return interval;
+ * Sets config dump in progress state
+ */
+void CompatIdoComponent::SetConfigDumpInProgress(bool state)
+ m_ConfigDumpInProgress = state;
+ * Get state of config in progress
+ *
+ * @returns state bis config dump in progress.
+ */
+bool CompatIdoComponent::GetConfigDumpInProgress(void)
+ return m_ConfigDumpInProgress;
* Starts the component.
+ /*
+ * tell ido2db that we just started
+ */
+ SendStartProcess();
- * full config dump at startup, wait for it
+ * ddump the config later (can't do that within start of the component)
- Logger::Write(LogInformation, "compatido", "Writing compat ido config information");
+ m_ConfigTimer = boost::make_shared<Timer>();
+ m_ConfigTimer->SetInterval(ConfigTimerInterval);
+ m_ConfigTimer->OnTimerExpired.connect(boost::bind(&CompatIdoComponent::ConfigTimerHandler, this));
+ m_ConfigTimer->Start();
+ m_ConfigTimer->Reschedule(0);
- DumpConfigObjects();
* initialize timers
m_StatusTimer->OnTimerExpired.connect(boost::bind(&CompatIdoComponent::StatusTimerHandler, this));
- m_StatusTimer->Reschedule(0);
- /*
- * do not dump configs in intervals, only on startup
- * TODO trigger dynaamic config updates later
- */
- /*
- m_ConfigTimer = boost::make_shared<Timer>();
- m_ConfigTimer->SetInterval(ConfigTimerInterval);
- m_ConfigTimer->OnTimerExpired.connect(boost::bind(&CompatIdoComponent::ConfigTimerHandler, this));
- m_ConfigTimer->Start();
- */
* do not dummp that asynchronous
Logger::Write(LogInformation, "compatido", "Writing compat ido config information");
+ /* protect the dump of status update messages */
+ SetConfigDumpInProgress(true);
+ SetConfigDumpInProgress(false);
void CompatIdoComponent::ProgramStatusTimerHandler(void)
+ /* do not dump any data if config dump is still in progress */
+ if(GetConfigDumpInProgress())
+ return;
Logger::Write(LogInformation, "compatido", "Writing compat ido program status information");
+ * tell ido2db that we are starting up (must be called before config dump)
+ */
+void CompatIdoComponent::SendStartProcess(void)
+/* TODO */
+#define PROGRAM_MODIFICATION_DATE "10-17-2012"
+ stringstream message;
+ message << "\n"
+ << 200 << "\n" /* processdata */
+ << 1 << "=" << 104 << "\n" /* type = pprocess prelaunch */
+ << 2 << "=" << "" << "\n" /* flags */
+ << 3 << "=" << "" << "\n" /* attributes */
+ << 4 << "=" << std::setprecision(17) << Utility::GetTime() << "\n" /* timestamp */
+ << 105 << "=" << "Icinga2" << "\n" /* progranname */
+ << 107 << "=" << VERSION << "\n" /* programversion */
+ << 104 << "=" << PROGRAM_MODIFICATION_DATE << "\n" /* programdata */
+ << 102 << "=" << Utility::GetPid() << "\n" /* process id */
+ << 999 << "\n\n"; /* enddata */
+ m_IdoSocket->SendMessage(message.str());
* sends config dump start signal to ido
void CompatIdoComponent::DumpHostObject(const Host::Ptr& host)
+ //FIXME DEBUG only
+ stringstream log;
+ log << "Dumping Host Config: " << host->GetName();
+ Logger::Write(LogInformation, "compatido", log.str());
stringstream message;
message << "\n"
<< 400 << ":" << "\n" /* hostdefinition */
void CompatIdoComponent::DumpServiceObject(const Service::Ptr& service)
+ //FIXME DEBUG only
+ stringstream log;
+ log << "Dumping Service Config: " << service->GetHost()->GetName() << "->" << service->GetAlias();
+ Logger::Write(LogInformation, "compatido", log.str());
stringstream message;
message << "\n"
<< 402 << ":" << "\n" /* servicedefinition */
IdoSocket::Ptr m_IdoSocket;
+ bool m_ConfigDumpInProgress;
String GetSocketAddress(void) const;
String GetSocketPort(void) const;
String GetInstanceName(void) const;
int GetReconnectInterval(void) const;
+ void SetConfigDumpInProgress(bool state);
+ bool GetConfigDumpInProgress(void);
void ConfigTimerHandler(void);
void StatusTimerHandler(void);
void ProgramStatusTimerHandler(void);
void SendHello(String instancename);
void GoodByeSink(void);
void CloseSink(void);
+ void SendStartProcess(void);
void StartConfigDump(void);
void EndConfigDump(void);