--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<package xmlns="http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0" xmlns:tasks="http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" packagerversion="1.4.0a2" version="2.0">
+ <name>xmlwriter</name>
+ <channel>pecl.php.net</channel>
+ <summary>Provides fast, non-cached, forward-only means to write XML data.</summary>
+ <description>This extension wraps the libxml xmlWriter API. Represents a writer that provides a non-cached, forward-only means of generating streams or files containing XML data.
+ <lead>
+ <name>Rob Richards</name>
+ <user>rrichards</user>
+ <email>rrichards@php.net</email>
+ <active>yes</active>
+ </lead>
+ <developer>
+ <name>Pierre-Alain Joye</name>
+ <user>pajoye</user>
+ <email>pajoye@php.net</email>
+ <active>yes</active>
+ </developer>
+ <date>2006-03-05</date>
+ <version>
+ <release>2.0.4</release>
+ <api>2.0.0</api>
+ </version>
+ <stability>
+ <release>stable</release>
+ <api>stable</api>
+ </stability>
+ <license uri="http://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt">PHP</license>
+ <notes>- #6267, Implement xmlTextWriterWriteRaw
+- #6266, Implement xmlTextWriterFullEndElement
+-#6177, xmlwriter_write_dtd_element inconsistent parameters between function/method
+ <contents>
+ <dir name="/">
+ <file role="src" name="config.m4"/>
+ <file role="src" name="config.w32"/>
+ <file role="src" name="php_xmlwriter.c"/>
+ <file role="src" name="php_xmlwriter.h"/>
+ <dir name="tests" role="test">
+ <file role="test" name="001.phpt"/>
+ <file role="test" name="002.phpt"/>
+ <file role="test" name="003.phpt"/>
+ <file role="test" name="004.phpt"/>
+ <file role="test" name="005.phpt"/>
+ <file role="test" name="OO_001.phpt"/>
+ <file role="test" name="OO_002.phpt"/>
+ <file role="test" name="OO_003.phpt"/>
+ <file role="test" name="OO_004.phpt"/>
+ <file role="test" name="OO_005.phpt"/>
+ <file role="test" name="OO_006.phpt"/>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ </contents>
+ <dependencies>
+ <required>
+ <php>
+ <min>4.3.0</min>
+ </php>
+ <pearinstaller>
+ <min>1.4.0a2</min>
+ </pearinstaller>
+ </required>
+ </dependencies>
+ <providesextension>xmlwriter</providesextension>
+ <extsrcrelease/>
+ <changelog>
+ <release>
+ <date>2005-12-10</date>
+ <version>
+ <release>2.0.3</release>
+ <api>2.0.0</api>
+ </version>
+ <stability>
+ <release>stable</release>
+ <api>stable</api>
+ </stability>
+ <license uri="http://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt">PHP</license>
+ <notes>- fix ::startDtd and ::startElementNs arguments
+- Add tests for both methods
+- fix ::setIndent() parameter parsing (Ilia)
+- Fix compile warnings
+- update tests suite
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <date>2005-12-01</date>
+ <version>
+ <release>2.0.2</release>
+ <api>2.0.0</api>
+ </version>
+ <stability>
+ <release>stable</release>
+ <api>stable</api>
+ </stability>
+ <license uri="http://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt">PHP</license>
+ <notes>- fix build under 5.0
+- fix crash when XMLWriter is instantiated but not used
+- Switch from BSD-like license to PHP License 3.01
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>
+ <release>2.0.1</release>
+ <api>2.0.0</api>
+ </version>
+ <stability>
+ <release>stable</release>
+ <api>stable</api>
+ </stability>
+ <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD</license>
+ <notes>- Switch from PHP License to BSD-like license
+- Allow recursive calls to __get/__set for different properties (ilia)
+ </notes>
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <date>2005-08-07</date>
+ <time>01:20:00</time>
+ <version>
+ <release>2.0.0</release>
+ <api>2.0.0</api>
+ </version>
+ <stability>
+ <release>stable</release>
+ <api>stable</api>
+ </stability>
+ <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
+ <notes>Promote to stable</notes>
+ </release>
+ </changelog>