/* {{{ print_help
function print_help() {
- printf('php ext_skel.php --ext=<name> [--experimental] [--author=<name>]%s', PHP_EOL);
- printf(' [--dir=<path>] [--std] [--onlyunix]%s', PHP_EOL);
+ printf('php ext_skel.php --ext <name> [--experimental] [--author <name>]%s', PHP_EOL);
+ printf(' [--dir <path>] [--std] [--onlyunix]%s', PHP_EOL);
printf(' [--onlywindows] [--help]%1$s%1$s', PHP_EOL);
- printf(' --ext=<name> The name of the extension defined as <name>%s', PHP_EOL);
+ printf(' --ext <name> The name of the extension defined as <name>%s', PHP_EOL);
printf(' --experimental Passed if this extension is experimental, this creates%s', PHP_EOL);
printf(' the EXPERIMENTAL file in the root of the extension%s', PHP_EOL);
- printf(' --author=<name> Your name, this is used if --header is passed and%s', PHP_EOL);
+ printf(' --author <name> Your name, this is used if --header is passed and%s', PHP_EOL);
printf(' for the CREDITS file%s', PHP_EOL);
- printf(' --dir=<path> Path to the directory for where extension should be%s', PHP_EOL);
+ printf(' --dir <path> Path to the directory for where extension should be%s', PHP_EOL);
printf(' created. Defaults to the directory of where this script%s', PHP_EOL);
printf(' lives%s', PHP_EOL);
printf(' --std If passed, the standard header and vim rules footer used%s', PHP_EOL);