December 1999 and 3.3.1 in August of 2000.
Version 3.3 offered many firsts. It was the first version to separate race
-and profession. The Elf class was removed in preference to an Elf Race,
-and the races of Dwarves, Gnomes, and Orcs made their first appearance in
-the game alongside the familiar Human race. Monk and Ranger roles joined
+and profession. The Elf class was removed in preference to an elf race,
+and the races of dwarves, gnomes, and orcs made their first appearance in
+the game alongside the familiar human race. Monk and Ranger roles joined
Archeologists, Barbarians, Cavemen, Healers, Knights, Priests, Rogues,
-Tourists, Valkyries and of course, Wizards. It was also the first version
-to allow you to ride a steed, and was the first version to have a publicly
-available web-site listing all the bugs that had been discovered. Despite
-that constantly growing bug list, 3.3 proved stable enough to last for
-more than a year and a half.
+Samurai, Tourists, Valkyries and of course, Wizards. It was also the first
+version to allow you to ride a steed, and was the first version to have a
+publicly available web-site listing all the bugs that had been discovered.
+Despite that constantly growing bug list, 3.3 proved stable enough to last
+for more than a year and a half.
The 3.4 development team initially consisted of Michael Allison, Ken Arromdee,