Problem: Crash when setting 'columns' while a popup is visible.
Solution: Recompute all positions when clearing the screen. (closes #4467)
win_T *wp;
short *mask;
int line, col;
+ int redraw_all = FALSE;
- if (popup_mask_tab != curtab)
+ // Need to recompute when switching tabs.
+ // Also recompute when the type is CLEAR or NOT_VALID, something basic
+ // (such as the screen size) must have changed.
+ if (popup_mask_tab != curtab || type >= NOT_VALID)
+ {
popup_mask_refresh = TRUE;
+ redraw_all = TRUE;
+ }
if (!popup_mask_refresh)
// Check if any buffer has changed.
popup_visible = TRUE;
// Recompute the position if the text changed.
- if (wp->w_popup_last_changedtick != CHANGEDTICK(wp->w_buffer))
+ if (redraw_all
+ || wp->w_popup_last_changedtick != CHANGEDTICK(wp->w_buffer))
// the width and height are for the inside, add the padding and
--- /dev/null
+> +0&#ffffff0@11
+|~+0#4040ff13&| @10
+|~| @10
+|~| @6|o+0#0000001#ffd7ff255|t|h|e
+|~+0#4040ff13#ffffff0| @6|r+0#0000001#ffd7ff255| |t|a
+|~+0#4040ff13#ffffff0| @6|b+0#0000001#ffd7ff255| @2
+|~+0#4040ff13#ffffff0| @6|a+0#0000001#ffd7ff255| |c+0#ff404010&|o
+|~+0#4040ff13#ffffff0| @6|m+0#ff404010#ffd7ff255@1|e|n
+|~+0#4040ff13#ffffff0| @6|t+0#ff404010#ffd7ff255| +0#0000001&|l|i
+| +0#0000000#ffffff0@5|0|,|n+0#0000001#ffd7ff255|e| @1
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":quit!\<CR>")
call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_popupwin_04', {})
+ " set 'columns' to a small value, size must be recomputed
+ call term_sendkeys(buf, ":let cols = &columns\<CR>")
+ call term_sendkeys(buf, ":set columns=12\<CR>")
+ call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_popupwin_04a', {})
+ call term_sendkeys(buf, ":let &columns = cols\<CR>")
" resize popup, show empty line at bottom
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call popup_move(popupwin, {'minwidth': 15, 'maxwidth': 25, 'minheight': 3, 'maxheight': 5})\<CR>")
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":redraw\<CR>")
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 1518,