getattr = _PyType_Lookup(tp, getattr_str);
getattribute = _PyType_Lookup(tp, getattribute_str);
+ if (getattribute != NULL &&
+ getattribute->ob_type == &PyWrapperDescr_Type &&
+ ((PyWrapperDescrObject *)getattribute)->d_wrapped ==
+ PyObject_GenericGetAttr)
+ getattribute = NULL;
if (getattr == NULL && getattribute == NULL) {
/* Avoid further slowdowns */
+ /* XXX This is questionable: it means that a class that
+ isn't born with __getattr__ or __getattribute__ cannot
+ acquire them in later life. But it's a relatively big
+ speedup, so I'm keeping it in for now. If this is
+ removed, you can also remove the "def __getattr__" from
+ class C (marked with another XXX comment) in dynamics()
+ in Lib/test/test_descr.py. */
if (tp->tp_getattro == slot_tp_getattr_hook)
tp->tp_getattro = PyObject_GenericGetAttr;
return PyObject_GenericGetAttr(self, name);