return new_slen;
+ static void
+handle_u7_response(int *arg, char_u *tp, int csi_len)
+ if (arg[0] == 2 && arg[1] >= 2)
+ {
+ char *aw = NULL;
+ LOG_TR(("Received U7 status: %s", tp));
+ u7_status.tr_progress = STATUS_GOT;
+ did_cursorhold = TRUE;
+ if (arg[1] == 2)
+ aw = "single";
+ else if (arg[1] == 3)
+ aw = "double";
+ if (aw != NULL && STRCMP(aw, p_ambw) != 0)
+ {
+ // Setting the option causes a screen redraw. Do
+ // that right away if possible, keeping any
+ // messages.
+ set_option_value((char_u *)"ambw", 0L,
+ (char_u *)aw, 0);
+ {
+ int r = redraw_asap(CLEAR);
+ log_tr("set 'ambiwidth', redraw_asap(): %d", r);
+ }
+# else
+ redraw_asap(CLEAR);
+# endif
+# ifdef FEAT_EVAL
+ set_vim_var_string(VV_TERMU7RESP, tp, csi_len);
+# endif
+ }
+ }
+ else if (arg[0] == 3)
+ {
+ LOG_TR(("Received compatibility test result: %s", tp));
+ // Third row: xterm compatibility test.
+ // If the cursor is not on the first column then the
+ // terminal is not xterm compatible.
+ if (arg[1] != 1)
+ xcc_test_failed = TRUE;
+ xcc_status.tr_progress = STATUS_GOT;
+ }
+ * Handle a response to T_CRV.
+ */
+ static void
+handle_version_response(int first, int *arg, int argc, char_u *tp)
+ int version = arg[1];
+ LOG_TR(("Received CRV response: %s", tp));
+ crv_status.tr_progress = STATUS_GOT;
+ did_cursorhold = TRUE;
+ // If this code starts with CSI, you can bet that the
+ // terminal uses 8-bit codes.
+ if (tp[0] == CSI)
+ switch_to_8bit();
+ // Screen sends 40500.
+ // rxvt sends its version number: "20703" is 2.7.3.
+ // Ignore it for when the user has set 'term' to xterm,
+ // even though it's an rxvt.
+ if (version > 20000)
+ version = 0;
+ if (first == '>' && argc == 3)
+ {
+ int need_flush = FALSE;
+ int is_iterm2 = FALSE;
+ int is_mintty = FALSE;
+ int is_screen = FALSE;
+ // mintty 2.9.5 sends 77;20905;0c.
+ // (77 is ASCII 'M' for mintty.)
+ if (arg[0] == 77)
+ is_mintty = TRUE;
+ // if xterm version >= 141 try to get termcap codes
+ if (version >= 141)
+ {
+ LOG_TR(("Enable checking for XT codes"));
+ check_for_codes = TRUE;
+ need_gather = TRUE;
+ req_codes_from_term();
+ }
+ // libvterm sends 0;100;0
+ if (version == 100 && arg[0] == 0 && arg[2] == 0)
+ {
+ // If run from Vim $COLORS is set to the number of
+ // colors the terminal supports. Otherwise assume
+ // 256, libvterm supports even more.
+ if (mch_getenv((char_u *)"COLORS") == NULL)
+ may_adjust_color_count(256);
+ // Libvterm can handle SGR mouse reporting.
+ if (!option_was_set((char_u *)"ttym"))
+ set_option_value((char_u *)"ttym", 0L,
+ (char_u *)"sgr", 0);
+ }
+ if (version == 95)
+ {
+ // Mac sends 1;95;0
+ if (arg[0] == 1 && arg[2] == 0)
+ {
+ is_not_xterm = TRUE;
+ is_mac_terminal = TRUE;
+ }
+ // iTerm2 sends 0;95;0
+ else if (arg[0] == 0 && arg[2] == 0)
+ is_iterm2 = TRUE;
+ // old iTerm2 sends 0;95;
+ else if (arg[0] == 0 && arg[2] == -1)
+ is_not_xterm = TRUE;
+ }
+ // screen sends 83;40500;0 83 is 'S' in ASCII.
+ if (arg[0] == 83)
+ is_screen = TRUE;
+ // Only set 'ttymouse' automatically if it was not set
+ // by the user already.
+ if (!option_was_set((char_u *)"ttym"))
+ {
+ // Xterm version 277 supports SGR. Also support
+ //, iTerm2, mintty, and screen 4.7+.
+ if ((!is_screen && version >= 277)
+ || is_iterm2
+ || is_mac_terminal
+ || is_mintty
+ || (is_screen && arg[1] >= 40700))
+ set_option_value((char_u *)"ttym", 0L,
+ (char_u *)"sgr", 0);
+ // For xterm version >= 95 mouse dragging works.
+ else if (version >= 95)
+ set_option_value((char_u *)"ttym", 0L,
+ (char_u *)"xterm2", 0);
+ }
+ // Detect terminals that set $TERM to something like
+ // "xterm-256color" but are not fully xterm compatible.
+ // Gnome terminal sends 1;3801;0, 1;4402;0 or 1;2501;0.
+ // xfce4-terminal sends 1;2802;0.
+ // screen sends 83;40500;0
+ // Assuming any version number over 2500 is not an
+ // xterm (without the limit for rxvt and screen).
+ if (arg[1] >= 2500)
+ is_not_xterm = TRUE;
+ // PuTTY sends 0;136;0
+ // vandyke SecureCRT sends 1;136;0
+ else if (version == 136 && arg[2] == 0)
+ {
+ is_not_xterm = TRUE;
+ // PuTTY supports sgr-like mouse reporting, but
+ // only set 'ttymouse' if it was not set by the
+ // user already.
+ if (arg[0] == 0
+ && !option_was_set((char_u *)"ttym"))
+ set_option_value((char_u *)"ttym", 0L,
+ (char_u *)"sgr", 0);
+ }
+ // Konsole sends 0;115;0
+ else if (version == 115 && arg[0] == 0 && arg[2] == 0)
+ is_not_xterm = TRUE;
+ // GNU screen sends 83;30600;0, 83;40500;0, etc.
+ // 30600/40500 is a version number of GNU screen. DA2
+ // support is added on 3.6. DCS string has a special
+ // meaning to GNU screen, but xterm compatibility
+ // checking does not detect GNU screen.
+ if (version >= 30600 && arg[0] == 83)
+ xcc_test_failed = TRUE;
+ // Xterm first responded to this request at patch level
+ // 95, so assume anything below 95 is not xterm.
+ if (version < 95)
+ is_not_xterm = TRUE;
+ // With the real Xterm setting the underline RGB color
+ // clears the background color, disable "t_8u".
+ if (!is_not_xterm && *T_8U != NUL)
+ T_8U = empty_option;
+ // Only request the cursor style if t_SH and t_RS are
+ // set. Only supported properly by xterm since version
+ // 279 (otherwise it returns 0x18).
+ // Only when the xcc_status was set, the test finished,
+ // and xcc_test_failed is FALSE;
+ // Not for, it can't handle t_RS, it
+ // echoes the characters to the screen.
+ if (rcs_status.tr_progress == STATUS_GET
+ && xcc_status.tr_progress == STATUS_GOT
+ && !xcc_test_failed
+ && version >= 279
+ && *T_CSH != NUL
+ && *T_CRS != NUL)
+ {
+ LOG_TR(("Sending cursor style request"));
+ out_str(T_CRS);
+ termrequest_sent(&rcs_status);
+ need_flush = TRUE;
+ }
+ // Only request the cursor blink mode if t_RC set. Not
+ // for Gnome terminal, it can't handle t_RC, it
+ // echoes the characters to the screen.
+ // Only when the xcc_status was set, the test finished,
+ // and xcc_test_failed is FALSE;
+ if (rbm_status.tr_progress == STATUS_GET
+ && xcc_status.tr_progress == STATUS_GOT
+ && !xcc_test_failed
+ && *T_CRC != NUL)
+ {
+ LOG_TR(("Sending cursor blink mode request"));
+ out_str(T_CRC);
+ termrequest_sent(&rbm_status);
+ need_flush = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (need_flush)
+ out_flush();
+ }
+ * Handle a sequence with key and modifier, one of:
+ * {lead}27;{modifier};{key}~
+ * {lead}{key};{modifier}u
+ * Returns the difference in length.
+ */
+ static int
+ int *arg,
+ int trail,
+ int csi_len,
+ int offset,
+ char_u *buf,
+ int bufsize,
+ int *buflen)
+ int key;
+ int modifiers;
+ int new_slen;
+ char_u string[MAX_KEY_CODE_LEN + 1];
+ seenModifyOtherKeys = TRUE;
+ if (trail == 'u')
+ key = arg[0];
+ else
+ key = arg[2];
+ modifiers = decode_modifiers(arg[1]);
+ // Some keys already have Shift included, pass them as
+ // normal keys. Not when Ctrl is also used, because <C-H>
+ // and <C-S-H> are different.
+ if (modifiers == MOD_MASK_SHIFT
+ && ((key >= '@' && key <= 'Z')
+ || key == '^' || key == '_'
+ || (key >= '{' && key <= '~')))
+ modifiers = 0;
+ // When used with Ctrl we always make a letter upper case,
+ // so that mapping <C-H> and <C-h> are the same. Typing
+ // <C-S-H> also uses "H" but modifier is different.
+ if ((modifiers & MOD_MASK_CTRL) && ASCII_ISALPHA(key))
+ key = TOUPPER_ASC(key);
+ // insert modifiers with KS_MODIFIER
+ new_slen = modifiers2keycode(modifiers, &key, string);
+ if (has_mbyte)
+ new_slen += (*mb_char2bytes)(key, string + new_slen);
+ else
+ string[new_slen++] = key;
+ if (put_string_in_typebuf(offset, csi_len, string, new_slen,
+ buf, bufsize, buflen) == FAIL)
+ return -1;
+ return new_slen - csi_len + offset;
+ * Handle a CSI escape sequence.
+ * - Xterm version string: {lead}>{x};{vers};{y}c
+ * Also eat other possible responses to t_RV, rxvt returns
+ * "{lead}?1;2c".
+ *
+ * - Cursor position report: {lead}{row};{col}R
+ * The final byte must be 'R'. It is used for checking the
+ * ambiguous-width character state.
+ *
+ * - window position reply: {lead}3;{x};{y}t
+ *
+ * - key with modifiers when modifyOtherKeys is enabled:
+ * {lead}27;{modifier};{key}~
+ * {lead}{key};{modifier}u
+ * Return 0 for no match, -1 for partial match, > 0 for full match.
+ */
+ static int
+ char_u *tp,
+ int len,
+ char_u *argp,
+ int offset,
+ char_u *buf,
+ int bufsize,
+ int *buflen,
+ char_u *key_name,
+ int *slen)
+ int first = -1; // optional char right after {lead}
+ int trail; // char that ends CSI sequence
+ int arg[3] = {-1, -1, -1}; // argument numbers
+ int argc; // number of arguments
+ char_u *ap = argp;
+ int csi_len;
+ // Check for non-digit after CSI.
+ if (!VIM_ISDIGIT(*ap))
+ first = *ap++;
+ // Find up to three argument numbers.
+ for (argc = 0; argc < 3; )
+ {
+ if (ap >= tp + len)
+ return -1;
+ if (*ap == ';')
+ arg[argc++] = -1; // omitted number
+ else if (VIM_ISDIGIT(*ap))
+ {
+ arg[argc] = 0;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ if (ap >= tp + len)
+ return -1;
+ if (!VIM_ISDIGIT(*ap))
+ break;
+ arg[argc] = arg[argc] * 10 + (*ap - '0');
+ ++ap;
+ }
+ ++argc;
+ }
+ if (*ap == ';')
+ ++ap;
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ // mrxvt has been reported to have "+" in the version. Assume
+ // the escape sequence ends with a letter or one of "{|}~".
+ while (ap < tp + len
+ && !(*ap >= '{' && *ap <= '~')
+ && !ASCII_ISALPHA(*ap))
+ ++ap;
+ if (ap >= tp + len)
+ return -1;
+ trail = *ap;
+ csi_len = (int)(ap - tp) + 1;
+ // Cursor position report: Eat it when there are 2 arguments
+ // and it ends in 'R'. Also when u7_status is not "sent", it
+ // may be from a previous Vim that just exited. But not for
+ // <S-F3>, it sends something similar, check for row and column
+ // to make sense.
+ if (first == -1 && argc == 2 && trail == 'R')
+ {
+ handle_u7_response(arg, tp, csi_len);
+ key_name[0] = (int)KS_EXTRA;
+ key_name[1] = (int)KE_IGNORE;
+ *slen = csi_len;
+ }
+ // Version string: Eat it when there is at least one digit and
+ // it ends in 'c'
+ else if (*T_CRV != NUL && ap > argp + 1 && trail == 'c')
+ {
+ handle_version_response(first, arg, argc, tp);
+ *slen = csi_len;
+# ifdef FEAT_EVAL
+ set_vim_var_string(VV_TERMRESPONSE, tp, *slen);
+# endif
+ apply_autocmds(EVENT_TERMRESPONSE,
+ NULL, NULL, FALSE, curbuf);
+ key_name[0] = (int)KS_EXTRA;
+ key_name[1] = (int)KE_IGNORE;
+ }
+ // Check blinking cursor from xterm:
+ // {lead}?12;1$y set
+ // {lead}?12;2$y not set
+ //
+ // {lead} can be <Esc>[ or CSI
+ else if (rbm_status.tr_progress == STATUS_SENT
+ && first == '?'
+ && ap == argp + 6
+ && arg[0] == 12
+ && ap[-1] == '$'
+ && trail == 'y')
+ {
+ initial_cursor_blink = (arg[1] == '1');
+ rbm_status.tr_progress = STATUS_GOT;
+ LOG_TR(("Received cursor blinking mode response: %s", tp));
+ key_name[0] = (int)KS_EXTRA;
+ key_name[1] = (int)KE_IGNORE;
+ *slen = csi_len;
+# ifdef FEAT_EVAL
+ set_vim_var_string(VV_TERMBLINKRESP, tp, *slen);
+# endif
+ }
+ // Check for a window position response from the terminal:
+ // {lead}3;{x};{y}t
+ else if (did_request_winpos && argc == 3 && arg[0] == 3
+ && trail == 't')
+ {
+ winpos_x = arg[1];
+ winpos_y = arg[2];
+ // got finished code: consume it
+ key_name[0] = (int)KS_EXTRA;
+ key_name[1] = (int)KE_IGNORE;
+ *slen = csi_len;
+ if (--did_request_winpos <= 0)
+ winpos_status.tr_progress = STATUS_GOT;
+ }
+ // Key with modifier:
+ // {lead}27;{modifier};{key}~
+ // {lead}{key};{modifier}u
+ else if ((arg[0] == 27 && argc == 3 && trail == '~')
+ || (argc == 2 && trail == 'u'))
+ {
+ return len + handle_key_with_modifier(arg, trail,
+ csi_len, offset, buf, bufsize, buflen);
+ }
+ // else: Unknown CSI sequence. We could drop it, but then the
+ // user can't create a map for it.
+ return 0;
+ * Handle an OSC sequence, fore/background color response from the terminal:
+ *
+ * {lead}{code};rgb:{rrrr}/{gggg}/{bbbb}{tail}
+ * or {lead}{code};rgb:{rr}/{gg}/{bb}{tail}
+ *
+ * {code} is 10 for foreground, 11 for background
+ * {lead} can be <Esc>] or OSC
+ * {tail} can be '\007', <Esc>\ or STERM.
+ *
+ * Consume any code that starts with "{lead}11;", it's also
+ * possible that "rgba" is following.
+ */
+ static int
+handle_osc(char_u *tp, char_u *argp, int len, char_u *key_name, int *slen)
+ int i, j;
+ j = 1 + (tp[0] == ESC);
+ if (len >= j + 3 && (argp[0] != '1'
+ || (argp[1] != '1' && argp[1] != '0')
+ || argp[2] != ';'))
+ i = 0; // no match
+ else
+ for (i = j; i < len; ++i)
+ if (tp[i] == '\007' || (tp[0] == OSC ? tp[i] == STERM
+ : (tp[i] == ESC && i + 1 < len && tp[i + 1] == '\\')))
+ {
+ int is_bg = argp[1] == '1';
+ int is_4digit = i - j >= 21 && tp[j + 11] == '/'
+ && tp[j + 16] == '/';
+ if (i - j >= 15 && STRNCMP(tp + j + 3, "rgb:", 4) == 0
+ && (is_4digit
+ || (tp[j + 9] == '/' && tp[i + 12 == '/'])))
+ {
+ char_u *tp_r = tp + j + 7;
+ char_u *tp_g = tp + j + (is_4digit ? 12 : 10);
+ char_u *tp_b = tp + j + (is_4digit ? 17 : 13);
+ int rval, gval, bval;
+ rval = hexhex2nr(tp_r);
+ gval = hexhex2nr(tp_b);
+ bval = hexhex2nr(tp_g);
+# endif
+ if (is_bg)
+ {
+ char *new_bg_val = (3 * '6' < *tp_r + *tp_g +
+ *tp_b) ? "light" : "dark";
+ LOG_TR(("Received RBG response: %s", tp));
+ rbg_status.tr_progress = STATUS_GOT;
+ bg_r = rval;
+ bg_g = gval;
+ bg_b = bval;
+# endif
+ if (!option_was_set((char_u *)"bg")
+ && STRCMP(p_bg, new_bg_val) != 0)
+ {
+ // value differs, apply it
+ set_option_value((char_u *)"bg", 0L,
+ (char_u *)new_bg_val, 0);
+ reset_option_was_set((char_u *)"bg");
+ redraw_asap(CLEAR);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG_TR(("Received RFG response: %s", tp));
+ rfg_status.tr_progress = STATUS_GOT;
+ fg_r = rval;
+ fg_g = gval;
+ fg_b = bval;
+ }
+# endif
+ }
+ // got finished code: consume it
+ key_name[0] = (int)KS_EXTRA;
+ key_name[1] = (int)KE_IGNORE;
+ *slen = i + 1 + (tp[i] == ESC);
+# ifdef FEAT_EVAL
+ set_vim_var_string(is_bg ? VV_TERMRBGRESP
+ : VV_TERMRFGRESP, tp, *slen);
+# endif
+ break;
+ }
+ if (i == len)
+ {
+ LOG_TR(("not enough characters for RB"));
+ return FAIL;
+ }
+ return OK;
+ * Check for key code response from xterm:
+ * {lead}{flag}+r<hex bytes><{tail}
+ *
+ * {lead} can be <Esc>P or DCS
+ * {flag} can be '0' or '1'
+ * {tail} can be Esc>\ or STERM
+ *
+ * Check for cursor shape response from xterm:
+ * {lead}1$r<digit> q{tail}
+ *
+ * {lead} can be <Esc>P or DCS
+ * {tail} can be <Esc>\ or STERM
+ *
+ * Consume any code that starts with "{lead}.+r" or "{lead}.$r".
+ */
+ static int
+handle_dcs(char_u *tp, char_u *argp, int len, char_u *key_name, int *slen)
+ int i, j;
+ j = 1 + (tp[0] == ESC);
+ if (len < j + 3)
+ i = len; // need more chars
+ else if ((argp[1] != '+' && argp[1] != '$') || argp[2] != 'r')
+ i = 0; // no match
+ else if (argp[1] == '+')
+ // key code response
+ for (i = j; i < len; ++i)
+ {
+ if ((tp[i] == ESC && i + 1 < len && tp[i + 1] == '\\')
+ || tp[i] == STERM)
+ {
+ if (i - j >= 3)
+ got_code_from_term(tp + j, i);
+ key_name[0] = (int)KS_EXTRA;
+ key_name[1] = (int)KE_IGNORE;
+ *slen = i + 1 + (tp[i] == ESC);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Probably the cursor shape response. Make sure that "i"
+ // is equal to "len" when there are not sufficient
+ // characters.
+ for (i = j + 3; i < len; ++i)
+ {
+ if (i - j == 3 && !isdigit(tp[i]))
+ break;
+ if (i - j == 4 && tp[i] != ' ')
+ break;
+ if (i - j == 5 && tp[i] != 'q')
+ break;
+ if (i - j == 6 && tp[i] != ESC && tp[i] != STERM)
+ break;
+ if ((i - j == 6 && tp[i] == STERM)
+ || (i - j == 7 && tp[i] == '\\'))
+ {
+ int number = argp[3] - '0';
+ // 0, 1 = block blink, 2 = block
+ // 3 = underline blink, 4 = underline
+ // 5 = vertical bar blink, 6 = vertical bar
+ number = number == 0 ? 1 : number;
+ initial_cursor_shape = (number + 1) / 2;
+ // The blink flag is actually inverted, compared to
+ // the value set with T_SH.
+ initial_cursor_shape_blink =
+ (number & 1) ? FALSE : TRUE;
+ rcs_status.tr_progress = STATUS_GOT;
+ LOG_TR(("Received cursor shape response: %s", tp));
+ key_name[0] = (int)KS_EXTRA;
+ key_name[1] = (int)KE_IGNORE;
+ *slen = i + 1;
+# ifdef FEAT_EVAL
+ set_vim_var_string(VV_TERMSTYLERESP, tp, *slen);
+# endif
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (i == len)
+ {
+ // These codes arrive many together, each code can be
+ // truncated at any point.
+ LOG_TR(("not enough characters for XT"));
+ return FAIL;
+ }
+ return OK;
* Check if typebuf.tb_buf[] contains a terminal key code.
* Check from typebuf.tb_buf[typebuf.tb_off] to typebuf.tb_buf[typebuf.tb_off
|| (tp[0] == CSI && len >= 2))
&& (VIM_ISDIGIT(*argp) || *argp == '>' || *argp == '?'))
- int first = -1; // optional char right after {lead}
- int trail; // char that ends CSI sequence
- int arg[3] = {-1, -1, -1}; // argument numbers
- int argc; // number of arguments
- char_u *ap = argp;
- int csi_len;
- // Check for non-digit after CSI.
- if (!VIM_ISDIGIT(*ap))
- first = *ap++;
- // Find up to three argument numbers.
- for (argc = 0; argc < 3; )
- {
- if (ap >= tp + len)
- {
- LOG_TR(("Not enough characters for CSI sequence"));
- return -1;
- }
- if (*ap == ';')
- arg[argc++] = -1; // omitted number
- else if (VIM_ISDIGIT(*ap))
- {
- arg[argc] = 0;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (ap >= tp + len)
- goto not_enough;
- if (!VIM_ISDIGIT(*ap))
- break;
- arg[argc] = arg[argc] * 10 + (*ap - '0');
- ++ap;
- }
- ++argc;
- }
- if (*ap == ';')
- ++ap;
- else
- break;
- }
- // mrxvt has been reported to have "+" in the version. Assume
- // the escape sequence ends with a letter or one of "{|}~".
- while (ap < tp + len
- && !(*ap >= '{' && *ap <= '~')
- && !ASCII_ISALPHA(*ap))
- ++ap;
- if (ap >= tp + len)
- goto not_enough;
- trail = *ap;
- csi_len = (int)(ap - tp) + 1;
- // Cursor position report: Eat it when there are 2 arguments
- // and it ends in 'R'. Also when u7_status is not "sent", it
- // may be from a previous Vim that just exited. But not for
- // <S-F3>, it sends something similar, check for row and column
- // to make sense.
- if (first == -1 && argc == 2 && trail == 'R')
+ int resp = handle_csi(tp, len, argp, offset, buf,
+ bufsize, buflen, key_name, &slen);
+ if (resp != 0)
- if (arg[0] == 2 && arg[1] >= 2)
- {
- char *aw = NULL;
- LOG_TR(("Received U7 status: %s", tp));
- u7_status.tr_progress = STATUS_GOT;
- did_cursorhold = TRUE;
- if (arg[1] == 2)
- aw = "single";
- else if (arg[1] == 3)
- aw = "double";
- if (aw != NULL && STRCMP(aw, p_ambw) != 0)
- {
- // Setting the option causes a screen redraw. Do
- // that right away if possible, keeping any
- // messages.
- set_option_value((char_u *)"ambw", 0L,
- (char_u *)aw, 0);
- {
- int r = redraw_asap(CLEAR);
- log_tr("set 'ambiwidth', redraw_asap(): %d", r);
- }
-# else
- redraw_asap(CLEAR);
-# endif
- }
- }
- else if (arg[0] == 3)
- {
- // Third row: xterm compatibility test.
- // If the cursor is not on the first column then the
- // terminal is not xterm compatible.
- if (arg[1] != 1)
- xcc_test_failed = TRUE;
- xcc_status.tr_progress = STATUS_GOT;
- }
- key_name[0] = (int)KS_EXTRA;
- key_name[1] = (int)KE_IGNORE;
- slen = csi_len;
-# ifdef FEAT_EVAL
- set_vim_var_string(VV_TERMU7RESP, tp, slen);
-# endif
- }
- // Version string: Eat it when there is at least one digit and
- // it ends in 'c'
- else if (*T_CRV != NUL && ap > argp + 1 && trail == 'c')
- {
- int version = arg[1];
- LOG_TR(("Received CRV response: %s", tp));
- crv_status.tr_progress = STATUS_GOT;
- did_cursorhold = TRUE;
- // If this code starts with CSI, you can bet that the
- // terminal uses 8-bit codes.
- if (tp[0] == CSI)
- switch_to_8bit();
- // Screen sends 40500.
- // rxvt sends its version number: "20703" is 2.7.3.
- // Ignore it for when the user has set 'term' to xterm,
- // even though it's an rxvt.
- if (version > 20000)
- version = 0;
- if (first == '>' && argc == 3)
- {
- int need_flush = FALSE;
- int is_iterm2 = FALSE;
- int is_mintty = FALSE;
- int is_screen = FALSE;
- // mintty 2.9.5 sends 77;20905;0c.
- // (77 is ASCII 'M' for mintty.)
- if (arg[0] == 77)
- is_mintty = TRUE;
- // if xterm version >= 141 try to get termcap codes
- if (version >= 141)
- {
- LOG_TR(("Enable checking for XT codes"));
- check_for_codes = TRUE;
- need_gather = TRUE;
- req_codes_from_term();
- }
- // libvterm sends 0;100;0
- if (version == 100 && arg[0] == 0 && arg[2] == 0)
- {
- // If run from Vim $COLORS is set to the number of
- // colors the terminal supports. Otherwise assume
- // 256, libvterm supports even more.
- if (mch_getenv((char_u *)"COLORS") == NULL)
- may_adjust_color_count(256);
- // Libvterm can handle SGR mouse reporting.
- if (!option_was_set((char_u *)"ttym"))
- set_option_value((char_u *)"ttym", 0L,
- (char_u *)"sgr", 0);
- }
- if (version == 95)
- {
- // Mac sends 1;95;0
- if (arg[0] == 1 && arg[2] == 0)
- {
- is_not_xterm = TRUE;
- is_mac_terminal = TRUE;
- }
- // iTerm2 sends 0;95;0
- else if (arg[0] == 0 && arg[2] == 0)
- is_iterm2 = TRUE;
- // old iTerm2 sends 0;95;
- else if (arg[0] == 0 && arg[2] == -1)
- is_not_xterm = TRUE;
- }
- // screen sends 83;40500;0 83 is 'S' in ASCII.
- if (arg[0] == 83)
- is_screen = TRUE;
- // Only set 'ttymouse' automatically if it was not set
- // by the user already.
- if (!option_was_set((char_u *)"ttym"))
- {
- // Xterm version 277 supports SGR. Also support
- //, iTerm2, mintty, and screen 4.7+.
- if ((!is_screen && version >= 277)
- || is_iterm2
- || is_mac_terminal
- || is_mintty
- || (is_screen && arg[1] >= 40700))
- set_option_value((char_u *)"ttym", 0L,
- (char_u *)"sgr", 0);
- // For xterm version >= 95 mouse dragging works.
- else if (version >= 95)
- set_option_value((char_u *)"ttym", 0L,
- (char_u *)"xterm2", 0);
- }
- // Detect terminals that set $TERM to something like
- // "xterm-256color" but are not fully xterm compatible.
- // Gnome terminal sends 1;3801;0, 1;4402;0 or 1;2501;0.
- // xfce4-terminal sends 1;2802;0.
- // screen sends 83;40500;0
- // Assuming any version number over 2500 is not an
- // xterm (without the limit for rxvt and screen).
- if (arg[1] >= 2500)
- is_not_xterm = TRUE;
- // PuTTY sends 0;136;0
- // vandyke SecureCRT sends 1;136;0
- else if (version == 136 && arg[2] == 0)
- {
- is_not_xterm = TRUE;
- // PuTTY supports sgr-like mouse reporting, but
- // only set 'ttymouse' if it was not set by the
- // user already.
- if (arg[0] == 0
- && !option_was_set((char_u *)"ttym"))
- set_option_value((char_u *)"ttym", 0L,
- (char_u *)"sgr", 0);
- }
- // Konsole sends 0;115;0
- else if (version == 115 && arg[0] == 0 && arg[2] == 0)
- is_not_xterm = TRUE;
- // GNU screen sends 83;30600;0, 83;40500;0, etc.
- // 30600/40500 is a version number of GNU screen. DA2
- // support is added on 3.6. DCS string has a special
- // meaning to GNU screen, but xterm compatibility
- // checking does not detect GNU screen.
- if (version >= 30600 && arg[0] == 83)
- xcc_test_failed = TRUE;
- // Xterm first responded to this request at patch level
- // 95, so assume anything below 95 is not xterm.
- if (version < 95)
- is_not_xterm = TRUE;
- // With the real Xterm setting the underline RGB color
- // clears the background color, disable "t_8u".
- if (!is_not_xterm && *T_8U != NUL)
- T_8U = empty_option;
- // Only request the cursor style if t_SH and t_RS are
- // set. Only supported properly by xterm since version
- // 279 (otherwise it returns 0x18).
- // Only when the xcc_status was set, the test finished,
- // and xcc_test_failed is FALSE;
- // Not for, it can't handle t_RS, it
- // echoes the characters to the screen.
- if (rcs_status.tr_progress == STATUS_GET
- && xcc_status.tr_progress == STATUS_GOT
- && !xcc_test_failed
- && version >= 279
- && *T_CSH != NUL
- && *T_CRS != NUL)
- {
- LOG_TR(("Sending cursor style request"));
- out_str(T_CRS);
- termrequest_sent(&rcs_status);
- need_flush = TRUE;
- }
- // Only request the cursor blink mode if t_RC set. Not
- // for Gnome terminal, it can't handle t_RC, it
- // echoes the characters to the screen.
- // Only when the xcc_status was set, the test finished,
- // and xcc_test_failed is FALSE;
- if (rbm_status.tr_progress == STATUS_GET
- && xcc_status.tr_progress == STATUS_GOT
- && !xcc_test_failed
- && *T_CRC != NUL)
- {
- LOG_TR(("Sending cursor blink mode request"));
- out_str(T_CRC);
- termrequest_sent(&rbm_status);
- need_flush = TRUE;
- }
- if (need_flush)
- out_flush();
- }
- slen = csi_len;
-# ifdef FEAT_EVAL
- set_vim_var_string(VV_TERMRESPONSE, tp, slen);
-# endif
- apply_autocmds(EVENT_TERMRESPONSE,
- NULL, NULL, FALSE, curbuf);
- key_name[0] = (int)KS_EXTRA;
- key_name[1] = (int)KE_IGNORE;
- }
- // Check blinking cursor from xterm:
- // {lead}?12;1$y set
- // {lead}?12;2$y not set
- //
- // {lead} can be <Esc>[ or CSI
- else if (rbm_status.tr_progress == STATUS_SENT
- && first == '?'
- && ap == argp + 6
- && arg[0] == 12
- && ap[-1] == '$'
- && trail == 'y')
- {
- initial_cursor_blink = (arg[1] == '1');
- rbm_status.tr_progress = STATUS_GOT;
- LOG_TR(("Received cursor blinking mode response: %s", tp));
- key_name[0] = (int)KS_EXTRA;
- key_name[1] = (int)KE_IGNORE;
- slen = csi_len;
-# ifdef FEAT_EVAL
- set_vim_var_string(VV_TERMBLINKRESP, tp, slen);
+ if (resp == -1)
+ LOG_TR(("Not enough characters for CSI sequence"));
# endif
+ return resp;
- // Check for a window position response from the terminal:
- // {lead}3;{x};{y}t
- else if (did_request_winpos && argc == 3 && arg[0] == 3
- && trail == 't')
- {
- winpos_x = arg[1];
- winpos_y = arg[2];
- // got finished code: consume it
- key_name[0] = (int)KS_EXTRA;
- key_name[1] = (int)KE_IGNORE;
- slen = csi_len;
- if (--did_request_winpos <= 0)
- winpos_status.tr_progress = STATUS_GOT;
- }
- // Key with modifier:
- // {lead}27;{modifier};{key}~
- // {lead}{key};{modifier}u
- else if ((arg[0] == 27 && argc == 3 && trail == '~')
- || (argc == 2 && trail == 'u'))
- {
- seenModifyOtherKeys = TRUE;
- if (trail == 'u')
- key = arg[0];
- else
- key = arg[2];
- modifiers = decode_modifiers(arg[1]);
- // Some keys already have Shift included, pass them as
- // normal keys. Not when Ctrl is also used, because <C-H>
- // and <C-S-H> are different.
- if (modifiers == MOD_MASK_SHIFT
- && ((key >= '@' && key <= 'Z')
- || key == '^' || key == '_'
- || (key >= '{' && key <= '~')))
- modifiers = 0;
- // When used with Ctrl we always make a letter upper case,
- // so that mapping <C-H> and <C-h> are the same. Typing
- // <C-S-H> also uses "H" but modifier is different.
- if ((modifiers & MOD_MASK_CTRL) && ASCII_ISALPHA(key))
- key = TOUPPER_ASC(key);
- // insert modifiers with KS_MODIFIER
- new_slen = modifiers2keycode(modifiers, &key, string);
- slen = csi_len;
- if (has_mbyte)
- new_slen += (*mb_char2bytes)(key, string + new_slen);
- else
- string[new_slen++] = key;
- if (put_string_in_typebuf(offset, slen, string, new_slen,
- buf, bufsize, buflen) == FAIL)
- return -1;
- return len + new_slen - slen + offset;
- }
- // else: Unknown CSI sequence. We could drop it, but then the
- // user can't create a map for it.
- // Check for fore/background color response from the terminal:
- //
- // {lead}{code};rgb:{rrrr}/{gggg}/{bbbb}{tail}
- // or {lead}{code};rgb:{rr}/{gg}/{bb}{tail}
- //
- // {code} is 10 for foreground, 11 for background
- // {lead} can be <Esc>] or OSC
- // {tail} can be '\007', <Esc>\ or STERM.
- //
- // Consume any code that starts with "{lead}11;", it's also
- // possible that "rgba" is following.
+ // Check for fore/background color response from the terminal,
+ // starting} with <Esc>] or OSC
else if ((*T_RBG != NUL || *T_RFG != NUL)
&& ((tp[0] == ESC && len >= 2 && tp[1] == ']')
|| tp[0] == OSC))
- j = 1 + (tp[0] == ESC);
- if (len >= j + 3 && (argp[0] != '1'
- || (argp[1] != '1' && argp[1] != '0')
- || argp[2] != ';'))
- i = 0; // no match
- else
- for (i = j; i < len; ++i)
- if (tp[i] == '\007' || (tp[0] == OSC ? tp[i] == STERM
- : (tp[i] == ESC && i + 1 < len && tp[i + 1] == '\\')))
- {
- int is_bg = argp[1] == '1';
- int is_4digit = i - j >= 21 && tp[j + 11] == '/'
- && tp[j + 16] == '/';
- if (i - j >= 15 && STRNCMP(tp + j + 3, "rgb:", 4) == 0
- && (is_4digit
- || (tp[j + 9] == '/' && tp[i + 12 == '/'])))
- {
- char_u *tp_r = tp + j + 7;
- char_u *tp_g = tp + j + (is_4digit ? 12 : 10);
- char_u *tp_b = tp + j + (is_4digit ? 17 : 13);
- int rval, gval, bval;
- rval = hexhex2nr(tp_r);
- gval = hexhex2nr(tp_b);
- bval = hexhex2nr(tp_g);
-# endif
- if (is_bg)
- {
- char *new_bg_val = (3 * '6' < *tp_r + *tp_g +
- *tp_b) ? "light" : "dark";
- LOG_TR(("Received RBG response: %s", tp));
- rbg_status.tr_progress = STATUS_GOT;
- bg_r = rval;
- bg_g = gval;
- bg_b = bval;
-# endif
- if (!option_was_set((char_u *)"bg")
- && STRCMP(p_bg, new_bg_val) != 0)
- {
- // value differs, apply it
- set_option_value((char_u *)"bg", 0L,
- (char_u *)new_bg_val, 0);
- reset_option_was_set((char_u *)"bg");
- redraw_asap(CLEAR);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- LOG_TR(("Received RFG response: %s", tp));
- rfg_status.tr_progress = STATUS_GOT;
- fg_r = rval;
- fg_g = gval;
- fg_b = bval;
- }
-# endif
- }
- // got finished code: consume it
- key_name[0] = (int)KS_EXTRA;
- key_name[1] = (int)KE_IGNORE;
- slen = i + 1 + (tp[i] == ESC);
-# ifdef FEAT_EVAL
- set_vim_var_string(is_bg ? VV_TERMRBGRESP
- : VV_TERMRFGRESP, tp, slen);
-# endif
- break;
- }
- if (i == len)
- {
- LOG_TR(("not enough characters for RB"));
+ if (handle_osc(tp, argp, len, key_name, &slen) == FAIL)
return -1;
- }
- // Check for key code response from xterm:
- // {lead}{flag}+r<hex bytes><{tail}
- //
- // {lead} can be <Esc>P or DCS
- // {flag} can be '0' or '1'
- // {tail} can be Esc>\ or STERM
- //
- // Check for cursor shape response from xterm:
- // {lead}1$r<digit> q{tail}
- //
- // {lead} can be <Esc>P or DCS
- // {tail} can be <Esc>\ or STERM
- //
- // Consume any code that starts with "{lead}.+r" or "{lead}.$r".
+ // Check for key code response from xterm,
+ // starting with <Esc>P or DCS
else if ((check_for_codes || rcs_status.tr_progress == STATUS_SENT)
&& ((tp[0] == ESC && len >= 2 && tp[1] == 'P')
|| tp[0] == DCS))
- j = 1 + (tp[0] == ESC);
- if (len < j + 3)
- i = len; // need more chars
- else if ((argp[1] != '+' && argp[1] != '$') || argp[2] != 'r')
- i = 0; // no match
- else if (argp[1] == '+')
- // key code response
- for (i = j; i < len; ++i)
- {
- if ((tp[i] == ESC && i + 1 < len && tp[i + 1] == '\\')
- || tp[i] == STERM)
- {
- if (i - j >= 3)
- got_code_from_term(tp + j, i);
- key_name[0] = (int)KS_EXTRA;
- key_name[1] = (int)KE_IGNORE;
- slen = i + 1 + (tp[i] == ESC);
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Probably the cursor shape response. Make sure that "i"
- // is equal to "len" when there are not sufficient
- // characters.
- for (i = j + 3; i < len; ++i)
- {
- if (i - j == 3 && !isdigit(tp[i]))
- break;
- if (i - j == 4 && tp[i] != ' ')
- break;
- if (i - j == 5 && tp[i] != 'q')
- break;
- if (i - j == 6 && tp[i] != ESC && tp[i] != STERM)
- break;
- if ((i - j == 6 && tp[i] == STERM)
- || (i - j == 7 && tp[i] == '\\'))
- {
- int number = argp[3] - '0';
- // 0, 1 = block blink, 2 = block
- // 3 = underline blink, 4 = underline
- // 5 = vertical bar blink, 6 = vertical bar
- number = number == 0 ? 1 : number;
- initial_cursor_shape = (number + 1) / 2;
- // The blink flag is actually inverted, compared to
- // the value set with T_SH.
- initial_cursor_shape_blink =
- (number & 1) ? FALSE : TRUE;
- rcs_status.tr_progress = STATUS_GOT;
- LOG_TR(("Received cursor shape response: %s", tp));
- key_name[0] = (int)KS_EXTRA;
- key_name[1] = (int)KE_IGNORE;
- slen = i + 1;
-# ifdef FEAT_EVAL
- set_vim_var_string(VV_TERMSTYLERESP, tp, slen);
-# endif
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (i == len)
- {
- // These codes arrive many together, each code can be
- // truncated at any point.
- LOG_TR(("not enough characters for XT"));
+ if (handle_dcs(tp, argp, len, key_name, &slen) == FAIL)
return -1;
- }