static jv* jvp_array_write(jv* a, int i) {
+ assert(i >= 0);
jvp_array* array = jvp_array_ptr(*a);
- if (i < 0)
- i = array->length + i;
- if (i < 0)
- i = 0;
int pos = i + jvp_array_offset(*a);
if (pos < array->alloc_length && jvp_refcnt_unshared(a->u.ptr)) {
// use existing array space
jv jv_array_set(jv j, int idx, jv val) {
assert(jv_get_kind(j) == JV_KIND_ARRAY);
+ if (idx < 0)
+ idx = jvp_array_length(j) + idx;
+ if (idx < 0) {
+ jv_free(j);
+ jv_free(val);
+ return jv_invalid_with_msg(jv_string("Out of bounds negative array index"));
+ }
// copy/free of val,j coalesced
jv* slot = jvp_array_write(&j, idx);
# Negative array indices
-.foo[-1] = 0
+try (.foo[-1] = 0) catch .
+"Out of bounds negative array index"
-.foo[-2] = 0
+try (.foo[-2] = 0) catch .
+"Out of bounds negative array index"
.[-1] = 5