--- /dev/null
+FPM: Test fastcgi_finish_request function
+<?php include "skipif.inc"; ?>
+include "include.inc";
+$logfile = __DIR__.'/php-fpm.log.tmp';
+$srcfile = __DIR__.'/php-fpm.tmp.php';
+$port = 9000+PHP_INT_SIZE;
+$cfg = <<<EOT
+error_log = $logfile
+listen =$port
+pm = dynamic
+pm.max_children = 5
+pm.start_servers = 1
+pm.min_spare_servers = 1
+pm.max_spare_servers = 3
+$code = <<<EOT
+echo "Test Start\n";
+echo "Test End\n";
+file_put_contents($srcfile, $code);
+$fpm = run_fpm($cfg, $tail);
+if (is_resource($fpm)) {
+ fpm_display_log($tail, 2);
+ try {
+ $req = run_request('', $port, $srcfile);
+ echo strstr($req, "Test Start");
+ echo "Request ok\n";
+ } catch (Exception $e) {
+ echo "Request error\n";
+ }
+ proc_terminate($fpm);
+ echo stream_get_contents($tail);
+ fclose($tail);
+ proc_close($fpm);
+[%s] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid %d
+[%s] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
+Test Start
+Request ok
+[%s] NOTICE: Terminating ...
+[%s] NOTICE: exiting, bye-bye!
+ $logfile = __DIR__.'/php-fpm.log.tmp';
+ $srcfile = __DIR__.'/php-fpm.log.tmp';
+ @unlink($logfile);
+ @unlink($srcfile);
\ No newline at end of file