+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_nsec_root_nxd_denial) {
+ init();
+ testkeysset_t keys;
+ generateKeyMaterial(DNSName("."), DNSSECKeeper::ECDSA256, DNSSECKeeper::SHA256, keys);
+ vector<DNSRecord> records;
+ vector<shared_ptr<DNSRecordContent>> recordContents;
+ vector<shared_ptr<RRSIGRecordContent>> signatureContents;
+ /*
+ The RRSIG from "." denies the existence of anything between a. and c.,
+ including b.
+ */
+ addNSECRecordToLW(DNSName("a."), DNSName("c."), { QType::NS }, 600, records);
+ recordContents.push_back(;
+ addRRSIG(keys, records, DNSName("."), 300);
+ signatureContents.push_back(getRR<RRSIGRecordContent>(;
+ records.clear();
+ ContentSigPair pair;
+ pair.records = recordContents;
+ pair.signatures = signatureContents;
+ cspmap_t denialMap;
+ denialMap[std::make_pair(DNSName("a."), QType::NSEC)] = pair;
+ dState denialState = getDenial(denialMap, DNSName("b."), QType::A);
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_nsec_ancestor_nxqtype_denial) {
+ init();
+ testkeysset_t keys;
+ generateKeyMaterial(DNSName("."), DNSSECKeeper::ECDSA256, DNSSECKeeper::SHA256, keys);
+ vector<DNSRecord> records;
+ vector<shared_ptr<DNSRecordContent>> recordContents;
+ vector<shared_ptr<RRSIGRecordContent>> signatureContents;
+ /*
+ The RRSIG from "." denies the existence of any type except NS at a.
+ However since it's an ancestor delegation NSEC (NS bit set, SOA bit clear,
+ signer field that is shorter than the owner name of the NSEC RR) it can't
+ be used to deny anything except the whole name or a DS.
+ */
+ addNSECRecordToLW(DNSName("a."), DNSName("b."), { QType::NS }, 600, records);
+ recordContents.push_back(;
+ addRRSIG(keys, records, DNSName("."), 300);
+ signatureContents.push_back(getRR<RRSIGRecordContent>(;
+ records.clear();
+ ContentSigPair pair;
+ pair.records = recordContents;
+ pair.signatures = signatureContents;
+ cspmap_t denialMap;
+ denialMap[std::make_pair(DNSName("a."), QType::NSEC)] = pair;
+ /* RFC 6840 section 4.1 "Clarifications on Nonexistence Proofs":
+ Ancestor delegation NSEC or NSEC3 RRs MUST NOT be used to assume
+ nonexistence of any RRs below that zone cut, which include all RRs at
+ that (original) owner name other than DS RRs, and all RRs below that
+ owner name regardless of type.
+ */
+ dState denialState = getDenial(denialMap, DNSName("a."), QType::A);
+ /* no data means the qname/qtype is not denied, because an ancestor
+ delegation NSEC can only deny the DS */
+ denialState = getDenial(denialMap, DNSName("a."), QType::DS);
// cerr<<"asyncresolve called to ask "<<ip.toStringWithPort()<<" about "<<domain.toString()<<" / "<<QType(type).getName()<<" over "<<(doTCP ? "TCP" : "UDP")<<" (rd: "<<sendRDQuery<<", EDNS0 level: "<<EDNS0Level<<")"<<endl;