> addPoolRule({"", ""}, "abuse")
-To define a pool that should receive a QPS-limited amount of traffic, do:
+To define a pool that should receive only a QPS-limited amount of traffic, do:
> addQPSPoolRule("com.", 10000, "gtld-cluster")
+Traffic exceeding the QPS limit will not match that rule, and subsequent
+rules will apply normally.
Both `addDomainBlock` and `addPoolRule` end up the list of Rules
and Actions (for which see below).
This will respectively drop traffic exceeding that 5 QPS limit per IP or range, or return it with TC=1, forcing
clients to fall back to TCP/IP.
-To turn this per IP or range limit into a global limit, use MaxQPSRule(5000) instead of MaxQPSIPRule.
+To turn this per IP or range limit into a global limit, use NotRule(MaxQPSRule(5000)) instead of MaxQPSIPRule.
Lua actions in rules
* `AndRule()`: matches if all sub-rules matches
* `DNSSECRule()`: matches queries with the DO flag set
* `MaxQPSIPRule(qps, v4Mask=32, v6Mask=64)`: matches traffic exceeding the qps limit per subnet
- * `MaxQPSRule(qps)`: matches traffic not exceeding this qps limit
+ * `MaxQPSRule(qps)`: matches traffic **not** exceeding this qps limit
* `NetmaskGroupRule()`: matches traffic from the specified network range
* `NotRule()`: matches if the sub-rule does not match
* `OrRule()`: matches if at least one of the sub-rules matches
* `LogAction([filename], [binary])`: Log a line for each query, to the specified file if any, to the console (require verbose) otherwise. When logging to a file, the `binary` optional parameter specifies whether we log in binary form (default) or in textual form
* `NoRecurseAction()`: strip RD bit from the question, let it go through
* `PoolAction(poolname)`: set the packet into the specified pool
- * `QPSPoolAction(maxqps, poolname)`: set the packet into the specified pool only if it does not exceed the specified QPS limits
+ * `QPSPoolAction(maxqps, poolname)`: set the packet into the specified pool only if it **does not** exceed the specified QPS limits, letting the subsequent rules apply otherwise
* `QPSAction(rule, maxqps)`: drop these packets if the QPS limits are exceeded
* `RCodeAction(rcode)`: reply immediatly by turning the query into a response with the specified rcode
* `SkipCacheAction()`: don't lookup the cache for this query, don't store the answer
* `addPoolRule({domain, domain}, pool)`: send queries to these domains to that pool
* `addPoolRule(netmask, pool)`: send queries to this netmask to that pool
* `addPoolRule({netmask, netmask}, pool)`: send queries to these netmasks to that pool
- * `addQPSPoolRule(x, limit, pool)`: like `addPoolRule`, but only select at most 'limit' queries/s for this pool
+ * `addQPSPoolRule(x, limit, pool)`: like `addPoolRule`, but only select at most 'limit' queries/s for this pool, letting the subsequent rules apply otherwise
* `getPool(poolname)`: return the ServerPool named `poolname`
* `getPoolServers(pool)`: return servers part of this pool
* `showPools()`: list the current server pools