-Callouts API Version 6.8.2 2018/04/10
+Callouts API Version 6.8.2 2018/04/11
#include <oniguruma.h>
+(1) Callout functions
+(2) Set/Get functions for Callouts of contents
+(3) Set functions for Callouts of name
+(4) User data
+(5) Get values from OnigCalloutArgs
+(6) Tag
+(7) Callout data (used in callout functions)
+(8) Callout data (used in applications)
+(9) Miscellaneous functions
+(1) Callout functions
-(1) Callouts function type
+ type: OnigCalloutFunc
typedef int (*OnigCalloutFunc)(OnigCalloutArgs* args, void* user_data);
If 0 (NULL) is set as a callout function value, never called.
- * callouts function return value (int)
+ * Callout function return value (int)
ONIG_CALLOUT_FAIL/SUCCESS values are ignored in retraction,
because retraction is a recovery process after failure.
+ * Example of callout function
+ extern int always_success(OnigCalloutArgs* args, void* user_data)
+ {
+ }
-(2) Set/Get a function for Callouts of contents
+(2) Set/Get functions for Callouts of contents
# OnigCalloutFunc onig_get_progress_callout(void)
-(3) Set a function for Callouts of name
+(3) Set functions for Callouts of name
-# int onig_set_callout_of_name(OnigEncoding enc, OnigCalloutType type, OnigUChar* name, OnigUChar* name_end, int callout_in, OnigCalloutFunc callout, OnigCalloutFunc end_callout, int arg_num, unsigned int arg_types[], int optional_arg_num, OnigValue opt_defaults[])
+# int onig_set_callout_of_name(OnigEncoding enc, OnigCalloutType type, OnigUChar* name, OnigUChar* name_end, int callout_in, OnigCalloutFunc callout, OnigCalloutFunc end_callout, int arg_num, unsigned int arg_types[], int opt_arg_num, OnigValue opt_defaults[])
Set a function for callouts of name.
Allowed name string characters: _ A-Z a-z 0-9 (* first character: _ A-Z a-z)
7 end_callout: * not used currently (set 0)
8 arg_num: number of arguments (*limit by ONIG_CALLOUT_MAX_ARGS_NUM == 4)
9 arg_types: type array of arguments
- 10 optional_arg_num: number of optional arguments
- 11 opt_defaults: option values array of arguments
+ 10 opt_arg_num: number of optional arguments
+ 11 opt_defaults: default values array of optional arguments
normal return: ONIG_NORMAL
# int onig_get_callout_num_by_callout_args(OnigCalloutArgs* args)
Return callout number of this callout.
- Callout number is an identifier of callout in the regex pattern.
+ "Callout number" is identifier of a callout in the regex pattern.
# OnigCalloutIn onig_get_callout_in_by_callout_args(OnigCalloutArgs* args)
(6) Tag
- "Tag" is a name which assigned to a callout in regexp pattern.
+ "Tag" is name assigned to a callout in regexp pattern.
Allowed tag string characters: _ A-Z a-z 0-9 (* first character: _ A-Z a-z)
-(7) Access to callout data
+(7) Callout data (used in callout functions)
"Callout data" is ONIG_CALLOUT_DATA_SLOT_NUM(5) values area
for each callout in each search process.
Each value area in the callout is indicated by "slot" number (0 - 4).
-# int onig_get_callout_data_dont_clear_old(OnigRegex reg, OnigMatchParam* mp, int callout_num, int slot, OnigType* type, OnigValue* val)
-# int onig_get_callout_data_by_callout_args_self_dont_clear_old(OnigCalloutArgs* args, int slot, OnigType* type, OnigValue* val)
-# int onig_get_callout_data(OnigRegex reg, OnigMatchParam* mp, int callout_num, int slot, OnigType* type, OnigValue* val)
# int onig_get_callout_data_by_callout_args(OnigCalloutArgs* args, int callout_num, int slot, OnigType* type, OnigValue* val)
+ Return the callout data value/type for a callout slot indicated by
+ callout_num/slot.
+ normal return: ONIG_NORMAL
+ 1: not yet set (type is ONIG_TYPE_VOID)
+ < 0: error code
# int onig_get_callout_data_by_callout_args_self(OnigCalloutArgs* args, int slot, OnigType* type, OnigValue* val)
-# int onig_set_callout_data(OnigRegex reg, OnigMatchParam* mp, int callout_num, int slot, OnigType type, OnigValue* val)
+ Return self callout data value/type.
+ normal return: ONIG_NORMAL
+ 1: not yet set (type is ONIG_TYPE_VOID)
+ < 0: error code
# int onig_set_callout_data_by_callout_args(OnigCalloutArgs* args, int callout_num, int slot, OnigType type, OnigValue* val)
+ Set the callout data value/type for a callout slot indicated by callout_num/slot.
+ normal return: ONIG_NORMAL
+ < 0: error code
# int onig_set_callout_data_by_callout_args_self(OnigCalloutArgs* args, int slot, OnigType type, OnigValue* val)
+ Set self callout data value/type for a callout slot indicated by slot.
+ normal return: ONIG_NORMAL
+ < 0: error code
+# int onig_get_callout_data_by_callout_args_self_dont_clear_old(OnigCalloutArgs* args, int slot, OnigType* type, OnigValue* val)
+ This function is almost same as onig_get_callout_data_by_callout_args_self().
+ But this function doesn't clear values which set in previous failed match process.
+ Other onig_get_callout_data_xxxx() functions clear all values which set
+ in previous failed match process.
+ For example, Builtin callout (*TOTAL_COUNT) is implemented by using this function
+ for accumulate count of all of match processes in a search process.
+ Builtin callout (*COUNT) returns count in last success match process only,
+ because it doesn't use this function.
+(8) Callout data (used in apllications)
+# int onig_get_callout_data(OnigRegex reg, OnigMatchParam* mp, int callout_num, int slot, OnigType* type, OnigValue* val)
+ Return the callout data value/type for a callout slot indicated by
+ callout_num/slot.
+ normal return: ONIG_NORMAL
+ 1: not yet set (type is ONIG_TYPE_VOID)
+ < 0: error code
# int onig_get_callout_data_by_tag(OnigRegex reg, OnigMatchParam* mp, const OnigUChar* tag, const OnigUChar* tag_end, int slot, OnigType* type, OnigValue* val)
+ Return the callout data value/type for a callout slot indicated by tag/slot.
+ normal return: ONIG_NORMAL
+ 1: not yet set (type is ONIG_TYPE_VOID)
+ < 0: error code
+# int onig_set_callout_data(OnigRegex reg, OnigMatchParam* mp, int callout_num, int slot, OnigType type, OnigValue* val)
+ Set the callout data value/type for a callout slot indicated by callout_num/slot.
+ normal return: ONIG_NORMAL
+ < 0: error code
# int onig_set_callout_data_by_tag(OnigRegex reg, OnigMatchParam* mp, const OnigUChar* tag, const OnigUChar* tag_end, int slot, OnigType type, OnigValue* val)
+ Set the callout data value/type for a callout slot indicated by tag/slot.
+ normal return: ONIG_NORMAL
+ < 0: error code
+# int onig_get_callout_data_dont_clear_old(OnigRegex reg, OnigMatchParam* mp, int callout_num, int slot, OnigType* type, OnigValue* val)
+ No needs to use this function.
+ It will be abolished.
-(8) Miscellaneous functions
+(9) Miscellaneous functions
+# OnigUChar* onig_get_callout_name_by_name_id(int name_id)
+ Return callout name of the name id.
+ if invalid name id is passed, return 0.
-# OnigUChar* onig_get_callout_name_by_name_id(int id)
# int onig_get_capture_range_in_callout(OnigCalloutArgs* args, int mem_num, int* begin, int* end)
+ Return current capture range position.
+ Position is byte length offset from subject string.
+ For uncaptured mem_num, ONIG_REGION_NOTPOS is set.
# int onig_get_used_stack_size_in_callout(OnigCalloutArgs* args, int* used_num, int* used_bytes)
+ Return current used stack size.
+ used_num: number of stack elements
+ used_bytes: used byte size of stack