ZEND_FETCH_RESOURCE(mh, php_curlm *, &z_mh, -1, le_curl_multi_handle_name, le_curl_multi_handle);
ZEND_FETCH_RESOURCE(ch, php_curl *, &z_ch, -1, le_curl_name, le_curl);
- zval_add_ref(&z_ch);
+ /* we want to create a copy of this zval that we store in the multihandle
+ structure element "easyh" - so we separate it from the original
+ input zval to this function using SEPARATE_ZVAL */
+ SEPARATE_ZVAL( &z_ch );
zend_llist_add_element(&mh->easyh, &z_ch);
RETURN_LONG((long) curl_multi_add_handle(mh->multi, ch->cp));
/* }}} */
+/* Used internally as comparison routine passed to zend_list_del_element */
+static int curl_compare_resources( zval **z1, zval **z2 )
+ return (Z_TYPE_PP( z1 ) == Z_TYPE_PP( z2 ) &&
+ Z_TYPE_PP( z1 ) == IS_RESOURCE &&
+ Z_LVAL_PP( z1 ) == Z_LVAL_PP( z2 ) );
/* {{{ proto int curl_multi_remove_handle(resource mh, resource ch)
Remove a multi handle from a set of cURL handles */
ZEND_FETCH_RESOURCE(ch, php_curl *, &z_ch, -1, le_curl_name, le_curl);
+ zend_llist_del_element( &mh->easyh, &z_ch,
+ (int (*)(void *, void *)) curl_compare_resources );
RETURN_LONG((long) curl_multi_remove_handle(mh->multi, ch->cp));
zval *z_mh;
php_curlm *mh;
- CURLMsg *tmp_msg;
+ CURLMsg *tmp_msg;
int queued_msgs;
+ zval *zmsgs_in_queue = NULL;
- /* XXX: Not Implemented */
- return;
- if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "r", &z_mh) == FAILURE) {
+ if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "r|z", &z_mh, &zmsgs_in_queue) == FAILURE) {
if (tmp_msg == NULL) {
+ if (zmsgs_in_queue) {
+ zval_dtor(zmsgs_in_queue);
+ ZVAL_LONG(zmsgs_in_queue, queued_msgs);
+ }
add_assoc_long(return_value, "msg", tmp_msg->msg);
add_assoc_long(return_value, "result", tmp_msg->data.result);
- /* add_assoc_resource(return_value, "handle", zend_list_id_by_pointer(tmp_msg->easy_handle, le_curl TSRMLS_CC)); */
- add_assoc_string(return_value, "whatever", (char *) tmp_msg->data.whatever, 1);
+ /* find the original easy curl handle */
+ {
+ zend_llist_position pos;
+ php_curl *ch;
+ zval **pz_ch;
+ /* search the list of easy handles hanging off the multi-handle */
+ for(pz_ch = (zval **)zend_llist_get_first_ex(&mh->easyh, &pos); pz_ch;
+ pz_ch = (zval **)zend_llist_get_next_ex(&mh->easyh, &pos)) {
+ ZEND_FETCH_RESOURCE(ch, php_curl *, pz_ch, -1, le_curl_name, le_curl);
+ if (ch->cp == tmp_msg->easy_handle) {
+ /* we are adding a reference to the underlying php_curl
+ resource, so we need to add one to the resource's refcount
+ in order to ensure it doesn't get destroyed when the
+ underlying curl easy handle goes out of scope.
+ Normally you would call zval_copy_ctor( pz_ch ), or
+ SEPARATE_ZVAL, but those create new zvals, which is already
+ being done in add_assoc_resource */
+ zend_list_addref( Z_RESVAL_PP( pz_ch ) );
+ /* add_assoc_resource automatically creates a new zval to
+ wrap the "resource" represented by the current pz_ch */
+ add_assoc_resource(return_value, "handle", Z_RESVAL_PP(pz_ch));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
/* }}} */