source shared.vim
source term_util.vim
+" Test for storing global and local argument list in a session file
+" This one must be done first.
+func Test__mksession_arglocal()
+ enew | only
+ n a b c
+ new
+ arglocal
+ mksession! Xtest_mks.out
+ %bwipe!
+ %argdelete
+ argglobal
+ source Xtest_mks.out
+ call assert_equal(2, winnr('$'))
+ call assert_equal(2, arglistid(1))
+ call assert_equal(0, arglistid(2))
+ %bwipe!
+ %argdelete
+ argglobal
+ call delete('Xtest_mks.out')
func Test_mksession()
let wrap_save = &wrap
set sessionoptions&
-" Test for storing global and local argument list in a session file
-func Test_mkseesion_arglocal()
- enew | only
- n a b c
- new
- arglocal
- mksession! Xtest_mks.out
- %bwipe!
- %argdelete
- argglobal
- source Xtest_mks.out
- call assert_equal(2, winnr('$'))
- call assert_equal(2, arglistid(1))
- call assert_equal(0, arglistid(2))
- %bwipe!
- %argdelete
- argglobal
- call delete('Xtest_mks.out')
" Test for changing directory to the session file directory
func Test_mksession_sesdir()
call mkdir('Xproj')