', resid=0):
"""Write 'rootObject' as a plst resource to the resource fork of path.
+ warnings.warnpy3k("In 3.x, writePlistToResource is removed.")
from Carbon.File import FSRef, FSGetResourceForkName
from Carbon.Files import fsRdWrPerm
from Carbon import Res
all_platforms = ('audiodev', 'imputil', 'mutex', 'user', 'new', 'rexec',
'Bastion', 'compiler', 'dircache', 'fpformat',
'ihooks', 'mhlib')
- inclusive_platforms = {'irix':('pure',)}
+ inclusive_platforms = {'irix' : ('pure',),
+ 'darwin' : ('autoGIL', 'Carbon', 'OSATerminology',
+ 'icglue', 'Nav', 'MacOS', 'aepack', 'aetools'
+ 'aetypes', 'applesingle', 'appletrawmain',
+ 'appletrunner', 'argvemulator', 'bgenlocations',
+ 'EasyDialogs', 'macerrors', 'macostools',
+ 'findertools', 'FrameWork', 'ic',
+ 'gensuitemodule', 'icopen', 'macresource',
+ 'MiniAEFrame', 'pimp', 'PixMapWrapper',
+ 'terminalcommand', 'videoreader', '_builtinSuites',
+ 'CodeWarrior', 'Explorer', 'Finder', 'Netscape',
+ 'StdSuites', 'SystemEvents', 'Terminal', 'cfmfile',
+ 'bundlebuilder', 'buildtools', 'ColorPicker')}
optional_modules = ('bsddb185', 'Canvas', 'dl', 'linuxaudiodev', 'imageop',
void initColorPicker(void)
PyObject *m;
+ if (PyErr_WarnPy3k("In 3.x, ColorPicker is removed.", 1) < 0)
+ return;
/* Create the module and add the functions */
m = Py_InitModule4("ColorPicker", cp_methods,
PyObject *m, *d;
+ if (PyErr_WarnPy3k("In 3.x, MacOS is removed.", 1))
+ return;
m = Py_InitModule("MacOS", MacOS_Methods);
d = PyModule_GetDict(m);
PyObject *m, *d;
+ if (PyErr_WarnPy3k("In 3.x, Nav is removed.", 1))
+ return;
/* Test that we have NavServices */
if ( !NavServicesAvailable() ) {
+ if (PyErr_WarnPy3k("In 3.x, OSATerminology is removed.", 1) < 0)
+ return;
Py_InitModule("OSATerminology", OSATerminology_methods);
\ No newline at end of file
PyObject *mod;
+ if (PyErr_WarnPy3k("In 3.x, the autoGIL module is removed.", 1) < 0)
+ return;
mod = Py_InitModule4("autoGIL", autoGIL_methods, autoGIL_docs,
if (mod == NULL)
PyObject *m, *d;
+ if (PyErr_WarnPy3k("In 3.x, icglue is removed.", 1))
+ return;
/* Create the module and add the functions */
m = Py_InitModule4("icglue", ic_methods,
- pdb gained the "until" command.
+- The Mac Modules (including Carbon) have been deprecated for removal in
+ 3.0.