| license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. |
| Authors: Uwe Steinmann <Uwe.Steinmann@fernuni-hagen.de> |
+ | Hartmut Holzgraefe <hartmut@six.de> |
#include "php.h"
+#include "SAPI.h"
#include "ext/standard/head.h"
+#include "php_open_temporary_file.h"
#include <math.h>
#include "php_fdf.h"
int le_fdf;
function_entry fdf_functions[] = {
PHP_FE(fdf_open, NULL)
PHP_FE(fdf_create, NULL)
+static sapi_post_entry supported_post_entries[] = {
+ { "application/vnd.fdf", sizeof("application/vnd.fdf")-1, php_default_post_reader, fdf_post_handler},
+ { NULL, 0, NULL }
+SAPI_API int sapi_add_post_entry(char *content_type, void (*post_reader)(SLS_D),
+ void (*post_handler)(char *content_type_dup, void *arg SLS_DC)) {
+ sapi_post_entry *post_entry = (sapi_post_entry *)emalloc(sizeof(sapi_post_entry));
+ if(!post_entry) return 0;
+ post_entry->content_type = estrdup(content_type);
+ if(post_entry->content_type == NULL) return 0;
+ post_entry->content_type_len = strlen(content_type);
+ post_entry->post_reader = post_reader;
+ post_entry->post_handler = post_handler;
+ return sapi_register_post_entry(post_entry);
+SAPI_API void sapi_remove_post_entry(char *content_type) {
+ sapi_post_entry *post_entry = (sapi_post_entry *)emalloc(sizeof(sapi_post_entry));
+ if(!post_entry) return;
+ post_entry->content_type = estrdup(content_type);
+ if(post_entry->content_type == NULL) return;
+ sapi_unregister_post_entry(post_entry);
+ efree(post_entry);
FDFErc err;
FDF_GLOBAL(le_fdf) = register_list_destructors(phpi_FDFClose, NULL);
+ /* add handler for Acrobat FDF form post requests */
+ sapi_add_post_entry("application/vnd.fdf", php_default_post_reader, fdf_post_handler);
/* Constants used by fdf_set_opt() */
FDFErc err;
+ /* remove handler for Acrobat FDF form post requests */
+ sapi_remove_post_entry("application/vnd.fdf");
#ifdef PHP_WIN32
return SUCCESS;
} /* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto void fdf_close(int fdfdoc)
+/* {{{ proto boolean fdf_close(int fdfdoc)
Closes the fdf document */
PHP_FUNCTION(fdf_close) {
pval **arg1;
} /* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto void fdf_create(void)
+/* {{{ proto int fdf_create(void)
Creates a new fdf document */
PHP_FUNCTION(fdf_create) {
int id;
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto void fdf_get_value(int fdfdoc, string fieldname)
+/* {{{ proto string fdf_get_value(int fdfdoc, string fieldname)
Gets the value of a field as string */
PHP_FUNCTION(fdf_get_value) {
pval **arg1, **arg2;
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto void fdf_set_value(int fdfdoc, string fieldname, string value, int isName)
+/* {{{ proto boolean fdf_set_value(int fdfdoc, string fieldname, string value, int isName)
Sets the value of a field */
PHP_FUNCTION(fdf_set_value) {
pval **arg1, **arg2, **arg3, **arg4;
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto void fdf_next_field_name(int fdfdoc [, string fieldname])
+/* {{{ proto string fdf_next_field_name(int fdfdoc [, string fieldname])
Gets the name of the next field name or the first field name */
PHP_FUNCTION(fdf_next_field_name) {
pval **argv[2];
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto void fdf_set_ap(int fdfdoc, string fieldname, int face, string filename, int pagenr)
+/* {{{ proto boolean fdf_set_ap(int fdfdoc, string fieldname, int face, string filename, int pagenr)
Sets the value of a field */
PHP_FUNCTION(fdf_set_ap) {
pval **arg1, **arg2, **arg3, **arg4, **arg5;
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto void fdf_set_status(int fdfdoc, string status)
+/* {{{ proto boolean fdf_set_status(int fdfdoc, string status)
Sets the value in the /Status key. */
PHP_FUNCTION(fdf_set_status) {
pval **arg1, **arg2;
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto void fdf_get_status(int fdfdoc)
+/* {{{ proto string fdf_get_status(int fdfdoc)
Gets the value in the /Status key. */
PHP_FUNCTION(fdf_get_status) {
pval **arg1;
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto void fdf_set_file(int fdfdoc, string filename)
+/* {{{ proto boolean fdf_set_file(int fdfdoc, string filename)
Sets the value of the FDF's /F key */
PHP_FUNCTION(fdf_set_file) {
pval **arg1, **arg2;
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto void fdf_get_file(int fdfdoc)
+/* {{{ proto string fdf_get_file(int fdfdoc)
Gets the value in the /F key. */
PHP_FUNCTION(fdf_get_file) {
pval **arg1;
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto void fdf_save(int fdfdoc, string filename)
+/* {{{ proto boolean fdf_save(int fdfdoc, string filename)
Writes out an FDF file. */
PHP_FUNCTION(fdf_save) {
pval **arg1, **arg2;
} /* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto void fdf_add_template(int fdfdoc, int newpage, string filename, string template, int rename)
+/* {{{ proto boolean fdf_add_template(int fdfdoc, int newpage, string filename, string template, int rename)
Adds a template to the FDF*/
PHP_FUNCTION(fdf_add_template) {
pval **arg1, **arg2, **arg3, **arg4, **arg5;
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto void fdf_set_flags(int fdfdoc, string fieldname, int whichFlags, int newFlags)
+/* {{{ proto boolean fdf_set_flags(int fdfdoc, string fieldname, int whichFlags, int newFlags)
modifies a flag for a field in the fdf*/
PHP_FUNCTION(fdf_set_flags) {
pval **arg1, **arg2, **arg3, **arg4;
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto void fdf_set_opt(int fdfdoc, string fieldname, int element, string value, string name)
+/* {{{ proto boolean fdf_set_opt(int fdfdoc, string fieldname, int element, string value, string name)
Sets a value in the opt array for a field in the FDF*/
PHP_FUNCTION(fdf_set_opt) {
pval **arg1, **arg2, **arg3, **arg4, **arg5;
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto void fdf_set_submit_form_action(int fdfdoc, string fieldname, int whichTrigger, string url, int flags)
+/* {{{ proto booelan fdf_set_submit_form_action(int fdfdoc, string fieldname, int whichTrigger, string url, int flags)
sets the submit form action for a field in the fdf*/
PHP_FUNCTION(fdf_set_submit_form_action) {
pval **arg1, **arg2, **arg3, **arg4, **arg5;
-/* {{{ proto void fdf_set_javascript_action(int fdfdoc, string fieldname, int whichTrigger, string script)
+/* {{{ proto boolean fdf_set_javascript_action(int fdfdoc, string fieldname, int whichTrigger, string script)
sets the javascript action for a field in the fdf*/
PHP_FUNCTION(fdf_set_javascript_action) {
pval **arg1, **arg2, **arg3, **arg4;
+ FILE *fp;
+ FDFDoc theFDF;
+ char *name=NULL,*value=NULL,*p;
+ int name_len=0,value_len=0;
+ char *lastfieldname =NULL;
+ char *strtok_buf = NULL;
+ char *filename = NULL;
+ FDFErc err;
+ ASInt32 nBytes, datalen;
+ zval *array_ptr = (zval *) arg;
+ fp=php_open_temporary_file(NULL,"fdfdata.",&filename);
+ if(!fp) {
+ if(filename) efree(filename);
+ return;
+ }
+ fwrite(SG(request_info).post_data,SG(request_info).post_data_length,1,fp);
+ fclose(fp);
+ err = FDFOpen(filename,0,&theFDF);
+ if(err==FDFErcOK){
+ name = emalloc(name_len=256);
+ value= emalloc(value_len=256);
+ while (1) {
+ err = FDFNextFieldName(theFDF,lastfieldname,name,name_len-1,&nBytes);
+ if(err == FDFErcBufTooShort && nBytes >0 ) {
+ name = erealloc(name,name_len=(nBytes+1));
+ err = FDFNextFieldName(theFDF,lastfieldname,name,name_len-1,&nBytes);
+ }
+ if(err != FDFErcOK || nBytes == 0) break;
+ if(lastfieldname) efree(lastfieldname);
+ lastfieldname = estrdup(name);
+ err = FDFGetValue(theFDF,name,NULL,0,&nBytes);
+ if(err != FDFErcOK && err != FDFErcNoValue ) break;
+ if(value_len<nBytes+1) value = erealloc(value,value_len=(nBytes+1));
+ if(nBytes>0) {
+ err = FDFGetValue(theFDF,name,value,value_len-1,&nBytes);
+ if(err == FDFErcOK && nBytes != 0) {
+ for(p=value;*p;p++) if(*p=='\r') *p='\n';
+ lastfieldname = estrdup(name);
+ php_register_variable(name, value, array_ptr ELS_CC PLS_CC);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ FDFClose(theFDF);
+ V_UNLINK((const char *)filename);
+ efree(filename);
+ if(name) efree(name);
+ if(value) efree(value);
+ if(lastfieldname) efree(lastfieldname);
+ }