NetHack 3.3.
NetHack 3.4.1 is a bugfix release for 3.4.0.
- * Fix a fatal error involving land mines and boulders/statues
- * Several message and other glitches corrected
+ * Fix a few fatal errors including one for reentering shops, one
+ involving land mines and boulders/statues, and one for delayed
+ polymorph
+ * Dozens of general bug fixes
+ * Several message and other glitches corrected
+ * Travel command adjustments and ability to disable travel command
+ * message recall window extensions (by Christian Cooper)
* win32: some interface improvements
* unix: improved tile support
+ * gnome: some fixes, and some enhancements by Dylan Alex Simon
A fuller list of changes for this release can be found in the file
doc/fixes34.1 in the source distribution. The text in there was written
* Dozens of general bug fixes
* Several message and other glitches corrected
* Travel command adjustments and ability to disable travel command
+ * message recall window extensions (by Christian Cooper)
* win32: some interface improvements
* unix: improved tile support
- * message recall window extensions (by Christian Cooper)
+ * gnome: some fixes, and some enhancements by Dylan Alex Simon