-# $File: archive,v 1.54 2009/09/19 16:28:08 christos Exp $
+# $File: archive,v 1.55 2009/12/04 15:00:47 christos Exp $
# archive: file(1) magic for archive formats (see also "msdos" for self-
# extracting compressed archives)
# MS Compress
4 string \x88\xf0\x27 MS Compress archive data
# updated by Joerg Jenderek
->9 string \0
->>0 string KWAJ
+>9 string \0
+>>0 string KWAJ
>>>7 string \321\003 MS Compress archive data
>>>>14 ulong >0 \b, original size: %ld bytes
->>>>18 ubyte >0x65
->>>>>18 string x \b, was %.8s
->>>>>(10.b-4) string x \b.%.3s
+>>>>18 ubyte >0x65
+>>>>>18 string x \b, was %.8s
+>>>>>(10.b-4) string x \b.%.3s
# MP3 (archiver, not lossy audio compression)
0 string MP3\x1a MP3-Archiver archive data
# Splint
0 string \x93\xb9\x06 Splint archive data
# InstallShield
-0 string \x13\x5d\x65\x8c InstallShield Z archive Data
+0 string \x13\x5d\x65\x8c InstallShield Z archive Data
# Gather
1 string GTH Gather archive data
0 string HPAK HPACK archive data
# JAM Archive volume format, by Dmitry.Kohmanyuk@UA.net
-0 string \351,\001JAM\ JAM archive,
+0 string \351,\001JAM\ JAM archive,
>7 string >\0 version %.4s
>0x26 byte =0x27 -
>>0x2b string >\0 label %.11s,
>20 byte x - header level %d
# taken from idarc [JW]
2 string -lZ PUT archive data
-2 string -lz LZS archive data
+2 string -lz LZS archive data
2 string -sw1- Swag archive data
# RAR archiver (Greg Roelofs, newt@uchicago.edu)
>>>>78 string -template Template
!:mime application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.image-template
+# OEBPS Container Format (OCF) 1.0
+>>50 string epub+zip OEBPS Container Format (OCF) 1.0 (EPUB)
+!:mime application/epub+zip
# Zoo archiver
20 lelong 0xfdc4a7dc Zoo archive data
!:mime application/x-zoo
!:mime application/octet-stream
-# LBR. NB: May conflict with the questionable
+# LBR. NB: May conflict with the questionable
# "binary Computer Graphics Metafile" format.
0 string \0\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \0\0 LBR archive data
# From Rafael Laboissiere <rafael@laboissiere.net>
# The Project Revision Control System (see
# http://prcs.sourceforge.net) generates a packaged project
-# file which is recognized by the following entry:
+# file which is recognized by the following entry:
0 leshort 0xeb81 PRCS packaged project
-# Microsoft cabinets
+# Microsoft cabinets
# by David Necas (Yeti) <yeti@physics.muni.cz>
#0 string MSCF\0\0\0\0 Microsoft cabinet file data,
#>25 byte x v%d
# MPi: All CABs have version 1.3, so this is pointless.
# Better magic in debian-additions.
-# GTKtalog catalogs
+# GTKtalog catalogs
# by David Necas (Yeti) <yeti@physics.muni.cz>
-4 string gtktalog\ GTKtalog catalog data,
+4 string gtktalog\ GTKtalog catalog data,
>13 string 3 version 3
>>14 beshort 0x677a (gzipped)
>>14 beshort !0x677a (not gzipped)
# Atari MSA archive - Teemu Hukkanen <tjhukkan@iki.fi>
0 beshort 0x0e0f Atari MSA archive data
->2 beshort x \b, %d sectors per track
->4 beshort 0 \b, 1 sided
->4 beshort 1 \b, 2 sided
->6 beshort x \b, starting track: %d
->8 beshort x \b, ending track: %d
+>2 beshort x \b, %d sectors per track
+>4 beshort 0 \b, 1 sided
+>4 beshort 1 \b, 2 sided
+>6 beshort x \b, starting track: %d
+>8 beshort x \b, ending track: %d
# Alternate ZIP string (amc@arwen.cs.berkeley.edu)
0 string PK00PK\003\004 Zip archive data
>>0x2A string >\0 : %s
# DR-DOS 7.03 Packed File *.??_
-0 string Packed\ File\ Personal NetWare Packed File
->12 string x \b, was "%.12s"
+0 string Packed\ File\ Personal NetWare Packed File
+>12 string x \b, was "%.12s"
# EET archive
# From: Tilman Sauerbeck <tilman@code-monkey.de>