# The only difference between the two is that git will do EOL conversion for text files.
# "!eol" is the equivalent of "svneol=native".
-*.bat text eol=crlf
+*.bat text !eol
*.c text !eol diff=cpp
*.cc text !eol diff=cpp
*.classpath text !eol
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\r
-<!-- Copyright (C) 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html -->\r
-<Project DefaultTargets="Build" ToolsVersion="14.0" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">\r
- <!-- This file is used to set default configuration options for all non-UWP Visual Studio projects. -->\r
- <!-- These are the default project configurations for building. -->\r
- <ItemGroup Label="ProjectConfigurations">\r
- <ProjectConfiguration Include="Debug|Win32">\r
- <Configuration>Debug</Configuration>\r
- <Platform>Win32</Platform>\r
- </ProjectConfiguration>\r
- <ProjectConfiguration Include="Debug|x64">\r
- <Configuration>Debug</Configuration>\r
- <Platform>x64</Platform>\r
- </ProjectConfiguration>\r
- <ProjectConfiguration Include="Release|Win32">\r
- <Configuration>Release</Configuration>\r
- <Platform>Win32</Platform>\r
- </ProjectConfiguration>\r
- <ProjectConfiguration Include="Release|x64">\r
- <Configuration>Release</Configuration>\r
- <Platform>x64</Platform>\r
- </ProjectConfiguration>\r
- </ItemGroup>\r
- <PropertyGroup>\r
- <!-- This is the version of the MSVC tool-set to use. -->\r
- <!-- v140 is the Visual Studio 2015 toolset. -->\r
- <!-- v141 is the Visual Studio 2017 toolset. -->\r
- <PlatformToolset>v141</PlatformToolset>\r
- </PropertyGroup>\r
- <PropertyGroup>\r
- <!-- This is the default SDK target. -->\r
- <!-- Note that the Windows 8.1 SDK is backwards compatible down-level to Windows 7, so\r
- setting this to 8.1 does not actually imply targeting Windows 8.1. -->\r
- <WindowsTargetPlatformVersion>8.1</WindowsTargetPlatformVersion>\r
- </PropertyGroup>\r
- <PropertyGroup>\r
- <!-- We need to explicitly set the target version to Windows 7. -->\r
- <Win32_WinNTVersion>0x0601</Win32_WinNTVersion>\r
- </PropertyGroup>\r
- <!-- Options that are common to *all* configurations for *all* projects. -->\r
- <ItemDefinitionGroup>\r
- <Midl>\r
- <MkTypLibCompatible>true</MkTypLibCompatible>\r
- <SuppressStartupBanner>true</SuppressStartupBanner>\r
- </Midl>\r
- <ClCompile>\r
- <!-- Note: These preprocessor defines are for *all* configurations for *all* projects. -->\r
- <!-- Note: See ticket #5750 for the macro '_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE'. -->\r
- <PreprocessorDefinitions>\r
- WINVER=$(Win32_WinNTVersion);\r
- _WIN32_WINNT=$(Win32_WinNTVersion);\r
- %(PreprocessorDefinitions)\r
- </PreprocessorDefinitions>\r
- <!-- We always want to treat wchar_t as a "real" C++ type, instead of a typedef. -->\r
- <TreatWChar_tAsBuiltInType>true</TreatWChar_tAsBuiltInType>\r
- <SuppressStartupBanner>true</SuppressStartupBanner>\r
- <!-- Set the source encoding and runtime encoding to UTF-8 by default. -->\r
- <AdditionalOptions>/utf-8 %(AdditionalOptions)</AdditionalOptions>\r
- <!-- Enable parallel compilation for faster builds. -->\r
- <MultiProcessorCompilation>true</MultiProcessorCompilation>\r
- </ClCompile>\r
- <ResourceCompile>\r
- <Culture>0x0409</Culture>\r
- </ResourceCompile>\r
- <Link>\r
- <SuppressStartupBanner>true</SuppressStartupBanner>\r
- </Link>\r
- </ItemDefinitionGroup>\r
- <!-- Options that are common to all 'Release' configurations for *all* projects. -->\r
- <ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='Release'">\r
- <Midl>\r
- <PreprocessorDefinitions>NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions>\r
- </Midl>\r
- <ClCompile>\r
- <PreprocessorDefinitions>NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions>\r
- <StringPooling>true</StringPooling>\r
- </ClCompile>\r
- <ResourceCompile>\r
- <PreprocessorDefinitions>NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions>\r
- </ResourceCompile>\r
- <Link>\r
- <EnableCOMDATFolding>true</EnableCOMDATFolding>\r
- </Link>\r
- </ItemDefinitionGroup>\r
- <!-- Options that are common to all 'Debug' configurations for *all* projects. -->\r
- <ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='Debug'">\r
- <Midl>\r
- <PreprocessorDefinitions>_DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions>\r
- </Midl>\r
- <ClCompile>\r
- <PreprocessorDefinitions>_DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions>\r
- <Optimization>Disabled</Optimization>\r
- <BasicRuntimeChecks>EnableFastChecks</BasicRuntimeChecks>\r
- <BufferSecurityCheck>true</BufferSecurityCheck>\r
- </ClCompile>\r
- <ResourceCompile>\r
- <PreprocessorDefinitions>_DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions>\r
- </ResourceCompile>\r
- <Link>\r
- <GenerateDebugInformation>true</GenerateDebugInformation>\r
- <ImageHasSafeExceptionHandlers>false</ImageHasSafeExceptionHandlers>\r
- </Link>\r
- </ItemDefinitionGroup>\r
- <!-- Options that are common to all 32-bit configurations for *all* projects. -->\r
- <ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="'$(Platform)'=='Win32'">\r
- <Midl>\r
- <TargetEnvironment>Win32</TargetEnvironment>\r
- </Midl>\r
- <ClCompile>\r
- <PreprocessorDefinitions>WIN32;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions>\r
- </ClCompile>\r
- <Link>\r
- <TargetMachine>MachineX86</TargetMachine>\r
- </Link>\r
- </ItemDefinitionGroup>\r
- <!-- Options that are common to all 64-bit configurations for *all* projects. -->\r
- <ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="'$(Platform)'=='x64'">\r
- <Midl>\r
- <TargetEnvironment>X64</TargetEnvironment>\r
- </Midl>\r
- <ClCompile>\r
- <PreprocessorDefinitions>WIN64;WIN32;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions>\r
- </ClCompile>\r
- <Link>\r
- <TargetMachine>MachineX64</TargetMachine>\r
- </Link>\r
- </ItemDefinitionGroup>\r
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!-- Copyright (C) 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html -->
+<Project DefaultTargets="Build" ToolsVersion="14.0" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
+ <!-- This file is used to set default configuration options for all non-UWP Visual Studio projects. -->
+ <!-- These are the default project configurations for building. -->
+ <ItemGroup Label="ProjectConfigurations">
+ <ProjectConfiguration Include="Debug|Win32">
+ <Configuration>Debug</Configuration>
+ <Platform>Win32</Platform>
+ </ProjectConfiguration>
+ <ProjectConfiguration Include="Debug|x64">
+ <Configuration>Debug</Configuration>
+ <Platform>x64</Platform>
+ </ProjectConfiguration>
+ <ProjectConfiguration Include="Release|Win32">
+ <Configuration>Release</Configuration>
+ <Platform>Win32</Platform>
+ </ProjectConfiguration>
+ <ProjectConfiguration Include="Release|x64">
+ <Configuration>Release</Configuration>
+ <Platform>x64</Platform>
+ </ProjectConfiguration>
+ </ItemGroup>
+ <PropertyGroup>
+ <!-- This is the version of the MSVC tool-set to use. -->
+ <!-- v140 is the Visual Studio 2015 toolset. -->
+ <!-- v141 is the Visual Studio 2017 toolset. -->
+ <PlatformToolset>v141</PlatformToolset>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ <PropertyGroup>
+ <!-- This is the default SDK target. -->
+ <!-- Note that the Windows 8.1 SDK is backwards compatible down-level to Windows 7, so
+ setting this to 8.1 does not actually imply targeting Windows 8.1. -->
+ <WindowsTargetPlatformVersion>8.1</WindowsTargetPlatformVersion>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ <PropertyGroup>
+ <!-- We need to explicitly set the target version to Windows 7. -->
+ <Win32_WinNTVersion>0x0601</Win32_WinNTVersion>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ <!-- Options that are common to *all* configurations for *all* projects. -->
+ <ItemDefinitionGroup>
+ <Midl>
+ <MkTypLibCompatible>true</MkTypLibCompatible>
+ <SuppressStartupBanner>true</SuppressStartupBanner>
+ </Midl>
+ <ClCompile>
+ <!-- Note: These preprocessor defines are for *all* configurations for *all* projects. -->
+ <!-- Note: See ticket #5750 for the macro '_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE'. -->
+ <PreprocessorDefinitions>
+ WINVER=$(Win32_WinNTVersion);
+ _WIN32_WINNT=$(Win32_WinNTVersion);
+ %(PreprocessorDefinitions)
+ </PreprocessorDefinitions>
+ <!-- We always want to treat wchar_t as a "real" C++ type, instead of a typedef. -->
+ <TreatWChar_tAsBuiltInType>true</TreatWChar_tAsBuiltInType>
+ <SuppressStartupBanner>true</SuppressStartupBanner>
+ <!-- Set the source encoding and runtime encoding to UTF-8 by default. -->
+ <AdditionalOptions>/utf-8 %(AdditionalOptions)</AdditionalOptions>
+ <!-- Enable parallel compilation for faster builds. -->
+ <MultiProcessorCompilation>true</MultiProcessorCompilation>
+ </ClCompile>
+ <ResourceCompile>
+ <Culture>0x0409</Culture>
+ </ResourceCompile>
+ <Link>
+ <SuppressStartupBanner>true</SuppressStartupBanner>
+ </Link>
+ </ItemDefinitionGroup>
+ <!-- Options that are common to all 'Release' configurations for *all* projects. -->
+ <ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='Release'">
+ <Midl>
+ <PreprocessorDefinitions>NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions>
+ </Midl>
+ <ClCompile>
+ <PreprocessorDefinitions>NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions>
+ <StringPooling>true</StringPooling>
+ </ClCompile>
+ <ResourceCompile>
+ <PreprocessorDefinitions>NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions>
+ </ResourceCompile>
+ <Link>
+ <EnableCOMDATFolding>true</EnableCOMDATFolding>
+ </Link>
+ </ItemDefinitionGroup>
+ <!-- Options that are common to all 'Debug' configurations for *all* projects. -->
+ <ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='Debug'">
+ <Midl>
+ <PreprocessorDefinitions>_DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions>
+ </Midl>
+ <ClCompile>
+ <PreprocessorDefinitions>_DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions>
+ <Optimization>Disabled</Optimization>
+ <BasicRuntimeChecks>EnableFastChecks</BasicRuntimeChecks>
+ <BufferSecurityCheck>true</BufferSecurityCheck>
+ </ClCompile>
+ <ResourceCompile>
+ <PreprocessorDefinitions>_DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions>
+ </ResourceCompile>
+ <Link>
+ <GenerateDebugInformation>true</GenerateDebugInformation>
+ <ImageHasSafeExceptionHandlers>false</ImageHasSafeExceptionHandlers>
+ </Link>
+ </ItemDefinitionGroup>
+ <!-- Options that are common to all 32-bit configurations for *all* projects. -->
+ <ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="'$(Platform)'=='Win32'">
+ <Midl>
+ <TargetEnvironment>Win32</TargetEnvironment>
+ </Midl>
+ <ClCompile>
+ <PreprocessorDefinitions>WIN32;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions>
+ </ClCompile>
+ <Link>
+ <TargetMachine>MachineX86</TargetMachine>
+ </Link>
+ </ItemDefinitionGroup>
+ <!-- Options that are common to all 64-bit configurations for *all* projects. -->
+ <ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="'$(Platform)'=='x64'">
+ <Midl>
+ <TargetEnvironment>X64</TargetEnvironment>
+ </Midl>
+ <ClCompile>
+ <PreprocessorDefinitions>WIN64;WIN32;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions>
+ </ClCompile>
+ <Link>
+ <TargetMachine>MachineX64</TargetMachine>
+ </Link>
+ </ItemDefinitionGroup>
\ No newline at end of file
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\r
-<!-- Copyright (C) 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html -->\r
-<Project DefaultTargets="Build" ToolsVersion="14.0" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">\r
- <!-- This file is used to set common configuration options for all *_uwp projects. -->\r
- <PropertyGroup>\r
- <!-- If not already set, use this version of the Win10 SDK -->\r
- <WindowsTargetPlatformVersion>10.0.16299.0</WindowsTargetPlatformVersion>\r
- <!-- If not already set, set the minimum Win10 SDK version to TH1/RTM -->\r
- <WindowsTargetPlatformMinVersion>10.0.10240.0</WindowsTargetPlatformMinVersion>\r
- \r
- <MinimumVisualStudioVersion>14.0</MinimumVisualStudioVersion>\r
- <AppContainerApplication>true</AppContainerApplication>\r
- <ApplicationType>Windows Store</ApplicationType>\r
- <ApplicationTypeRevision>10.0</ApplicationTypeRevision>\r
- </PropertyGroup>\r
- <PropertyGroup>\r
- <!-- This is the version of the MSVC tool-set to use. -->\r
- <!-- v141 is the Visual Studio 2017 toolset. -->\r
- <PlatformToolset>v141</PlatformToolset>\r
- </PropertyGroup>\r
- <ItemDefinitionGroup>\r
- <Midl>\r
- <PreprocessorDefinitions>\r
- %(PreprocessorDefinitions)\r
- </PreprocessorDefinitions>\r
- </Midl>\r
- <ClCompile>\r
- <PreprocessorDefinitions>\r
- %(PreprocessorDefinitions);\r
- </PreprocessorDefinitions>\r
- </ClCompile>\r
- <ResourceCompile>\r
- <PreprocessorDefinitions>\r
- %(PreprocessorDefinitions)\r
- </PreprocessorDefinitions>\r
- </ResourceCompile>\r
- </ItemDefinitionGroup>\r
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!-- Copyright (C) 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html -->
+<Project DefaultTargets="Build" ToolsVersion="14.0" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
+ <!-- This file is used to set common configuration options for all *_uwp projects. -->
+ <PropertyGroup>
+ <!-- If not already set, use this version of the Win10 SDK -->
+ <WindowsTargetPlatformVersion>10.0.16299.0</WindowsTargetPlatformVersion>
+ <!-- If not already set, set the minimum Win10 SDK version to TH1/RTM -->
+ <WindowsTargetPlatformMinVersion>10.0.10240.0</WindowsTargetPlatformMinVersion>
+ <MinimumVisualStudioVersion>14.0</MinimumVisualStudioVersion>
+ <AppContainerApplication>true</AppContainerApplication>
+ <ApplicationType>Windows Store</ApplicationType>
+ <ApplicationTypeRevision>10.0</ApplicationTypeRevision>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ <PropertyGroup>
+ <!-- This is the version of the MSVC tool-set to use. -->
+ <!-- v141 is the Visual Studio 2017 toolset. -->
+ <PlatformToolset>v141</PlatformToolset>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ <ItemDefinitionGroup>
+ <Midl>
+ <PreprocessorDefinitions>
+ %(PreprocessorDefinitions)
+ </PreprocessorDefinitions>
+ </Midl>
+ <ClCompile>
+ <PreprocessorDefinitions>
+ %(PreprocessorDefinitions);
+ </PreprocessorDefinitions>
+ </ClCompile>
+ <ResourceCompile>
+ <PreprocessorDefinitions>
+ %(PreprocessorDefinitions)
+ </PreprocessorDefinitions>
+ </ResourceCompile>
+ </ItemDefinitionGroup>
\ No newline at end of file
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\r
-<!-- Copyright (C) 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html -->\r
- This file is used to copy all of the header files (*.h) from a project's "unicode" folder to a common output folder.\r
-<Project ToolsVersion="14.0" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">\r
- <PropertyGroup>\r
- <!-- This is the location of the common output folder. -->\r
- <CopyDestionationPath>$(SolutionDir)\..\..\include\unicode</CopyDestionationPath>\r
- <BuildDependsOn>\r
- $(BuildDependsOn);\r
- CopyUnicodeHeaderFiles;\r
- </BuildDependsOn>\r
- </PropertyGroup>\r
- <Target Name="CopyUnicodeHeaderFiles">\r
- <ItemGroup>\r
- <!-- Generate a list of all files that end in .h from the 'unicode' folder, relative to the current project. -->\r
- <OutputFiles Include=".\unicode\**\*.h" />\r
- </ItemGroup>\r
- <!-- This message will be logged in the project's build output. -->\r
- <Message Text="Copying @(OutputFiles->Count()) header files to $(CopyDestionationPath). Files copied: @(OutputFiles)" Importance="high"/>\r
- <!-- Perform the copy. -->\r
- <Copy SourceFiles="@(OutputFiles)" \r
- DestinationFolder="$(CopyDestionationPath)\%(RecursiveDir)"\r
- SkipUnchangedFiles="false"></Copy>\r
- </Target>\r
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!-- Copyright (C) 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html -->
+ This file is used to copy all of the header files (*.h) from a project's "unicode" folder to a common output folder.
+<Project ToolsVersion="14.0" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
+ <PropertyGroup>
+ <!-- This is the location of the common output folder. -->
+ <CopyDestionationPath>$(SolutionDir)\..\..\include\unicode</CopyDestionationPath>
+ <BuildDependsOn>
+ $(BuildDependsOn);
+ CopyUnicodeHeaderFiles;
+ </BuildDependsOn>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ <Target Name="CopyUnicodeHeaderFiles">
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <!-- Generate a list of all files that end in .h from the 'unicode' folder, relative to the current project. -->
+ <OutputFiles Include=".\unicode\**\*.h" />
+ </ItemGroup>
+ <!-- This message will be logged in the project's build output. -->
+ <Message Text="Copying @(OutputFiles->Count()) header files to $(CopyDestionationPath). Files copied: @(OutputFiles)" Importance="high"/>
+ <!-- Perform the copy. -->
+ <Copy SourceFiles="@(OutputFiles)"
+ DestinationFolder="$(CopyDestionationPath)\%(RecursiveDir)"
+ SkipUnchangedFiles="false"></Copy>
+ </Target>
\ No newline at end of file
-@echo off\r
-REM Copyright (C) 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.\r
-REM License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html\r
-REM ********************************************************************\r
-REM Don't add additional global environment variables, keep the variables local to this script.\r
-rem setlocal\r
-set ICU_ARCH=%1\r
-set ICU_DBRL=%2\r
-if "%1" == "" (\r
- echo Usage: %0 "x86 or x64" "Debug or Release"\r
- exit /b 1\r
-if "%2" == "" (\r
- echo Usage: %0 %1 "Debug or Release"\r
- exit /b 1\r
-set ICU_ICUDIR="%~dp0"\..\..\..\r
-set ICU_SAMPLESDIR=%ICU_ICUDIR%\source\samples\r
-if "%ICU_ARCH%" == "x64" (\r
- set ICU_BINDIR=%~dp0..\..\..\bin64\r
-) else (\r
- set ICU_BINDIR=%~dp0..\..\..\bin\r
-if not exist "%ICU_BINDIR%" (\r
- echo Error '%ICU_BINDIR%' does not exist!\r
- echo Have you built all of ICU yet ?\r
- goto :eof\r
-echo Testing ICU samples in %ICU_ICUDIR% arch=%ICU_ARCH% type=%ICU_DBRL%\r
-pushd %ICU_BINDIR%\r
-set SAMPLE_DATEFMT=%ICU_SAMPLESDIR%\datefmt\%ICU_ARCH%\%ICU_DBRL%\datefmt.exe\r
-set SAMPLE_DTITVFMT=%ICU_SAMPLESDIR%\dtitvfmtsample\%ICU_ARCH%\%ICU_DBRL%\dtitvfmtsample.exe\r
-set SAMPLE_DTPTNG=%ICU_SAMPLESDIR%\dtptngsample\%ICU_ARCH%\%ICU_DBRL%\dtptngsample.exe\r
-set SAMPLE_PLURFMTSAMPLE=%ICU_SAMPLESDIR%\plurfmtsample\%ICU_ARCH%\%ICU_DBRL%\plurfmtsample.exe\r
-set SAMPLE_STRSRCH=%ICU_SAMPLESDIR%\strsrch\%ICU_ARCH%\%ICU_DBRL%\strsrch.exe\r
-set SAMPLE_TRANSLIT=%ICU_SAMPLESDIR%\translit\%ICU_ARCH%\%ICU_DBRL%\translit.exe\r
-set SAMPLE_UCITER8=%ICU_SAMPLESDIR%\uciter8\%ICU_ARCH%\%ICU_DBRL%\uciter8.exe\r
-REM udata needs changes to the vcxproj to change the output locations for writer/reader.\r
-set SAMPLE_UFORTUNE=%ICU_SAMPLESDIR%\ufortune\%ICU_ARCH%\%ICU_DBRL%\ufortune.exe\r
-REM There is also the 'resources' project in VS.\r
-set SAMPLE_USTRING=%ICU_SAMPLESDIR%\ustring\%ICU_ARCH%\%ICU_DBRL%\ustring.exe\r
-@set THT=break\r
-@echo ==== %THT% =========================================================================\r
-if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SampleError\r
-@set THT=cal\r
-@echo ==== %THT% =========================================================================\r
-if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SampleError\r
-@set THT=case\r
-@echo ==== %THT% =========================================================================\r
-if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SampleError\r
-@set THT=citer\r
-@echo ==== %THT% =========================================================================\r
-if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SampleError\r
-@set THT=coll\r
-@echo ==== %THT% =========================================================================\r
-if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SampleError\r
-@set THT=csdet\r
-@echo ==== %THT% =========================================================================\r
-%SAMPLE_CSDET% %ICU_SAMPLESDIR%\csdet\readme.txt\r
-if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SampleError\r
-@set THT=date\r
-@echo ==== %THT% =========================================================================\r
-if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SampleError\r
-@set THT=datefmt\r
-@echo ==== %THT% =========================================================================\r
-if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SampleError\r
-@set THT=dtitvfmtsample\r
-@echo ==== %THT% =========================================================================\r
-if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SampleError\r
-@set THT=dtptngsample\r
-@echo ==== %THT% =========================================================================\r
-pushd %ICU_SAMPLESDIR%\dtptngsample\%ICU_ARCH%\%ICU_DBRL%\r
-if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SampleError\r
-@set THT=msgfmt\r
-@echo ==== %THT% =========================================================================\r
-%SAMPLE_MSGFMT% arg1 arg2\r
-if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SampleError\r
-@set THT=numfmt\r
-@echo ==== %THT% =========================================================================\r
-if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SampleError\r
-@set THT=plurfmtsample\r
-@echo ==== %THT% =========================================================================\r
-if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SampleError\r
-@set THT=props\r
-@echo ==== %THT% =========================================================================\r
-if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SampleError\r
-@set THT=strsrch\r
-@echo ==== %THT% =========================================================================\r
-if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SampleError\r
-@set THT=translit\r
-@echo ==== %THT% =========================================================================\r
-if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SampleError\r
-@set THT=citer8\r
-@echo ==== %THT% =========================================================================\r
-if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SampleError\r
-@set THT=ucnv\r
-@echo ==== %THT% =========================================================================\r
-pushd %ICU_SAMPLESDIR%\ucnv\r
-if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SampleError\r
-REM TODO: udata needs changes to the vcxproj file to fix the output locations for writer/reader.\r
-@set THT=udata\r
-@echo ==== %THT% =========================================================================\r
-@echo TODO: udata needs changes to the vcxproj file to fix the output locations for writer/reader.\r
-@echo Skipping %THT%\r
-if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SampleError\r
-@set THT=ufortune\r
-@echo ==== %THT% =========================================================================\r
-if "%ICU_ARCH%" == "x64" (\r
- @echo The ufortune sample currently only runs on x86.\r
- @echo Skipping %THT%.\r
-) else (\r
- if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SampleError\r
-@set THT=ugrep\r
-@echo ==== %THT% =========================================================================\r
-echo Looking for "ICU" in '%ICU_SAMPLESDIR%\ugrep\readme.txt' with ugrep.exe \r
-%SAMPLE_UGREP% ICU %ICU_SAMPLESDIR%\ugrep\readme.txt\r
-if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SampleError\r
-@set THT=uresb\r
-@echo ==== %THT% =========================================================================\r
-pushd %ICU_SAMPLESDIR%\uresb\r
-%SAMPLE_URESB% root\r
-if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SampleError\r
-@set THT=ustring\r
-@echo ==== %THT% =========================================================================\r
-if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SampleError\r
-rem All done\r
-goto :QuitWithNoError\r
- echo.\r
- echo ERROR: Sample program %THT% did not exit cleanly. Stopping execution.\r
- echo.\r
- goto :QuitWithError\r
- echo.\r
- popd\r
- exit /b 0\r
- echo.\r
- popd\r
- rem Exit with non-zero error code.\r
- exit /b 1\r
+@echo off
+REM Copyright (C) 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+REM License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
+REM ********************************************************************
+REM Don't add additional global environment variables, keep the variables local to this script.
+rem setlocal
+set ICU_ARCH=%1
+set ICU_DBRL=%2
+if "%1" == "" (
+ echo Usage: %0 "x86 or x64" "Debug or Release"
+ exit /b 1
+if "%2" == "" (
+ echo Usage: %0 %1 "Debug or Release"
+ exit /b 1
+set ICU_ICUDIR="%~dp0"\..\..\..
+set ICU_SAMPLESDIR=%ICU_ICUDIR%\source\samples
+if "%ICU_ARCH%" == "x64" (
+ set ICU_BINDIR=%~dp0..\..\..\bin64
+) else (
+ set ICU_BINDIR=%~dp0..\..\..\bin
+if not exist "%ICU_BINDIR%" (
+ echo Error '%ICU_BINDIR%' does not exist!
+ echo Have you built all of ICU yet ?
+ goto :eof
+echo Testing ICU samples in %ICU_ICUDIR% arch=%ICU_ARCH% type=%ICU_DBRL%
+pushd %ICU_BINDIR%
+set SAMPLE_DTITVFMT=%ICU_SAMPLESDIR%\dtitvfmtsample\%ICU_ARCH%\%ICU_DBRL%\dtitvfmtsample.exe
+set SAMPLE_DTPTNG=%ICU_SAMPLESDIR%\dtptngsample\%ICU_ARCH%\%ICU_DBRL%\dtptngsample.exe
+set SAMPLE_PLURFMTSAMPLE=%ICU_SAMPLESDIR%\plurfmtsample\%ICU_ARCH%\%ICU_DBRL%\plurfmtsample.exe
+set SAMPLE_UCITER8=%ICU_SAMPLESDIR%\uciter8\%ICU_ARCH%\%ICU_DBRL%\uciter8.exe
+REM udata needs changes to the vcxproj to change the output locations for writer/reader.
+REM There is also the 'resources' project in VS.
+@set THT=break
+@echo ==== %THT% =========================================================================
+if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SampleError
+@set THT=cal
+@echo ==== %THT% =========================================================================
+if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SampleError
+@set THT=case
+@echo ==== %THT% =========================================================================
+if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SampleError
+@set THT=citer
+@echo ==== %THT% =========================================================================
+if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SampleError
+@set THT=coll
+@echo ==== %THT% =========================================================================
+if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SampleError
+@set THT=csdet
+@echo ==== %THT% =========================================================================
+%SAMPLE_CSDET% %ICU_SAMPLESDIR%\csdet\readme.txt
+if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SampleError
+@set THT=date
+@echo ==== %THT% =========================================================================
+if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SampleError
+@set THT=datefmt
+@echo ==== %THT% =========================================================================
+if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SampleError
+@set THT=dtitvfmtsample
+@echo ==== %THT% =========================================================================
+if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SampleError
+@set THT=dtptngsample
+@echo ==== %THT% =========================================================================
+pushd %ICU_SAMPLESDIR%\dtptngsample\%ICU_ARCH%\%ICU_DBRL%
+if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SampleError
+@set THT=msgfmt
+@echo ==== %THT% =========================================================================
+%SAMPLE_MSGFMT% arg1 arg2
+if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SampleError
+@set THT=numfmt
+@echo ==== %THT% =========================================================================
+if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SampleError
+@set THT=plurfmtsample
+@echo ==== %THT% =========================================================================
+if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SampleError
+@set THT=props
+@echo ==== %THT% =========================================================================
+if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SampleError
+@set THT=strsrch
+@echo ==== %THT% =========================================================================
+if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SampleError
+@set THT=translit
+@echo ==== %THT% =========================================================================
+if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SampleError
+@set THT=citer8
+@echo ==== %THT% =========================================================================
+if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SampleError
+@set THT=ucnv
+@echo ==== %THT% =========================================================================
+pushd %ICU_SAMPLESDIR%\ucnv
+if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SampleError
+REM TODO: udata needs changes to the vcxproj file to fix the output locations for writer/reader.
+@set THT=udata
+@echo ==== %THT% =========================================================================
+@echo TODO: udata needs changes to the vcxproj file to fix the output locations for writer/reader.
+@echo Skipping %THT%
+if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SampleError
+@set THT=ufortune
+@echo ==== %THT% =========================================================================
+if "%ICU_ARCH%" == "x64" (
+ @echo The ufortune sample currently only runs on x86.
+ @echo Skipping %THT%.
+) else (
+ if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SampleError
+@set THT=ugrep
+@echo ==== %THT% =========================================================================
+echo Looking for "ICU" in '%ICU_SAMPLESDIR%\ugrep\readme.txt' with ugrep.exe
+if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SampleError
+@set THT=uresb
+@echo ==== %THT% =========================================================================
+pushd %ICU_SAMPLESDIR%\uresb
+if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SampleError
+@set THT=ustring
+@echo ==== %THT% =========================================================================
+if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SampleError
+rem All done
+goto :QuitWithNoError
+ echo.
+ echo ERROR: Sample program %THT% did not exit cleanly. Stopping execution.
+ echo.
+ goto :QuitWithError
+ echo.
+ popd
+ exit /b 0
+ echo.
+ popd
+ rem Exit with non-zero error code.
+ exit /b 1