// Get the bitwidth of the switched-on value before promotions. We must
// convert the integer case values to this width before comparison.
- unsigned CondWidth = Context.getTypeSize(CondType, SwitchLoc);
+ unsigned CondWidth =
+ static_cast<unsigned>(Context.getTypeSize(CondType, SwitchLoc));
bool CondIsSigned = CondType->isSignedIntegerType();
// Accumulate all of the case values in a vector so that we can sort them
/// getFloatInfo - Return the size of 'float' for this target, in bits.
void getFloatInfo(uint64_t &Size, unsigned &Align, SourceLocation Loc) {
- Align = Size = 32; // FIXME: implement correctly.
+ Align = 32; // FIXME: implement correctly.
+ Size = 32;
/// getDoubleInfo - Return the size of 'double' for this target, in bits.
unsigned getCharWidth(SourceLocation Loc) {
uint64_t Size; unsigned Align;
getCharInfo(Size, Align, Loc);
- return Size;
+ return static_cast<unsigned>(Size);
unsigned getWCharWidth(SourceLocation Loc) {
uint64_t Size; unsigned Align;
getWCharInfo(Size, Align, Loc);
- return Size;
+ return static_cast<unsigned>(Size);
unsigned getIntWidth(SourceLocation Loc) {
uint64_t Size; unsigned Align;
getIntInfo(Size, Align, Loc);
- return Size;
+ return static_cast<unsigned>(Size);
unsigned getLongWidth(SourceLocation Loc) {
uint64_t Size; unsigned Align;
getLongInfo(Size, Align, Loc);
- return Size;
+ return static_cast<unsigned>(Size);
unsigned getLongLongWidth(SourceLocation Loc) {
uint64_t Size; unsigned Align;
getLongLongInfo(Size, Align, Loc);
- return Size;
+ return static_cast<unsigned>(Size);
void ComputeWCharInfo(SourceLocation Loc);
// Semantic.
class DeclSpec;
class Declarator;
- class ObjcKeywordInfo;
+ struct ObjcKeywordInfo;
class AttributeList;
// Parse.
class Scope;
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+ RelativePath="..\..\include\clang\AST\PrettyPrinter.h"\r
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+ >\r
+ </File>\r
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+ </File>\r
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+ RelativePath="..\..\include\clang\Analysis\DataflowValues.h"\r
+ >\r
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+ RelativePath="..\..\include\clang\Analysis\UninitializedValues.h"\r
+ >\r
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