+++ /dev/null
- * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Sergey Lyubka <valenok@gmail.com>
- * All rights reserved
- *
- * "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
- * Sergey Lyubka wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you
- * can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think
- * this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return.
- */
-#include "defs.h"
-static int isbyte(int n) { return (n >= 0 && n <= 255); }
-static void
-set_acl(struct shttpd_ctx *ctx, const char *s)
- struct acl *acl = NULL;
- char flag;
- int len, a, b, c, d, n, mask;
- struct llhead *lp, *tmp;
- /* Delete the old ACLs if any */
- LL_FOREACH_SAFE(&ctx->acl, lp, tmp)
- free(LL_ENTRY(lp, struct acl, link));
- mask = 32;
- if (sscanf(s, "%c%d.%d.%d.%d%n",&flag,&a,&b,&c,&d,&n) != 5) {
- elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "[%s]: subnet must be "
- "[+|-]x.x.x.x[/x]", s);
- } else if (flag != '+' && flag != '-') {
- elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "flag must be + or -: [%s]", s);
- } else if (!isbyte(a)||!isbyte(b)||!isbyte(c)||!isbyte(d)) {
- elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "bad ip address: [%s]", s);
- } else if ((acl = malloc(sizeof(*acl))) == NULL) {
- elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "%s", "cannot malloc subnet");
- } else if (sscanf(s + n, "/%d", &mask) == 0) {
- /* Do nothing, no mask specified */
- } else if (mask < 0 || mask > 32) {
- elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "bad subnet mask: %d [%s]", n, s);
- }
- acl->ip = (a << 24) | (b << 16) | (c << 8) | d;
- acl->mask = mask ? 0xffffffffU << (32 - mask) : 0;
- acl->flag = flag;
- LL_TAIL(&ctx->acl, &acl->link);
- }
-#ifndef NO_SSL
- * Dynamically load SSL library. Set up ctx->ssl_ctx pointer.
- */
-static void
-set_ssl(struct shttpd_ctx *ctx, const char *pem)
- void *lib;
- struct ssl_func *fp;
- /* Load SSL library dynamically */
- if ((lib = dlopen(SSL_LIB, RTLD_LAZY)) == NULL)
- elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "set_ssl: cannot load %s", SSL_LIB);
- for (fp = ssl_sw; fp->name != NULL; fp++)
- if ((fp->ptr.v_void = dlsym(lib, fp->name)) == NULL)
- elog(E_FATAL, NULL,"set_ssl: cannot find %s", fp->name);
- /* Initialize SSL crap */
- SSL_library_init();
- if ((CTX = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_server_method())) == NULL)
- elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "SSL_CTX_new error");
- else if (SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(CTX, pem, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) == 0)
- elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "cannot open %s", pem);
- else if (SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(CTX, pem, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) == 0)
- elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "cannot open %s", pem);
- ctx->ssl_ctx = CTX;
-#endif /* NO_SSL */
-static void
-open_log_file(FILE **fpp, const char *path)
- if (*fpp != NULL)
- (void) fclose(*fpp);
- if (path == NULL) {
- *fpp = NULL;
- } else if ((*fpp = fopen(path, "a")) == NULL) {
- elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "cannot open log file %s: %s",
- path, strerror(errno));
- }
-static void
-set_alog(struct shttpd_ctx *ctx, const char *path)
- open_log_file(&ctx->access_log, path);
-static void
-set_elog(struct shttpd_ctx *ctx, const char *path)
- open_log_file(&ctx->error_log, path);
-static void show_cfg_page(struct shttpd_arg *arg);
-static void
-set_cfg_uri(struct shttpd_ctx *ctx, const char *uri)
- free_list(&ctx->registered_uris, ®istered_uri_destructor);
- if (uri != NULL) {
- shttpd_register_uri(ctx, uri, &show_cfg_page, ctx);
- }
-static void
-set_ports(struct shttpd_ctx *ctx, const char *p)
- int len, is_ssl;
- free_list(&ctx->listeners, &listener_destructor);
- is_ssl = p[len - 1] == 's' ? 1 : 0;
- if (shttpd_listen(ctx, atoi(p), is_ssl) == -1)
- elog(E_FATAL, NULL,
- "Cannot open socket on port %d", atoi(p));
- }
-static const struct opt {
- int index; /* Index in shttpd_ctx */
- const char *name; /* Option name in config file */
- const char *description; /* Description */
- const char *default_value; /* Default option value */
- void (*setter)(struct shttpd_ctx *, const char *);
-} known_options[] = {
- {OPT_ROOT, "root", "\tWeb root directory", ".", NULL},
- {OPT_INDEX_FILES, "index_files", "Index files", INDEX_FILES, NULL},
- {OPT_PORTS, "ports", "Listening ports", LISTENING_PORTS, set_ports},
- {OPT_DIR_LIST, "dir_list", "Directory listing", "1", NULL},
- {OPT_CFG_URI, "cfg_uri", "Config uri", NULL, set_cfg_uri},
- {OPT_PROTECT, "protect", "URI to htpasswd mapping", NULL, NULL},
-#ifndef NO_CGI
- {OPT_CGI_EXTENSIONS, "cgi_ext", "CGI extensions", CGI_EXT, NULL},
- {OPT_CGI_INTERPRETER, "cgi_interp", "CGI interpreter", NULL, NULL},
- {OPT_CGI_ENVIRONMENT, "cgi_env", "Additional CGI env vars", NULL, NULL},
-#endif /* NO_CGI */
- {OPT_SSI_EXTENSIONS, "ssi_ext", "SSI extensions", SSI_EXT, NULL},
-#ifndef NO_AUTH
- {OPT_AUTH_REALM, "auth_realm", "Authentication domain name",REALM,NULL},
- {OPT_AUTH_GPASSWD, "auth_gpass", "Global passwords file", NULL, NULL},
- {OPT_AUTH_PUT, "auth_PUT", "PUT,DELETE auth file", NULL, NULL},
-#endif /* !NO_AUTH */
- {OPT_ACCESS_LOG, "access_log", "Access log file", NULL, set_alog},
- {OPT_ERROR_LOG, "error_log", "Error log file", NULL, set_elog},
- {OPT_MIME_TYPES, "mime_types", "Additional mime types list", NULL,NULL},
-#ifndef NO_SSL
- {OPT_SSL_CERTIFICATE, "ssl_cert", "SSL certificate file", NULL,set_ssl},
-#endif /* NO_SSL */
- {OPT_ALIASES, "aliases", "Path=URI mappings", NULL, NULL},
- {OPT_ACL, "acl", "\tAllow/deny IP addresses/subnets", NULL, set_acl},
-#ifdef _WIN32
- {OPT_INETD, "inetd", "Inetd mode", "0", NULL},
- {OPT_UID, "uid", "\tRun as user", NULL, NULL},
-#endif /* _WIN32 */
-void shttpd_set_option(struct shttpd_ctx *ctx, const char *opt, const char *val)
- const struct opt *o;
- for (o = known_options; o->name != NULL; o++)
- if (!strcmp(opt, o->name))
- break;
- if (o->name == NULL)
- elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "no such option: [%s]", opt);
- /* Call option setter first, so it can use both new and old values */
- if (o->setter != NULL)
- o->setter(ctx, val);
- /* Free old value if any */
- if (ctx->options[o->index] != NULL)
- free(ctx->options[o->index]);
- /* Set new option value */
- ctx->options[o->index] = val ? my_strdup(val) : NULL;
-static void
-show_cfg_page(struct shttpd_arg *arg)
- struct shttpd_ctx *ctx = arg->user_data;
- char opt_name[20], value[BUFSIZ];
- const struct opt *o;
- opt_name[0] = value[0] = '\0';
- if (!strcmp(shttpd_get_env(arg, "REQUEST_METHOD"), "POST")) {
- if (arg->flags & SHTTPD_MORE_POST_DATA)
- return;
- (void) shttpd_get_var("o", arg->in.buf, arg->in.len,
- opt_name, sizeof(opt_name));
- (void) shttpd_get_var("v", arg->in.buf, arg->in.len,
- value, sizeof(value));
- shttpd_set_option(ctx, opt_name, value[0] ? value : NULL);
- }
- shttpd_printf(arg, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n"
- "<html><body><h1>SHTTPD v. %s</h1>", shttpd_version());
- shttpd_printf(arg, "%s", "<table border=1"
- "<tr><th>Option</th><th>Description</th>"
- "<th colspan=2>Value</th></tr>");
- if (opt_name[0] != '\0' && value[0] != '\0')
- shttpd_printf(arg, "<p style='color: green'>Saved: %s=%s</p>",
- opt_name, value[0] ? value : "NULL");
- for (o = known_options; o->name != NULL; o++) {
- shttpd_printf(arg,
- "<form method=post><tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td>"
- "<input type=hidden name=o value='%s'>"
- "<td><input type=text name=v value='%s'></td>"
- "<td><input type=submit value=save></td></form></tr>",
- o->name, o->description, o->name,
- ctx->options[o->index] ? ctx->options[o->index] : "");
- }
- shttpd_printf(arg, "%s", "</table></body></html>");
- arg->flags |= SHTTPD_END_OF_OUTPUT;
- * Show usage string and exit.
- */
-usage(const char *prog)
- const struct opt *o;
- (void) fprintf(stderr,
- "SHTTPD version %s (c) Sergey Lyubka\n"
- "usage: %s [options] [config_file]\n", VERSION, prog);
-#if !defined(NO_AUTH)
- fprintf(stderr, " -A <htpasswd_file> <realm> <user> <passwd>\n");
-#endif /* NO_AUTH */
- for (o = known_options; o->name != NULL; o++) {
- (void) fprintf(stderr, " -%s\t%s", o->name, o->description);
- if (o->default_value != NULL)
- fprintf(stderr, " (default: %s)", o->default_value);
- fputc('\n', stderr);
- }
-struct shttpd_ctx *shttpd_init(void)
- struct shttpd_ctx *ctx;
- struct tm *tm;
- const struct opt *o;
- if ((ctx = calloc(1, sizeof(*ctx))) == NULL)
- elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "cannot allocate shttpd context");
- /* Set default values */
- for (o = known_options; o->name != NULL; o++) {
- ctx->options[o->index] = o->default_value == NULL ?
- NULL : my_strdup(o->default_value);
- }
- current_time = ctx->start_time = time(NULL);
- tm = localtime(¤t_time);
- tz_offset = 0;
-#if 0
- tm->tm_gmtoff - 3600 * (tm->tm_isdst > 0 ? 1 : 0);
- InitializeCriticalSection(&ctx->mutex);
- LL_INIT(&ctx->connections);
- LL_INIT(&ctx->registered_uris);
- LL_INIT(&ctx->error_handlers);
- LL_INIT(&ctx->acl);
-#if !defined(NO_SSI)
- LL_INIT(&ctx->ssi_funcs);
- LL_INIT(&ctx->listeners);
-#ifdef _WIN32
- {WSADATA data; WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &data);}
-#endif /* _WIN32 */
- return (ctx);
* Small and portable HTTP server, http://shttpd.sourceforge.net
- * $Id: shttpd.c,v 1.28 2008/02/17 21:45:09 drozd Exp $
+ * $Id: shttpd.c,v 1.44 2008/05/31 18:20:02 drozd Exp $
#include "defs.h"
-time_t current_time; /* Current UTC time */
-int tz_offset; /* Time zone offset from UTC */
+time_t current_time; /* Current UTC time */
+int tz_offset; /* Time zone offset from UTC */
+int exit_flag; /* Program exit flag */
const struct vec known_http_methods[] = {
{"GET", 3},
{NULL, 0}
-struct listener {
- struct llhead link;
- struct shttpd_ctx *ctx; /* Context that socket belongs */
- int sock; /* Listening socket */
- int is_ssl; /* Should be SSL-ed */
* This structure tells how HTTP headers must be parsed.
* Used by parse_headers() function.
struct shttpd_ctx *init_ctx(const char *config_file, int argc, char *argv[]);
static void process_connection(struct conn *, int, int);
+is_true(const char *str)
+ static const char *trues[] = {"1", "yes", "true", "jawohl", NULL};
+ const char **p;
+ for (p = trues; *p != NULL; p++)
+ if (str && !strcmp(str, *p))
+ return (TRUE);
+ return (FALSE);
+static void
+free_list(struct llhead *head, void (*dtor)(struct llhead *))
+ struct llhead *lp, *tmp;
+ LL_FOREACH_SAFE(head, lp, tmp) {
+ LL_DEL(lp);
+ dtor(lp);
+ }
+static void
+listener_destructor(struct llhead *lp)
+ struct listener *listener = LL_ENTRY(lp, struct listener, link);
+ (void) closesocket(listener->sock);
+ free(listener);
+static void
+registered_uri_destructor(struct llhead *lp)
+ struct registered_uri *ruri = LL_ENTRY(lp, struct registered_uri, link);
+ free((void *) ruri->uri);
+ free(ruri);
+static void
+acl_destructor(struct llhead *lp)
+ struct acl *acl = LL_ENTRY(lp, struct acl, link);
+ free(acl);
url_decode(const char *src, int src_len, char *dst, int dst_len)
DBG(("%d %s stopped. %lu of content data, %d now in a buffer",
stream->io_class ? stream->io_class->name : "(null)",
- (unsigned long) stream->io.total, io_data_len(&stream->io)));
+ (unsigned long) stream->io.total, (int) io_data_len(&stream->io)));
* Setup listening socket on given port, return socket
static int
-open_listening_port(int port)
+shttpd_open_listening_port(int port)
int sock, on = 1;
struct usa sa;
return (-1);
static void
decide_what_to_do(struct conn *c)
send_server_error(c, 400, "Request is too big");
- io_inc_tail(&c->rem.io, req_len);
if (req_len == 0) {
} else if (req_len < 16) { /* Minimal: "GET / HTTP/1.0\n\n" */
if (c->loc.flags & FLAG_CLOSED)
+ io_inc_tail(&c->rem.io, req_len);
DBG(("Conn %d: parsing request: [%.*s]", c->rem.chan.sock, req_len, s));
c->rem.flags |= FLAG_HEADERS_PARSED;
-shttpd_add_socket(struct shttpd_ctx *ctx, int sock, int is_ssl)
+static void
+add_socket(struct worker *worker, int sock, int is_ssl)
- struct conn *c;
- struct usa sa;
- int l = IS_TRUE(ctx, OPT_INETD) ? E_FATAL : E_LOG;
+ struct shttpd_ctx *ctx = worker->ctx;
+ struct conn *c;
+ struct usa sa;
+ int l = IS_TRUE(ctx, OPT_INETD) ? E_FATAL : E_LOG;
#if !defined(NO_SSL)
SSL *ssl = NULL;
+ is_ssl = is_ssl; /* supress warnings */
#endif /* NO_SSL */
sa.len = sizeof(sa.u.sin);
(void) closesocket(sock);
elog(l, NULL, "add_socket: calloc: %s", strerror(ERRNO));
} else {
- ctx->nrequests++;
- c->rem.conn = c->loc.conn = c;
+ c->rem.conn = c->loc.conn = c;
c->ctx = ctx;
+ c->worker = worker;
c->sa = sa;
c->birth_time = current_time;
c->expire_time = current_time + EXPIRE_TIME;
#endif /* NO_SSL */
- EnterCriticalSection(&ctx->mutex);
- LL_TAIL(&ctx->connections, &c->link);
- ctx->nactive++;
- LeaveCriticalSection(&ctx->mutex);
+ LL_TAIL(&worker->connections, &c->link);
+ worker->num_conns++;
DBG(("%s:%hu connected (socket %d)",
inet_ntoa(* (struct in_addr *) &sa.u.sin.sin_addr.s_addr),
-shttpd_active(struct shttpd_ctx *ctx)
+static struct worker *
+first_worker(struct shttpd_ctx *ctx)
- return (ctx->nactive);
+ return (LL_ENTRY(ctx->workers.next, struct worker, link));
- * Setup a listening socket on given port. Return opened socket or -1
- */
-shttpd_listen(struct shttpd_ctx *ctx, int port, int is_ssl)
+static void
+pass_socket(struct shttpd_ctx *ctx, int sock, int is_ssl)
- struct listener *l;
- int sock;
+ struct llhead *lp;
+ struct worker *worker, *lazy;
+ int buf[3];
- if ((sock = open_listening_port(port)) == -1) {
- elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "cannot open port %d", port);
- } else if ((l = calloc(1, sizeof(*l))) == NULL) {
- (void) closesocket(sock);
- elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "cannot allocate listener");
- } else if (is_ssl && ctx->ssl_ctx == NULL) {
- (void) closesocket(sock);
- elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "cannot add SSL socket, "
- "please specify certificate file");
- } else {
- l->is_ssl = is_ssl;
- l->sock = sock;
- l->ctx = ctx;
- LL_TAIL(&ctx->listeners, &l->link);
- DBG(("shttpd_listen: added socket %d", sock));
+ lazy = first_worker(ctx);
+ /* Find least busy worker */
+ LL_FOREACH(&ctx->workers, lp) {
+ worker = LL_ENTRY(lp, struct worker, link);
+ if (worker->num_conns < lazy->num_conns)
+ lazy = worker;
- return (sock);
+ buf[0] = CTL_PASS_SOCKET;
+ buf[1] = sock;
+ buf[2] = is_ssl;
+ (void) send(lazy->ctl[1], (void *) buf, sizeof(buf), 0);
-shttpd_accept(int lsn_sock, int milliseconds)
+static void
+set_ports(struct shttpd_ctx *ctx, const char *p)
- struct timeval tv;
- struct usa sa;
- fd_set read_set;
- int sock = -1;
- tv.tv_sec = milliseconds / 1000;
- tv.tv_usec = milliseconds % 1000;
- sa.len = sizeof(sa.u.sin);
- FD_ZERO(&read_set);
- FD_SET(lsn_sock, &read_set);
- if (select(lsn_sock + 1, &read_set, NULL, NULL, &tv) == 1)
- sock = accept(lsn_sock, &sa.u.sa, &sa.len);
+ int sock, len, is_ssl, port;
+ struct listener *l;
- return (sock);
+ free_list(&ctx->listeners, &listener_destructor);
+ is_ssl = p[len - 1] == 's' ? 1 : 0;
+ port = atoi(p);
+ if ((sock = shttpd_open_listening_port(port)) == -1) {
+ elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "cannot open port %d", port);
+ } else if ((l = calloc(1, sizeof(*l))) == NULL) {
+ (void) closesocket(sock);
+ elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "cannot allocate listener");
+ } else if (is_ssl && ctx->ssl_ctx == NULL) {
+ (void) closesocket(sock);
+ elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "cannot add SSL socket, "
+ "please specify certificate file");
+ } else {
+ l->is_ssl = is_ssl;
+ l->sock = sock;
+ l->ctx = ctx;
+ LL_TAIL(&ctx->listeners, &l->link);
+ DBG(("shttpd_listen: added socket %d", sock));
+ }
+ }
static void
len = stream->content_len - stream->io.total;
/* Read from underlying channel */
- n = stream->nread_last = stream->io_class->read(stream,
- io_space(&stream->io), len);
+ n = stream->io_class->read(stream, io_space(&stream->io), len);
if (n > 0)
io_inc_head(&stream->io, n);
static void
-disconnect(struct llhead *lp)
+connection_desctructor(struct llhead *lp)
struct conn *c = LL_ENTRY(lp, struct conn, link);
static const struct vec vec = {"close", 5};
c->loc.io_class = NULL;
c->loc.flags = 0;
c->loc.content_len = 0;
- c->rem.flags = FLAG_W | FLAG_R;
+ c->rem.flags = FLAG_W | FLAG_R | FLAG_SSL_ACCEPTED;
c->query = c->request = c->uri = c->path_info = NULL;
c->mime_type.len = 0;
(void) memset(&c->ch, 0, sizeof(c->ch));
if (c->rem.io_class != NULL)
- EnterCriticalSection(&c->ctx->mutex);
- c->ctx->nactive--;
- assert(c->ctx->nactive >= 0);
- LeaveCriticalSection(&c->ctx->mutex);
+ c->worker->num_conns--;
+ assert(c->worker->num_conns >= 0);
+static void
+worker_destructor(struct llhead *lp)
+ struct worker *worker = LL_ENTRY(lp, struct worker, link);
+ free_list(&worker->connections, connection_desctructor);
+ free(worker);
static int
is_allowed(const struct shttpd_ctx *ctx, const struct usa *usa)
if (!(c->rem.flags & FLAG_HEADERS_PARSED))
- DBG(("loc: %u [%.*s]", io_data_len(&c->loc.io),
- io_data_len(&c->loc.io), io_data(&c->loc.io)));
- DBG(("rem: %u [%.*s]", io_data_len(&c->rem.io),
- io_data_len(&c->rem.io), io_data(&c->rem.io)));
+ DBG(("loc: %d [%.*s]", (int) io_data_len(&c->loc.io),
+ (int) io_data_len(&c->loc.io), io_data(&c->loc.io)));
+ DBG(("rem: %d [%.*s]", (int) io_data_len(&c->rem.io),
+ (int) io_data_len(&c->rem.io), io_data(&c->rem.io)));
/* Read from the local end if it is ready */
if (local_ready && io_space_len(&c->loc.io))
if (io_data_len(&c->loc.io) > 0 && c->rem.io_class != NULL)
write_stream(&c->loc, &c->rem);
- if (c->rem.nread_last > 0)
- c->ctx->in += c->rem.nread_last;
- if (c->loc.nread_last > 0)
- c->ctx->out += c->loc.nread_last;
/* Check whether we should close this connection */
if ((current_time > c->expire_time) ||
(c->rem.flags & FLAG_CLOSED) ||
((c->loc.flags & FLAG_CLOSED) && !io_data_len(&c->loc.io)))
- disconnect(&c->link);
+ connection_desctructor(&c->link);
- * One iteration of server loop. This is the core of the data exchange.
- */
-shttpd_poll(struct shttpd_ctx *ctx, int milliseconds)
+static int
+num_workers(const struct shttpd_ctx *ctx)
- struct llhead *lp, *tmp;
- struct listener *l;
- struct conn *c;
- struct timeval tv; /* Timeout for select() */
- fd_set read_set, write_set;
- int sock, max_fd = -1, msec = milliseconds;
- struct usa sa;
+ char *p = ctx->options[OPT_THREADS];
+ return (p ? atoi(p) : 1);
- current_time = time(0);
- FD_ZERO(&read_set);
- FD_ZERO(&write_set);
+static void
+handle_connected_socket(struct shttpd_ctx *ctx,
+ struct usa *sap, int sock, int is_ssl)
+#if !defined(_WIN32)
+ if (sock >= (int) FD_SETSIZE) {
+ elog(E_LOG, NULL, "ctx %p: discarding "
+ "socket %d, too busy", ctx, sock);
+ (void) closesocket(sock);
+ } else
+#endif /* !_WIN32 */
+ if (!is_allowed(ctx, sap)) {
+ elog(E_LOG, NULL, "%s is not allowed to connect",
+ inet_ntoa(sap->u.sin.sin_addr));
+ (void) closesocket(sock);
+ } else if (num_workers(ctx) > 1) {
+ pass_socket(ctx, sock, is_ssl);
+ } else {
+ add_socket(first_worker(ctx), sock, is_ssl);
+ }
- /* Add listening sockets to the read set */
- LL_FOREACH(&ctx->listeners, lp) {
- l = LL_ENTRY(lp, struct listener, link);
- FD_SET(l->sock, &read_set);
- if (l->sock > max_fd)
- max_fd = l->sock;
- DBG(("FD_SET(%d) (listening)", l->sock));
+static int
+do_select(int max_fd, fd_set *read_set, fd_set *write_set, int milliseconds)
+ struct timeval tv;
+ int n;
+ tv.tv_sec = milliseconds / 1000;
+ tv.tv_usec = (milliseconds % 1000) * 1000;
+ /* Check IO readiness */
+ if ((n = select(max_fd + 1, read_set, write_set, NULL, &tv)) < 0) {
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ /*
+ * On windows, if read_set and write_set are empty,
+ * select() returns "Invalid parameter" error
+ * (at least on my Windows XP Pro). So in this case,
+ * we sleep here.
+ */
+ Sleep(milliseconds);
+#endif /* _WIN32 */
+ DBG(("select: %d", ERRNO));
+ return (n);
+static void
+multiplex_worker_sockets(const struct worker *worker, int *max_fd,
+ fd_set *read_set, fd_set *write_set, int *milliseconds)
+ struct llhead *lp;
+ struct conn *c;
+ /* Add control socket */
+ add_to_set(worker->ctl[0], read_set, max_fd);
/* Multiplex streams */
- LL_FOREACH(&ctx->connections, lp) {
+ LL_FOREACH(&worker->connections, lp) {
c = LL_ENTRY(lp, struct conn, link);
/* If there is a space in remote IO, check remote socket */
if (io_space_len(&c->rem.io))
- add_to_set(c->rem.chan.fd, &read_set, &max_fd);
+ add_to_set(c->rem.chan.fd, read_set, max_fd);
#if !defined(NO_CGI)
if (io_space_len(&c->loc.io) && (c->loc.flags & FLAG_R) &&
c->loc.io_class == &io_cgi)
- add_to_set(c->loc.chan.fd, &read_set, &max_fd);
+ add_to_set(c->loc.chan.fd, read_set, max_fd);
* If there is some data read from remote socket, and
if (io_data_len(&c->rem.io) && (c->loc.flags & FLAG_W) &&
c->loc.io_class == &io_cgi)
- add_to_set(c->loc.chan.fd, &write_set, &max_fd);
+ add_to_set(c->loc.chan.fd, write_set, max_fd);
#endif /* NO_CGI */
* If there is some data read from local endpoint, check the
* remote socket for write availability
- if (io_data_len(&c->loc.io))
- add_to_set(c->rem.chan.fd, &write_set, &max_fd);
+ if (io_data_len(&c->loc.io) && !(c->loc.flags & FLAG_SUSPEND))
+ add_to_set(c->rem.chan.fd, write_set, max_fd);
+ /*
+ * Set select wait interval to zero if FLAG_ALWAYS_READY set
+ */
if (io_space_len(&c->loc.io) && (c->loc.flags & FLAG_R) &&
(c->loc.flags & FLAG_ALWAYS_READY))
- msec = 0;
+ *milliseconds = 0;
if (io_data_len(&c->rem.io) && (c->loc.flags & FLAG_W) &&
(c->loc.flags & FLAG_ALWAYS_READY))
- msec = 0;
+ *milliseconds = 0;
- tv.tv_sec = msec / 1000;
- tv.tv_usec = (msec % 1000) * 1000;
- /* Check IO readiness */
- if (select(max_fd + 1, &read_set, &write_set, NULL, &tv) < 0) {
-#ifdef _WIN32
- /*
- * On windows, if read_set and write_set are empty,
- * select() returns "Invalid parameter" error
- * (at least on my Windows XP Pro). So in this case,
- * we sleep here.
- */
- Sleep(milliseconds);
-#endif /* _WIN32 */
- DBG(("select: %d", ERRNO));
- return;
- }
+static void
+process_worker_sockets(struct worker *worker, fd_set *read_set)
+ struct llhead *lp, *tmp;
+ int cmd, skt[2], sock = worker->ctl[0];
+ struct conn *c;
- /* Check for incoming connections on listener sockets */
- LL_FOREACH(&ctx->listeners, lp) {
- l = LL_ENTRY(lp, struct listener, link);
- if (!FD_ISSET(l->sock, &read_set))
- continue;
- do {
- sa.len = sizeof(sa.u.sin);
- if ((sock = accept(l->sock, &sa.u.sa, &sa.len)) != -1) {
-#if defined(_WIN32)
- shttpd_add_socket(ctx, sock, l->is_ssl);
- if (sock >= (int) FD_SETSIZE) {
- elog(E_LOG, NULL,
- "shttpd_poll: ctx %p: disarding "
- "socket %d, too busy", ctx, sock);
- (void) closesocket(sock);
- } else if (!is_allowed(ctx, &sa)) {
- elog(E_LOG, NULL, "shttpd_poll: %s "
- "is not allowed to connect",
- inet_ntoa(sa.u.sin.sin_addr));
- (void) closesocket(sock);
- } else {
- shttpd_add_socket(ctx, sock, l->is_ssl);
- }
-#endif /* _WIN32 */
+ /* Check if new socket is passed to us over the control socket */
+ if (FD_ISSET(worker->ctl[0], read_set))
+ while (recv(sock, (void *) &cmd, sizeof(cmd), 0) == sizeof(cmd))
+ switch (cmd) {
+ (void)recv(sock, (void *) &skt, sizeof(skt), 0);
+ add_socket(worker, skt[0], skt[1]);
+ break;
+ case CTL_WAKEUP:
+ (void)recv(sock, (void *) &c, sizeof(c), 0);
+ c->loc.flags &= FLAG_SUSPEND;
+ break;
+ default:
+ elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "ctx %p: ctl cmd %d",
+ worker->ctx, cmd);
+ break;
- } while (sock != -1);
- }
/* Process all connections */
- LL_FOREACH_SAFE(&ctx->connections, lp, tmp) {
+ LL_FOREACH_SAFE(&worker->connections, lp, tmp) {
c = LL_ENTRY(lp, struct conn, link);
- process_connection(c, FD_ISSET(c->rem.chan.fd, &read_set),
+ process_connection(c, FD_ISSET(c->rem.chan.fd, read_set),
((c->loc.flags & FLAG_ALWAYS_READY)
#if !defined(NO_CGI)
|| (c->loc.io_class == &io_cgi &&
- FD_ISSET(c->loc.chan.fd, &read_set))
+ FD_ISSET(c->loc.chan.fd, read_set))
#endif /* NO_CGI */
+ * One iteration of server loop. This is the core of the data exchange.
+ */
-free_list(struct llhead *head, void (*dtor)(struct llhead *))
+shttpd_poll(struct shttpd_ctx *ctx, int milliseconds)
- struct llhead *lp, *tmp;
+ struct llhead *lp;
+ struct listener *l;
+ fd_set read_set, write_set;
+ int sock, max_fd = -1;
+ struct usa sa;
- LL_FOREACH_SAFE(head, lp, tmp) {
- LL_DEL(lp);
- dtor(lp);
- }
+ current_time = time(0);
+ FD_ZERO(&read_set);
+ FD_ZERO(&write_set);
-listener_destructor(struct llhead *lp)
- struct listener *listener = LL_ENTRY(lp, struct listener, link);
+ /* Add listening sockets to the read set */
+ LL_FOREACH(&ctx->listeners, lp) {
+ l = LL_ENTRY(lp, struct listener, link);
+ add_to_set(l->sock, &read_set, &max_fd);
+ DBG(("FD_SET(%d) (listening)", l->sock));
+ }
- (void) closesocket(listener->sock);
- free(listener);
+ if (num_workers(ctx) == 1)
+ multiplex_worker_sockets(first_worker(ctx), &max_fd,
+ &read_set, &write_set, &milliseconds);
-registered_uri_destructor(struct llhead *lp)
- struct registered_uri *ruri = LL_ENTRY(lp, struct registered_uri, link);
+ if (do_select(max_fd, &read_set, &write_set, milliseconds) < 0)
+ return;;
- free((void *) ruri->uri);
- free(ruri);
+ /* Check for incoming connections on listener sockets */
+ LL_FOREACH(&ctx->listeners, lp) {
+ l = LL_ENTRY(lp, struct listener, link);
+ if (!FD_ISSET(l->sock, &read_set))
+ continue;
+ do {
+ sa.len = sizeof(sa.u.sin);
+ if ((sock = accept(l->sock, &sa.u.sa, &sa.len)) != -1)
+ handle_connected_socket(ctx,&sa,sock,l->is_ssl);
+ } while (sock != -1);
+ }
-static void
-acl_destructor(struct llhead *lp)
- struct acl *acl = LL_ENTRY(lp, struct acl, link);
- free(acl);
+ if (num_workers(ctx) == 1)
+ process_worker_sockets(first_worker(ctx), &read_set);
size_t i;
- free_list(&ctx->connections, disconnect);
+ free_list(&ctx->workers, worker_destructor);
free_list(&ctx->registered_uris, registered_uri_destructor);
free_list(&ctx->acl, acl_destructor);
free_list(&ctx->listeners, listener_destructor);
#if !defined(NO_SSI)
free_list(&ctx->ssi_funcs, ssi_func_destructor);
+#endif /* !NO_SSI */
for (i = 0; i < NELEMS(ctx->options); i++)
if (ctx->options[i] != NULL)
+ * UNIX socketpair() implementation. Why? Because Windows does not have it.
+ * Return 0 on success, -1 on error.
+ */
+shttpd_socketpair(int sp[2])
+ struct sockaddr_in sa;
+ int sock, ret = -1;
+ socklen_t len = sizeof(sa);
+ sp[0] = sp[1] = -1;
+ (void) memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa));
+ sa.sin_family = AF_INET;
+ sa.sin_port = htons(0);
+ sa.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK);
+ if ((sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) != -1 &&
+ !bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &sa, len) &&
+ !listen(sock, 1) &&
+ !getsockname(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &sa, &len) &&
+ (sp[0] = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 6)) != -1 &&
+ !connect(sp[0], (struct sockaddr *) &sa, len) &&
+ (sp[1] = accept(sock,(struct sockaddr *) &sa, &len)) != -1) {
+ /* Success */
+ ret = 0;
+ } else {
+ /* Failure, close descriptors */
+ if (sp[0] != -1)
+ (void) closesocket(sp[0]);
+ if (sp[1] != -1)
+ (void) closesocket(sp[1]);
+ }
+ (void) closesocket(sock);
+ (void) set_non_blocking_mode(sp[0]);
+ (void) set_non_blocking_mode(sp[1]);
+#ifndef _WIN32
+ (void) fcntl(sp[0], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
+ (void) fcntl(sp[1], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
+#endif /* _WIN32*/
+ return (ret);
+static int isbyte(int n) { return (n >= 0 && n <= 255); }
+static void
+set_inetd(struct shttpd_ctx *ctx, const char *flag)
+ ctx = NULL; /* Unused */
+ if (is_true(flag)) {
+ shttpd_set_option(ctx, "ports", NULL);
+ (void) freopen("/dev/null", "a", stderr);
+ add_socket(first_worker(ctx), 0, 0);
+ }
+static void
+set_uid(struct shttpd_ctx *ctx, const char *uid)
+ struct passwd *pw;
+ ctx = NULL; /* Unused */
+#if !defined(_WIN32)
+ if ((pw = getpwnam(uid)) == NULL)
+ elog(E_FATAL, 0, "%s: unknown user [%s]", __func__, uid);
+ else if (setgid(pw->pw_gid) == -1)
+ elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "%s: setgid(%s): %s",
+ __func__, uid, strerror(errno));
+ else if (setuid(pw->pw_uid) == -1)
+ elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "%s: setuid(%s): %s",
+ __func__, uid, strerror(errno));
+#endif /* !_WIN32 */
+static void
+set_acl(struct shttpd_ctx *ctx, const char *s)
+ struct acl *acl = NULL;
+ char flag;
+ int len, a, b, c, d, n, mask;
+ struct llhead *lp, *tmp;
+ /* Delete the old ACLs if any */
+ LL_FOREACH_SAFE(&ctx->acl, lp, tmp)
+ free(LL_ENTRY(lp, struct acl, link));
+ mask = 32;
+ if (sscanf(s, "%c%d.%d.%d.%d%n",&flag,&a,&b,&c,&d,&n) != 5) {
+ elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "[%s]: subnet must be "
+ "[+|-]x.x.x.x[/x]", s);
+ } else if (flag != '+' && flag != '-') {
+ elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "flag must be + or -: [%s]", s);
+ } else if (!isbyte(a)||!isbyte(b)||!isbyte(c)||!isbyte(d)) {
+ elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "bad ip address: [%s]", s);
+ } else if ((acl = malloc(sizeof(*acl))) == NULL) {
+ elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "%s", "cannot malloc subnet");
+ } else if (sscanf(s + n, "/%d", &mask) == 0) {
+ /* Do nothing, no mask specified */
+ } else if (mask < 0 || mask > 32) {
+ elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "bad subnet mask: %d [%s]", n, s);
+ }
+ acl->ip = (a << 24) | (b << 16) | (c << 8) | d;
+ acl->mask = mask ? 0xffffffffU << (32 - mask) : 0;
+ acl->flag = flag;
+ LL_TAIL(&ctx->acl, &acl->link);
+ }
+#ifndef NO_SSL
+ * Dynamically load SSL library. Set up ctx->ssl_ctx pointer.
+ */
+static void
+set_ssl(struct shttpd_ctx *ctx, const char *pem)
+ void *lib;
+ struct ssl_func *fp;
+ /* Load SSL library dynamically */
+ if ((lib = dlopen(SSL_LIB, RTLD_LAZY)) == NULL)
+ elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "set_ssl: cannot load %s", SSL_LIB);
+ for (fp = ssl_sw; fp->name != NULL; fp++)
+ if ((fp->ptr.v_void = dlsym(lib, fp->name)) == NULL)
+ elog(E_FATAL, NULL,"set_ssl: cannot find %s", fp->name);
+ /* Initialize SSL crap */
+ SSL_library_init();
+ if ((CTX = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_server_method())) == NULL)
+ elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "SSL_CTX_new error");
+ else if (SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(CTX, pem, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) == 0)
+ elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "cannot open %s", pem);
+ else if (SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(CTX, pem, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) == 0)
+ elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "cannot open %s", pem);
+ ctx->ssl_ctx = CTX;
+#endif /* NO_SSL */
+static void
+open_log_file(FILE **fpp, const char *path)
+ if (*fpp != NULL)
+ (void) fclose(*fpp);
+ if (path == NULL) {
+ *fpp = NULL;
+ } else if ((*fpp = fopen(path, "a")) == NULL) {
+ elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "cannot open log file %s: %s",
+ path, strerror(errno));
+ }
+static void set_alog(struct shttpd_ctx *ctx, const char *path) {
+ open_log_file(&ctx->access_log, path);
+static void set_elog(struct shttpd_ctx *ctx, const char *path) {
+ open_log_file(&ctx->error_log, path);
+static void show_cfg_page(struct shttpd_arg *arg);
+static void
+set_cfg_uri(struct shttpd_ctx *ctx, const char *uri)
+ free_list(&ctx->registered_uris, ®istered_uri_destructor);
+ if (uri != NULL)
+ shttpd_register_uri(ctx, uri, &show_cfg_page, ctx);
+static struct worker *
+add_worker(struct shttpd_ctx *ctx)
+ struct worker *worker;
+ if ((worker = calloc(1, sizeof(*worker))) == NULL)
+ elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "Cannot allocate worker");
+ LL_INIT(&worker->connections);
+ worker->ctx = ctx;
+ (void) shttpd_socketpair(worker->ctl);
+ LL_TAIL(&ctx->workers, &worker->link);
+ return (worker);
+#if !defined(NO_THREADS)
+static void
+poll_worker(struct worker *worker, int milliseconds)
+ fd_set read_set, write_set;
+ int max_fd = -1;
+ FD_ZERO(&read_set);
+ FD_ZERO(&write_set);
+ multiplex_worker_sockets(worker, &max_fd,
+ &read_set, &write_set, &milliseconds);
+ if (do_select(max_fd, &read_set, &write_set, milliseconds) < 0)
+ return;;
+ process_worker_sockets(worker, &read_set);
+static void
+worker_function(void *param)
+ struct worker *worker = param;
+ while (worker->exit_flag == 0)
+ poll_worker(worker, 1000 * 10);
+ free_list(&worker->connections, connection_desctructor);
+ free(worker);
+static void
+set_workers(struct shttpd_ctx *ctx, const char *value)
+ int new_num, old_num;
+ struct llhead *lp, *tmp;
+ struct worker *worker;
+ new_num = atoi(value);
+ old_num = 0;
+ LL_FOREACH(&ctx->workers, lp)
+ old_num++;
+ if (new_num == 1) {
+ if (old_num > 1)
+ /* Stop old threads */
+ LL_FOREACH_SAFE(&ctx->workers, lp, tmp) {
+ worker = LL_ENTRY(lp, struct worker, link);
+ LL_DEL(&worker->link);
+ worker = LL_ENTRY(lp, struct worker, link);
+ worker->exit_flag = 1;
+ }
+ (void) add_worker(ctx);
+ } else {
+ /* FIXME: we cannot here reduce the number of threads */
+ while (new_num > 1 && new_num > old_num) {
+ worker = add_worker(ctx);
+ _beginthread(worker_function, 0, worker);
+ old_num++;
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* NO_THREADS */
+static const struct opt {
+ int index; /* Index in shttpd_ctx */
+ const char *name; /* Option name in config file */
+ const char *description; /* Description */
+ const char *default_value; /* Default option value */
+ void (*setter)(struct shttpd_ctx *, const char *);
+} known_options[] = {
+ {OPT_ROOT, "root", "\tWeb root directory", ".", NULL},
+ {OPT_INDEX_FILES, "index_files", "Index files", INDEX_FILES, NULL},
+#ifndef NO_SSL
+ {OPT_SSL_CERTIFICATE, "ssl_cert", "SSL certificate file", NULL,set_ssl},
+#endif /* NO_SSL */
+ {OPT_PORTS, "ports", "Listening ports", LISTENING_PORTS, set_ports},
+ {OPT_DIR_LIST, "dir_list", "Directory listing", "yes", NULL},
+ {OPT_CFG_URI, "cfg_uri", "Config uri", NULL, set_cfg_uri},
+ {OPT_PROTECT, "protect", "URI to htpasswd mapping", NULL, NULL},
+#ifndef NO_CGI
+ {OPT_CGI_EXTENSIONS, "cgi_ext", "CGI extensions", CGI_EXT, NULL},
+ {OPT_CGI_INTERPRETER, "cgi_interp", "CGI interpreter", NULL, NULL},
+ {OPT_CGI_ENVIRONMENT, "cgi_env", "Additional CGI env vars", NULL, NULL},
+#endif /* NO_CGI */
+ {OPT_SSI_EXTENSIONS, "ssi_ext", "SSI extensions", SSI_EXT, NULL},
+#ifndef NO_AUTH
+ {OPT_AUTH_REALM, "auth_realm", "Authentication domain name",REALM,NULL},
+ {OPT_AUTH_GPASSWD, "auth_gpass", "Global passwords file", NULL, NULL},
+ {OPT_AUTH_PUT, "auth_PUT", "PUT,DELETE auth file", NULL, NULL},
+#endif /* !NO_AUTH */
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ {OPT_SERVICE, "service", "Manage WinNNT service (install"
+ "|uninstall)", NULL, set_nt_service},
+ {OPT_HIDE, "systray", "Hide console, show icon on systray",
+ "no", set_systray},
+ {OPT_INETD, "inetd", "Inetd mode", "no", set_inetd},
+ {OPT_UID, "uid", "\tRun as user", NULL, set_uid},
+#endif /* _WIN32 */
+ {OPT_ACCESS_LOG, "access_log", "Access log file", NULL, set_alog},
+ {OPT_ERROR_LOG, "error_log", "Error log file", NULL, set_elog},
+ {OPT_MIME_TYPES, "mime_types", "Additional mime types list", NULL,NULL},
+ {OPT_ALIASES, "aliases", "Path=URI mappings", NULL, NULL},
+ {OPT_ACL, "acl", "\tAllow/deny IP addresses/subnets", NULL, set_acl},
+#if !defined(NO_THREADS)
+ {OPT_THREADS, "threads", "Number of worker threads", "1", set_workers},
+#endif /* !NO_THREADS */
+static const struct opt *
+find_opt(const char *opt_name)
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; known_options[i].name != NULL; i++)
+ if (!strcmp(opt_name, known_options[i].name))
+ return (known_options + i);
+ elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "no such option: [%s]", opt_name);
+ return (NULL);
+shttpd_set_option(struct shttpd_ctx *ctx, const char *opt, const char *val)
+ const struct opt *o = find_opt(opt);
+ /* Call option setter first, so it can use both new and old values */
+ if (o->setter != NULL)
+ o->setter(ctx, val);
+ /* Free old value if any */
+ if (ctx->options[o->index] != NULL)
+ free(ctx->options[o->index]);
+ /* Set new option value */
+ ctx->options[o->index] = val ? my_strdup(val) : NULL;
+static void
+show_cfg_page(struct shttpd_arg *arg)
+ struct shttpd_ctx *ctx = arg->user_data;
+ char opt_name[20], value[BUFSIZ];
+ const struct opt *o;
+ opt_name[0] = value[0] = '\0';
+ if (!strcmp(shttpd_get_env(arg, "REQUEST_METHOD"), "POST")) {
+ if (arg->flags & SHTTPD_MORE_POST_DATA)
+ return;
+ (void) shttpd_get_var("o", arg->in.buf, arg->in.len,
+ opt_name, sizeof(opt_name));
+ (void) shttpd_get_var("v", arg->in.buf, arg->in.len,
+ value, sizeof(value));
+ shttpd_set_option(ctx, opt_name, value[0] ? value : NULL);
+ }
+ shttpd_printf(arg, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n"
+ "<html><body><h1>SHTTPD v. %s</h1>", shttpd_version());
+ shttpd_printf(arg, "%s", "<table border=1"
+ "<tr><th>Option</th><th>Description</th>"
+ "<th colspan=2>Value</th></tr>");
+ if (opt_name[0] != '\0' && value[0] != '\0')
+ shttpd_printf(arg, "<p style='color: green'>Saved: %s=%s</p>",
+ opt_name, value[0] ? value : "NULL");
+ for (o = known_options; o->name != NULL; o++) {
+ shttpd_printf(arg,
+ "<form method=post><tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td>"
+ "<input type=hidden name=o value='%s'>"
+ "<td><input type=text name=v value='%s'></td>"
+ "<td><input type=submit value=save></td></form></tr>",
+ o->name, o->description, o->name,
+ ctx->options[o->index] ? ctx->options[o->index] : "");
+ }
+ shttpd_printf(arg, "%s", "</table></body></html>");
+ arg->flags |= SHTTPD_END_OF_OUTPUT;
+ * Show usage string and exit.
+ */
+usage(const char *prog)
+ const struct opt *o;
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "SHTTPD version %s (c) Sergey Lyubka\n"
+ "usage: %s [options] [config_file]\n", VERSION, prog);
+#if !defined(NO_AUTH)
+ fprintf(stderr, " -A <htpasswd_file> <realm> <user> <passwd>\n");
+#endif /* NO_AUTH */
+ for (o = known_options; o->name != NULL; o++) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, " -%s\t%s", o->name, o->description);
+ if (o->default_value != NULL)
+ fprintf(stderr, " (default: %s)", o->default_value);
+ fputc('\n', stderr);
+ }
+static void
+set_opt(struct shttpd_ctx *ctx, const char *opt, const char *value)
+ const struct opt *o;
+ o = find_opt(opt);
+ if (ctx->options[o->index] != NULL)
+ free(ctx->options[o->index]);
+ ctx->options[o->index] = my_strdup(value);
+static void
+process_command_line_arguments(struct shttpd_ctx *ctx, char *argv[])
+ const char *config_file = CONFIG_FILE;
+ char line[BUFSIZ], opt[BUFSIZ],
+ val[BUFSIZ], path[FILENAME_MAX], *p;
+ FILE *fp;
+ size_t i, line_no = 0;
+ /* First find out, which config file to open */
+ for (i = 1; argv[i] != NULL && argv[i][0] == '-'; i += 2)
+ if (argv[i + 1] == NULL)
+ usage(argv[0]);
+ if (argv[i] != NULL && argv[i + 1] != NULL) {
+ /* More than one non-option arguments are given w*/
+ usage(argv[0]);
+ } else if (argv[i] != NULL) {
+ /* Just one non-option argument is given, this is config file */
+ config_file = argv[i];
+ } else {
+ /* No config file specified. Look for one where shttpd lives */
+ if ((p = strrchr(argv[0], DIRSEP)) != 0) {
+ my_snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%.*s%s",
+ p - argv[0] + 1, argv[0], config_file);
+ config_file = path;
+ }
+ }
+ fp = fopen(config_file, "r");
+ /* If config file was set in command line and open failed, exit */
+ if (fp == NULL && argv[i] != NULL)
+ elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "cannot open config file %s: %s",
+ config_file, strerror(errno));
+ if (fp != NULL) {
+ elog(E_LOG, NULL, "Loading config file %s", config_file);
+ /* Loop over the lines in config file */
+ while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) != NULL) {
+ line_no++;
+ /* Ignore empty lines and comments */
+ if (line[0] == '#' || line[0] == '\n')
+ continue;
+ if (sscanf(line, "%s %[^\n#]", opt, val) != 2)
+ elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "line %d in %s is invalid",
+ line_no, config_file);
+ set_opt(ctx, opt, val);
+ }
+ (void) fclose(fp);
+ }
+ /* Now pass through the command line options */
+ for (i = 1; argv[i] != NULL && argv[i][0] == '-'; i += 2)
+ set_opt(ctx, &argv[i][1], argv[i + 1]);
+struct shttpd_ctx *
+shttpd_init(int argc, char *argv[])
+ struct shttpd_ctx *ctx;
+ struct tm *tm;
+ const struct opt *o;
+ if ((ctx = calloc(1, sizeof(*ctx))) == NULL)
+ elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "cannot allocate shttpd context");
+ LL_INIT(&ctx->registered_uris);
+ LL_INIT(&ctx->error_handlers);
+ LL_INIT(&ctx->acl);
+ LL_INIT(&ctx->ssi_funcs);
+ LL_INIT(&ctx->listeners);
+ LL_INIT(&ctx->workers);
+ /* Initialize options. First pass: set default option values */
+ for (o = known_options; o->name != NULL; o++)
+ ctx->options[o->index] = o->default_value ?
+ my_strdup(o->default_value) : NULL;
+ /* Second and third passes: config file and argv */
+ if (argc > 0 && argv != NULL)
+ process_command_line_arguments(ctx, argv);
+ /* Call setter functions */
+ for (o = known_options; o->name != NULL; o++)
+ if (o->setter && ctx->options[o->index] != NULL)
+ o->setter(ctx, ctx->options[o->index]);
+ current_time = time(NULL);
+ tm = localtime(¤t_time);
+ tz_offset = 0;
+ if (num_workers(ctx) == 1)
+ (void) add_worker(ctx);
+#if 0
+ tm->tm_gmtoff - 3600 * (tm->tm_isdst > 0 ? 1 : 0);
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ {WSADATA data; WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &data);}
+#endif /* _WIN32 */
+ return (ctx);