define prove_check
+rm -rf $(srcdir)/tmp_check/log
cd $(srcdir) && TESTDIR='$(CURDIR)' $(with_temp_install) PGPORT='6$(DEF_PGPORT)' top_builddir='$(CURDIR)/$(top_builddir)' $(PROVE) $(PG_PROVE_FLAGS) $(PROVE_FLAGS) t/*.pl
print HBA "host replication all trust\n";
print HBA "host replication all ::1/128 trust\n";
close HBA;
-system_or_bail 'pg_ctl', '-s', '-D', "$tempdir/pgdata", 'reload';
+system_or_bail 'pg_ctl', '-D', "$tempdir/pgdata", 'reload';
[ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backup" ],
command_fails(['pg_controldata'], 'pg_controldata without arguments fails');
command_fails([ 'pg_controldata', 'nonexistent' ],
'pg_controldata with nonexistent directory fails');
-system_or_bail "initdb -D '$tempdir'/data -A trust >/dev/null";
+system_or_bail 'initdb', '-D', "$tempdir/data", '-A', 'trust';
command_like([ 'pg_controldata', "$tempdir/data" ],
qr/checkpoint/, 'pg_controldata produces output');
command_ok([ 'pg_ctl', 'restart', '-D', "$tempdir/data", '-w', '-m', 'fast' ],
'pg_ctl restart with server running');
-system_or_bail 'pg_ctl', '-s', 'stop', '-D', "$tempdir/data", '-m', 'fast';
+system_or_bail 'pg_ctl', 'stop', '-D', "$tempdir/data", '-m', 'fast';
command_exit_is([ 'pg_ctl', 'status', '-D', "$tempdir/data" ],
3, 'pg_ctl status with server not running');
-system_or_bail 'pg_ctl', '-s', '-l', "$tempdir/logfile", '-D',
+system_or_bail 'pg_ctl', '-l', "$tempdir/logfile", '-D',
"$tempdir/data", '-w', 'start';
command_exit_is([ 'pg_ctl', 'status', '-D', "$tempdir/data" ],
0, 'pg_ctl status with server running');
-system_or_bail 'pg_ctl', '-s', 'stop', '-D', "$tempdir/data", '-m', 'fast';
+system_or_bail 'pg_ctl', 'stop', '-D', "$tempdir/data", '-m', 'fast';
# Generated by test suite
clean distclean maintainer-clean:
rm -f pg_rewind$(X) $(OBJS) xlogreader.c
- rm -rf tmp_check regress_log
+ rm -rf tmp_check
my $port_master = $ENV{PGPORT};
my $port_standby = $port_master + 1;
-my $log_path;
my $tempdir_short;
my $connstr_master = "port=$port_master";
my $cmd = shift;
- system_or_bail("psql -q --no-psqlrc -d $connstr_master -c \"$cmd\"");
+ system_or_bail 'psql', '-q', '--no-psqlrc', '-d', $connstr_master,
+ '-c', "$cmd";
sub standby_psql
my $cmd = shift;
- system_or_bail("psql -q --no-psqlrc -d $connstr_standby -c \"$cmd\"");
+ system_or_bail 'psql', '-q', '--no-psqlrc', '-d', $connstr_standby,
+ '-c', "$cmd";
# Run a query against the master, and check that the output matches what's
close $fh;
-sub init_rewind_test
- my $testname = shift;
- my $test_mode = shift;
- $log_path = "regress_log/pg_rewind_log_${testname}_${test_mode}";
- remove_tree $log_path;
sub setup_cluster
$tempdir_short = tempdir_short;
local replication all trust
- system_or_bail(
-"pg_ctl -w -D $test_master_datadir -o \"-k $tempdir_short --listen-addresses='' -p $port_master\" start >>$log_path 2>&1"
- );
+ system_or_bail('pg_ctl' , '-w',
+ '-D' , $test_master_datadir,
+ "-o", "-k $tempdir_short --listen-addresses='' -p $port_master",
+ 'start');
#### Now run the test-specific parts to initialize the master before setting
# up standby
remove_tree $test_standby_datadir;
# Base backup is taken with xlog files included
- system_or_bail(
-"pg_basebackup -D $test_standby_datadir -p $port_master -x >>$log_path 2>&1");
+ system_or_bail('pg_basebackup', '-D', $test_standby_datadir,
+ '-p', $port_master, '-x');
"$test_standby_datadir/recovery.conf", qq(
primary_conninfo='$connstr_master application_name=rewind_standby'
# Start standby
- system_or_bail(
-"pg_ctl -w -D $test_standby_datadir -o \"-k $tempdir_short --listen-addresses='' -p $port_standby\" start >>$log_path 2>&1"
- );
+ system_or_bail('pg_ctl', '-w', '-D', $test_standby_datadir,
+ '-o', "-k $tempdir_short --listen-addresses='' -p $port_standby",
+ 'start');
# Wait until the standby has caught up with the primary, by polling
# pg_stat_replication.
# Now promote slave and insert some new data on master, this will put
# the master out-of-sync with the standby. Wait until the standby is
# out of recovery mode, and is ready to accept read-write connections.
- system_or_bail(
- "pg_ctl -w -D $test_standby_datadir promote >>$log_path 2>&1");
+ system_or_bail('pg_ctl', '-w', '-D', $test_standby_datadir, 'promote');
poll_query_until("SELECT NOT pg_is_in_recovery()", $connstr_standby)
or die "Timed out while waiting for promotion of standby";
my $test_mode = shift;
# Stop the master and be ready to perform the rewind
- system_or_bail(
- "pg_ctl -w -D $test_master_datadir stop -m fast >>$log_path 2>&1");
+ system_or_bail('pg_ctl', '-D', $test_master_datadir, 'stop', '-m', 'fast');
# At this point, the rewind processing is ready to run.
# We now have a very simple scenario with a few diverged WAL record.
# Now run pg_rewind
if ($test_mode eq "local")
# Do rewind using a local pgdata as source
# Stop the master and be ready to perform the rewind
- system_or_bail(
- "pg_ctl -w -D $test_standby_datadir stop -m fast >>$log_path 2>&1"
- );
- my $result = run(
- [ 'pg_rewind',
- "--debug",
- "--source-pgdata=$test_standby_datadir",
- "--target-pgdata=$test_master_datadir" ],
- '>>',
- $log_path,
- '2>&1');
- ok($result, 'pg_rewind local');
+ system_or_bail('pg_ctl', '-D', $test_standby_datadir, 'stop',
+ '-m', 'fast');
+ command_ok(['pg_rewind',
+ "--debug",
+ "--source-pgdata=$test_standby_datadir",
+ "--target-pgdata=$test_master_datadir"],
+ 'pg_rewind local');
elsif ($test_mode eq "remote")
# Do rewind using a remote connection as source
- my $result = run(
- [ 'pg_rewind',
- "--source-server",
- "port=$port_standby dbname=postgres",
- "--target-pgdata=$test_master_datadir" ],
- '>>',
- $log_path,
- '2>&1');
- ok($result, 'pg_rewind remote');
+ command_ok(['pg_rewind',
+ "--source-server",
+ "port=$port_standby dbname=postgres",
+ "--target-pgdata=$test_master_datadir"],
+ 'pg_rewind remote');
# Restart the master to check that rewind went correctly
- system_or_bail(
-"pg_ctl -w -D $test_master_datadir -o \"-k $tempdir_short --listen-addresses='' -p $port_master\" start >>$log_path 2>&1"
- );
+ system_or_bail('pg_ctl', '-w', '-D', $test_master_datadir,
+ '-o', "-k $tempdir_short --listen-addresses='' -p $port_master",
+ 'start');
#### Now run the test-specific parts to check the result
if ($test_master_datadir)
- "pg_ctl -D $test_master_datadir -s -m immediate stop 2> /dev/null";
+ 'pg_ctl', '-D', $test_master_datadir, '-m', 'immediate', 'stop';
if ($test_standby_datadir)
- "pg_ctl -D $test_standby_datadir -s -m immediate stop 2> /dev/null";
+ 'pg_ctl', '-D', $test_standby_datadir, '-m', 'immediate', 'stop';
my $test_mode = shift;
- RewindTest::init_rewind_test('basic', $test_mode);
# Create a test table and insert a row in master.
my $test_mode = shift;
- RewindTest::init_rewind_test('databases', $test_mode);
# Create a database in master.
my $test_mode = shift;
- RewindTest::init_rewind_test('extrafiles', $test_mode);
my $test_master_datadir = $RewindTest::test_master_datadir;
--- /dev/null
+# A simple 'tee' implementation, using perl tie.
+# Whenever you print to the handle, it gets forwarded to a list of
+# handles. The list of output filehandles is passed to the constructor.
+# This is similar to IO::Tee, but only used for output. Only the PRINT
+# method is currently implemented; that's all we need. We don't want to
+# depend on IO::Tee just for this.
+package SimpleTee;
+use strict;
+ my $self = shift;
+ bless \@_, $self;
+sub PRINT {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $ok = 1;
+ for my $fh (@$self) {
+ print $fh @_ or $ok = 0;
+ }
+ return $ok;
+ system_log
+ run_log
use Cwd;
+use File::Basename;
use File::Spec;
use File::Temp ();
use IPC::Run qw(run start);
+use SimpleTee;
use Test::More;
+# Open log file. For each test, the log file name uses the name of the
+# file launching this module, without the .pl suffix.
+my $log_path = 'tmp_check/log';
+mkdir 'tmp_check';
+mkdir $log_path;
+my $test_logfile = basename($0);
+$test_logfile =~ s/\.[^.]+$//;
+$test_logfile = "$log_path/regress_log_$test_logfile";
+open TESTLOG, '>', $test_logfile or die "Cannot open STDOUT to logfile: $!";
+# Hijack STDOUT and STDERR to the log file
+open(STDOUT, ">&TESTLOG");
+open(STDERR, ">&TESTLOG");
+# The test output (ok ...) needs to be printed to the original STDOUT so
+# that the 'prove' program can parse it, and display it to the user in
+# real time. But also copy it to the log file, to provide more context
+# in the log.
+my $builder = Test::More->builder;
+my $fh = $builder->output;
+tie *$fh, "SimpleTee", *ORIG_STDOUT, *TESTLOG;
+$fh = $builder->failure_output;
+tie *$fh, "SimpleTee", *ORIG_STDERR, *TESTLOG;
+# Enable auto-flushing for all the file handles. Stderr and stdout are
+# redirected to the same file, and buffering causes the lines to appear
+# in the log in confusing order.
+autoflush STDOUT 1;
+autoflush STDERR 1;
+autoflush TESTLOG 1;
# Set to untranslated messages, to be able to compare program output
# with expected strings.
sub standard_initdb
my $pgdata = shift;
- system_or_bail("initdb -D '$pgdata' -A trust -N >/dev/null");
+ system_or_bail('initdb', '-D', "$pgdata", '-A' , 'trust', '-N');
'--config-auth', $pgdata);
my $tempdir_short = tempdir_short;
+ print("### Starting test server in $tempdir\n");
standard_initdb "$tempdir/pgdata";
- $ret = system 'pg_ctl', '-D', "$tempdir/pgdata", '-s', '-w', '-l',
+ $ret = system_log('pg_ctl', '-D', "$tempdir/pgdata", '-w', '-l',
"$tempdir/logfile", '-o',
-"--fsync=off -k $tempdir_short --listen-addresses='' --log-statement=all",
- 'start';
+"--fsync=off -k \"$tempdir_short\" --listen-addresses='' --log-statement=all",
+ 'start');
if ($ret != 0)
+ print "# pg_ctl failed; logfile:\n";
system('cat', "$tempdir/logfile");
BAIL_OUT("pg_ctl failed");
sub restart_test_server
- system 'pg_ctl', '-s', '-D', $test_server_datadir, '-w', '-l',
- $test_server_logfile, 'restart';
+ print("### Restarting test server\n");
+ system_log('pg_ctl', '-D', $test_server_datadir, '-w', '-l',
+ $test_server_logfile, 'restart');
if ($test_server_datadir)
- system 'pg_ctl', '-D', $test_server_datadir, '-s', '-w', '-m',
- 'immediate', 'stop';
+ system_log('pg_ctl', '-D', $test_server_datadir, '-m',
+ 'immediate', 'stop');
sub psql
my ($dbname, $sql) = @_;
+ print("# Running SQL command: $sql\n");
run [ 'psql', '-X', '-q', '-d', $dbname, '-f', '-' ], '<', \$sql or die;
sub system_or_bail
- system(@_) == 0 or BAIL_OUT("system @_ failed: $?");
+ if (system_log(@_) != 0)
+ {
+ BAIL_OUT("system $_[0] failed: $?");
+ }
+sub system_log
+ print("# Running: " . join(" ", @_) ."\n");
+ return system(@_);
+sub run_log
+ print("# Running: " . join(" ", @{$_[0]}) ."\n");
+ return run (@_);
sub command_ok
my ($cmd, $test_name) = @_;
- my $result = run $cmd, '>', File::Spec->devnull(), '2>',
- File::Spec->devnull();
+ my $result = run_log($cmd);
ok($result, $test_name);
sub command_fails
my ($cmd, $test_name) = @_;
- my $result = run $cmd, '>', File::Spec->devnull(), '2>',
- File::Spec->devnull();
+ my $result = run_log($cmd);
ok(!$result, $test_name);
sub command_exit_is
my ($cmd, $expected, $test_name) = @_;
- my $h = start $cmd, '>', File::Spec->devnull(), '2>',
- File::Spec->devnull();
+ print("# Running: " . join(" ", @{$cmd}) ."\n");
+ my $h = start $cmd;
is($h->result(0), $expected, $test_name);
my ($cmd) = @_;
my ($stdout, $stderr);
+ print("# Running: $cmd --help\n");
my $result = run [ $cmd, '--help' ], '>', \$stdout, '2>', \$stderr;
ok($result, "$cmd --help exit code 0");
isnt($stdout, '', "$cmd --help goes to stdout");
my ($cmd) = @_;
my ($stdout, $stderr);
+ print("# Running: $cmd --version\n");
my $result = run [ $cmd, '--version' ], '>', \$stdout, '2>', \$stderr;
ok($result, "$cmd --version exit code 0");
isnt($stdout, '', "$cmd --version goes to stdout");
my ($cmd) = @_;
my ($stdout, $stderr);
+ print("# Running: $cmd --not-a-valid-option\n");
my $result = run [ $cmd, '--not-a-valid-option' ], '>', \$stdout, '2>',
ok(!$result, "$cmd with invalid option nonzero exit code");
my ($cmd, $expected_stdout, $test_name) = @_;
my ($stdout, $stderr);
+ print("# Running: " . join(" ", @{$cmd}) . "\n");
my $result = run $cmd, '>', \$stdout, '2>', \$stderr;
ok($result, "@$cmd exit code 0");
is($stderr, '', "@$cmd no stderr");
sub issues_sql_like
my ($cmd, $expected_sql, $test_name) = @_;
- my ($stdout, $stderr);
truncate $test_server_logfile, 0;
- my $result = run $cmd, '>', \$stdout, '2>', \$stderr;
+ my $result = run_log($cmd);
ok($result, "@$cmd exit code 0");
my $log = `cat '$test_server_logfile'`;
like($log, $expected_sql, "$test_name: SQL found in server log");
# restart_test_server() because that overrides listen_addresses to only all
# Unix domain socket connections.
- system_or_bail 'pg_ctl', 'stop', '-s', '-D', "$tempdir/pgdata", '-w';
- system_or_bail 'pg_ctl', 'start', '-s', '-D', "$tempdir/pgdata", '-w',
- '-l',
- "$tempdir/logfile";
+ system_or_bail 'pg_ctl', 'stop', '-D', "$tempdir/pgdata";
+ system_or_bail 'pg_ctl', 'start', '-D', "$tempdir/pgdata", '-w';