rem Check we have Visual Studio installed
if not exist "%ABS_VC_PATH%" goto novc
if not defined PERL_PATH (
- rem Check we have Perl in our path
- rem using !! below as %% was having \Microsoft was unexpected error.
- echo !PATH! | findstr /I /C:"\Perl" 1>nul
- if errorlevel 1 (
- rem It isn't so check we have it installed and set the path if it is
- if exist "%SystemDrive%\Perl" (
- set "PATH=%SystemDrive%\Perl\bin;%PATH%"
- ) else (
- if exist "%SystemDrive%\Perl64" (
- set "PATH=%SystemDrive%\Perl64\bin;%PATH%"
- ) else (
- goto noperl
- )
- )
- )
+ rem Check we have Perl in our path
+ perl --version <NUL 1>NUL 2>&1
+ if errorlevel 1 (
+ rem It isn't so check we have it installed and set the path if it is
+ if exist "%SystemDrive%\Perl" (
+ set "PATH=%SystemDrive%\Perl\bin;%PATH%"
+ ) else (
+ if exist "%SystemDrive%\Perl64" (
+ set "PATH=%SystemDrive%\Perl64\bin;%PATH%"
+ ) else (
+ goto noperl
+ )
+ )
+ )
) else (
set "PATH=%PERL_PATH%\Perl\bin;%PATH%"
rem Check we have Perl in our path
- echo %PATH% | findstr /I /C:"\Perl" 1>nul
+ perl --version <NUL 1>NUL 2>&1
if errorlevel 1 (
rem It isn't so check we have it installed and set the path if it is
if exist "%SystemDrive%\Perl" (