when blind and levitating > shouldn't say "stairs" if player has not seen them
a slow-moving monster hidden under a rotting corpse was not immediately
displayed when the corpse rotted away
+mimic that ends up on the rogue level should not mimic a closed door
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific Fixes
* If there is a wall to the left that connects to this
* location, then the mimic mimics a horizontal closed door.
* This does not allow doors to be in corners of rooms.
+ * Since rogue has no closed doors, mimic a wall there
+ * (yes, mimics can end up on this level by various means).
if (mx != 0 &&
(levl[mx-1][my].typ == HWALL ||
levl[mx-1][my].typ == TDWALL ||
levl[mx-1][my].typ == CROSSWALL||
levl[mx-1][my].typ == TUWALL ))
- appear = S_hcdoor;
+ appear = Is_rogue_level(&u.uz) ? S_hwall : S_hcdoor;
- appear = S_vcdoor;
+ appear = Is_rogue_level(&u.uz) ? S_vwall : S_vcdoor;
if(!mtmp->minvis || See_invisible)
block_point(mx,my); /* vision */