-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Changes with Apache 2.4.31
+ *) mod_ldap: Avoid possible crashes, hangs, and busy loops due to
+ improper merging of the cache lock in vhost config.
+ PR 43164 [Eric Covener]
*) mpm_event: Do lingering close in worker(s). [Yann Ylavic]
*) mpm_queue: Put fdqueue code in common for MPMs event and worker.
st->search_cache_size = base->search_cache_size;
st->compare_cache_ttl = base->compare_cache_ttl;
st->compare_cache_size = base->compare_cache_size;
- st->util_ldap_cache_lock = base->util_ldap_cache_lock;
st->connections = NULL;
st->ssl_supported = 0; /* not known until post-config and re-merged */
st_vhost = (util_ldap_state_t *)
+ st_vhost->util_ldap_cache = st->util_ldap_cache;
+ st_vhost->util_ldap_cache_lock = st->util_ldap_cache_lock;
st_vhost->cache_shm = st->cache_shm;
st_vhost->cache_rmm = st->cache_rmm;
st_vhost->cache_file = st->cache_file;
- st_vhost->util_ldap_cache = st->util_ldap_cache;
ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, result, s, APLOGNO(01316)
"LDAP merging Shared Cache conf: shm=0x%pp rmm=0x%pp "
"for VHOST: %s", st->cache_shm, st->cache_rmm,