. Fixed bug #79311 (enchant_dict_suggest() fails on big endian architecture).
+ - EXIF:
+ . Fixed bug #79282 (Use-of-uninitialized-value in exif). (CVE-2020-7064)
+ (Nikita)
++- Fileinfo:
++ . Fixed bug #79283 (Segfault in libmagic patch contains a buffer
++ overflow). (cmb)
+- FPM:
+ . Fixed bug #77653 (operator displayed instead of the real error message).
+ (Jakub Zelenka)
+ . Fixed bug #79014 (PHP-FPM & Primary script unknown). (Jakub Zelenka)
+ - MBstring:
+ . Fixed bug #79371 (mb_strtolower (UTF-32LE): stack-buffer-overflow at
+ php_unicode_tolower_full). (CVE-2020-7065) (cmb)
- MySQLi:
. Fixed bug #64032 (mysqli reports different client_version). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #79294 (::columnType() may fail after SQLite3Stmt::reset()). (cmb)
- Standard:
- . Fixed bug #79329 (get_headers() silently truncates after a null byte).
++ . Fixed bug #79329 (get_headers() silently truncates after a null byte).
+ (CVE-2020-7066) (cmb)
. Fixed bug #79254 (getenv() w/o arguments not showing changes). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #79265 (Improper injection of Host header when using fopen for
http requests). (Miguel Xavier Penha Neto)