TEST = @echo "NOTICE: we can't run the tests when cross-compiling!"
else # if not cross-compiling:
TEST = srcdir=$(srcdir) $(PERL) $(PERLFLAGS) $(srcdir)/runtests.pl
-TEST_Q = $(TEST) -s -a
-TEST_F = $(TEST) -a -p
-TEST_T = $(TEST) -t
+TEST_Q = -s -a
+TEST_F = -a -p
+TEST_T = -t
test: all
quiet-test: all
- $(TEST_Q)
+ $(TEST) $(TEST_Q)
full-test: all
- $(TEST_F)
+ $(TEST) $(TEST_F)
torture-test: all
- $(TEST_T)
+ $(TEST) $(TEST_T)
# --mktarball=[command] Command to run after completed test
# --name=[name] Set name to report as
# --nocvsup Don't update from CVS even though it is a CVS tree
+# --runtestsopts=[options] Options to pass to runtests.pl
# --setup=[file name] File name to read setup from (deprecated)
# --target=[your os] Specify your target environment.
use vars qw($version $fixed $infixed $CURLDIR $CVS $pwd $build $buildlog
$buildlogname $configurebuild $targetos $confsuffix $binext
-use vars qw($name $email $desc $confopts $setupfile $mktarball $nocvsup
- $crosscompile);
+use vars qw($name $email $desc $confopts $runtestopts $setupfile $mktarball
+ $nocvsup $crosscompile);
# version of this script
shift @ARGV;
+ elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /--runtestopts=/) {
+ $runtestopts = (split(/=/, shift @ARGV, 2))[1];
+ }
else {
if ($configurebuild && !$crosscompile) {
- logit "run make test-full";
- open(F, "make test-full 2>&1 |") or die;
+ logit "run make TEST_F=\"$runtestopts\" test-full";
+ open(F, "make TEST_F=\"$runtestopts\" test-full 2>&1 |") or die;
open(LOG, ">$buildlog") or die;
while (<F>) {