--- /dev/null
+ This file contains routines that can be bound to a Postgres backend and
+ called by the backend in the process of processing queries. The calling
+ format for these routines is dictated by Postgres architecture.
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <float.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "postgres.h"
+#include "access/gist.h"
+#include "access/itup.h"
+#include "access/rtree.h"
+#include "utils/elog.h"
+#include "utils/palloc.h"
+#include "utils/array.h"
+#include "utils/builtins.h"
+#include "storage/bufpage.h"
+#define MAXNUMRANGE 100
+#define max(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
+#define min(a,b) ((a) <= (b) ? (a) : (b))
+#define abs(a) ((a) < (0) ? (-a) : (a))
+#define ARRPTR(x) ( (int4 *) ARR_DATA_PTR(x) )
+#ifdef PGSQL71
+#define ARRSIZE(x) ArrayGetNItems( ARR_NDIM(x), ARR_DIMS(x))
+#define ARRSIZE(x) getNitems( ARR_NDIM(x), ARR_DIMS(x))
+#define NDIM 1
+#define ARRISNULL(x) ( (x) ? ( ( ARR_NDIM(x) == NDIM ) ? ( ( ARRSIZE( x ) ) ? 0 : 1 ) : 1 ) : 1 )
+#define SORT(x) if ( ARRSIZE( x ) > 1 ) isort( (void*)ARRPTR( x ), ARRSIZE( x ) );
+#define PREPAREARR(x) \
+ if ( ARRSIZE( x ) > 1 ) {\
+ if ( isort( (void*)ARRPTR( x ), ARRSIZE( x ) ) )\
+ x = _int_unique( x );\
+ }
+#define GIST_DEBUG
+#ifdef GIST_DEBUG
+static void printarr ( ArrayType * a, int num ) {
+ char bbb[16384];
+ char *cur;
+ int l;
+ int *d;
+ d = ARRPTR( a );
+ *bbb = '\0';
+ cur = bbb;
+ for(l=0; l<min( num, ARRSIZE( a ));l++) {
+ sprintf(cur,"%d ", d[l] );
+ cur = strchr( cur, '\0' ) ;
+ }
+ elog(NOTICE, "\t\t%s", bbb);
+** usefull function
+bool isort( int *a, const int len );
+ArrayType * new_intArrayType( int num );
+ArrayType * copy_intArrayType( ArrayType * a );
+ArrayType * resize_intArrayType( ArrayType * a, int num );
+int internal_size( int *a, int len );
+ArrayType * _int_unique( ArrayType * a );
+** GiST support methods
+bool g_int_consistent(GISTENTRY *entry, ArrayType *query, StrategyNumber strategy);
+GISTENTRY * g_int_compress(GISTENTRY *entry);
+GISTENTRY * g_int_decompress(GISTENTRY *entry);
+float * g_int_penalty(GISTENTRY *origentry, GISTENTRY *newentry, float *result);
+GIST_SPLITVEC * g_int_picksplit(bytea *entryvec, GIST_SPLITVEC *v);
+bool g_int_internal_consistent(ArrayType *key, ArrayType *query, StrategyNumber strategy);
+ArrayType * g_int_union(bytea *entryvec, int *sizep);
+bool * g_int_same(ArrayType *b1, ArrayType *b2, bool *result);
+** R-tree suport functions
+bool inner_int_contains(ArrayType *a, ArrayType *b);
+bool inner_int_overlap(ArrayType *a, ArrayType *b);
+ArrayType * inner_int_union(ArrayType *a, ArrayType *b);
+ArrayType * inner_int_inter(ArrayType *a, ArrayType *b);
+bool _int_different(ArrayType *a, ArrayType *b);
+bool _int_same(ArrayType *a, ArrayType *b);
+bool _int_contains(ArrayType *a, ArrayType *b);
+bool _int_contained(ArrayType *a, ArrayType *b);
+bool _int_overlap(ArrayType *a, ArrayType *b);
+ArrayType * _int_union(ArrayType *a, ArrayType *b);
+ArrayType * _int_inter(ArrayType *a, ArrayType *b);
+void rt__int_size(ArrayType *a, float* sz);
+ * GiST functions
+ *****************************************************************************/
+** The GiST Consistent method for _intments
+** Should return false if for all data items x below entry,
+** the predicate x op query == FALSE, where op is the oper
+** corresponding to strategy in the pg_amop table.
+g_int_consistent(GISTENTRY *entry,
+ ArrayType *query,
+ StrategyNumber strategy)
+ /* sort query for fast search, key is already sorted */
+ if ( ARRISNULL( query ) ) return FALSE;
+ PREPAREARR( query );
+ /*
+ ** if entry is not leaf, use g_int_internal_consistent,
+ ** else use g_int_leaf_consistent
+ */
+ return(g_int_internal_consistent((ArrayType *)(entry->pred), query, strategy));
+** The GiST Union method for _intments
+** returns the minimal set that encloses all the entries in entryvec
+ArrayType *
+g_int_union(bytea *entryvec, int *sizep)
+ int numranges, i;
+ ArrayType *out = (ArrayType *)NULL;
+ ArrayType *tmp;
+ numranges = (VARSIZE(entryvec) - VARHDRSZ)/sizeof(GISTENTRY);
+ tmp = (ArrayType *)(((GISTENTRY *)(VARDATA(entryvec)))[0]).pred;
+#ifdef GIST_DEBUG
+ elog(NOTICE, "union %d", numranges);
+ for (i = 1; i < numranges; i++) {
+ out = inner_int_union(tmp, (ArrayType *)
+ (((GISTENTRY *)(VARDATA(entryvec)))[i]).pred);
+ if (i > 1 && tmp) pfree(tmp);
+ tmp = out;
+ }
+ *sizep = VARSIZE( out );
+#ifdef GIST_DEBUG
+ elog(NOTICE, "\t ENDunion %d %d", *sizep, ARRSIZE( out ) );
+ if ( *sizep == 0 ) {
+ pfree( out );
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return(out);
+** GiST Compress and Decompress methods
+g_int_compress(GISTENTRY *entry)
+ GISTENTRY *retval;
+ ArrayType * r;
+ int len;
+ int *dr;
+ int i,min,cand;
+ retval = palloc(sizeof(GISTENTRY));
+ if ( ! retval )
+ elog(ERROR,"Can't allocate memory for compression");
+ if ( ARRISNULL( (ArrayType *) entry->pred ) ) {
+#ifdef GIST_DEBUG
+ gistentryinit(*retval, (char *)NULL, entry->rel, entry->page, entry->offset,
+ 0, FALSE);
+ return( retval );
+ }
+ r = copy_intArrayType( (ArrayType *) entry->pred );
+ if ( entry->leafkey ) PREPAREARR( r );
+ len = ARRSIZE( r );
+#ifdef GIST_DEBUG
+ elog(NOTICE, "COMP IN: %d leaf; %d rel; %d page; %d offset; %d bytes; %d elems", entry->leafkey, (int)entry->rel, (int)entry->page, (int)entry->offset, (int)entry->bytes, len);
+ //printarr( r, len );
+ if ( len >= 2*MAXNUMRANGE ) { /*compress*/
+ r = resize_intArrayType( r, 2*( len ) );
+ dr = ARRPTR( r );
+ for(i=len-1; i>=0;i--)
+ dr[2*i] = dr[2*i+1] = dr[i];
+ len *= 2;
+ cand = 1;
+ while( len > MAXNUMRANGE * 2 ) {
+ min = 0x7fffffff;
+ for( i=2; i<len;i+=2 )
+ if ( min > (dr[i] - dr[i-1]) ) {
+ min = (dr[i] - dr[i-1]);
+ cand = i;
+ }
+ memmove( (void*)&dr[cand-1], (void*)&dr[cand+1], (len - cand - 1)*sizeof(int) );
+ len -= 2;
+ }
+ r = resize_intArrayType(r, len );
+ }
+ gistentryinit(*retval, (char *)r, entry->rel, entry->page, entry->offset, VARSIZE( r ), FALSE);
+ return(retval);
+g_int_decompress(GISTENTRY *entry)
+ GISTENTRY *retval;
+ ArrayType * r;
+ int *dr, lenr;
+ ArrayType * in;
+ int lenin;
+ int *din;
+ int i,j;
+ if ( entry->bytes < ARR_OVERHEAD( NDIM ) || ARRISNULL( (ArrayType *) entry->pred ) ) {
+ retval = palloc(sizeof(GISTENTRY));
+ if ( ! retval )
+ elog(ERROR,"Can't allocate memory for decompression");
+ gistentryinit(*retval, (char *)NULL, entry->rel, entry->page, entry->offset, 0, FALSE);
+#ifdef GIST_DEBUG
+ return( retval );
+ }
+ in = (ArrayType *) entry->pred;
+ lenin = ARRSIZE(in);
+ din = ARRPTR(in);
+ if ( lenin < 2*MAXNUMRANGE ) { /*not comressed value*/
+ /* sometimes strange bytesize */
+ gistentryinit(*entry, (char *)in, entry->rel, entry->page, entry->offset, VARSIZE( in ), FALSE);
+ return (entry);
+ }
+#ifdef GIST_DEBUG
+ elog(NOTICE, "DECOMP IN: %d leaf; %d rel; %d page; %d offset; %d bytes; %d elems", entry->leafkey, (int)entry->rel, (int)entry->page, (int)entry->offset, (int)entry->bytes, lenin);
+ //printarr( in, lenin );
+ lenr = internal_size(din, lenin);
+ r = new_intArrayType( lenr );
+ dr = ARRPTR( r );
+ for(i=0;i<lenin;i+=2)
+ for(j=din[i]; j<=din[i+1]; j++)
+ if ( (!i) || *(dr-1) != j )
+ *dr++ = j;
+ retval = palloc(sizeof(GISTENTRY));
+ if ( ! retval )
+ elog(ERROR,"Can't allocate memory for decompression");
+ gistentryinit(*retval, (char *)r, entry->rel, entry->page, entry->offset, VARSIZE( r ), FALSE);
+ return(retval);
+** The GiST Penalty method for _intments
+float *
+g_int_penalty(GISTENTRY *origentry, GISTENTRY *newentry, float *result)
+ Datum ud;
+ float tmp1, tmp2;
+#ifdef GIST_DEBUG
+ elog(NOTICE, "penalty");
+ ud = (Datum)inner_int_union((ArrayType *)(origentry->pred), (ArrayType *)(newentry->pred));
+ rt__int_size((ArrayType *)ud, &tmp1);
+ rt__int_size((ArrayType *)(origentry->pred), &tmp2);
+ *result = tmp1 - tmp2;
+ pfree((char *)ud);
+#ifdef GIST_DEBUG
+ elog(NOTICE, "--penalty\t%g", *result);
+ return(result);
+** The GiST PickSplit method for _intments
+** We use Guttman's poly time split algorithm
+g_int_picksplit(bytea *entryvec,
+ OffsetNumber i, j;
+ ArrayType *datum_alpha, *datum_beta;
+ ArrayType *datum_l, *datum_r;
+ ArrayType *union_d, *union_dl, *union_dr;
+ ArrayType *inter_d;
+ bool firsttime;
+ float size_alpha, size_beta, size_union, size_inter;
+ float size_waste, waste;
+ float size_l, size_r;
+ int nbytes;
+ OffsetNumber seed_1 = 0, seed_2 = 0;
+ OffsetNumber *left, *right;
+ OffsetNumber maxoff;
+#ifdef GIST_DEBUG
+ elog(NOTICE, "--------picksplit %d",(VARSIZE(entryvec) - VARHDRSZ)/sizeof(GISTENTRY));
+ maxoff = ((VARSIZE(entryvec) - VARHDRSZ)/sizeof(GISTENTRY)) - 2;
+ nbytes = (maxoff + 2) * sizeof(OffsetNumber);
+ v->spl_left = (OffsetNumber *) palloc(nbytes);
+ v->spl_right = (OffsetNumber *) palloc(nbytes);
+ firsttime = true;
+ waste = 0.0;
+ for (i = FirstOffsetNumber; i < maxoff; i = OffsetNumberNext(i)) {
+ datum_alpha = (ArrayType *)(((GISTENTRY *)(VARDATA(entryvec)))[i].pred);
+ for (j = OffsetNumberNext(i); j <= maxoff; j = OffsetNumberNext(j)) {
+ datum_beta = (ArrayType *)(((GISTENTRY *)(VARDATA(entryvec)))[j].pred);
+ /* compute the wasted space by unioning these guys */
+ /* size_waste = size_union - size_inter; */
+ union_d = (ArrayType *)inner_int_union(datum_alpha, datum_beta);
+ rt__int_size(union_d, &size_union);
+ inter_d = (ArrayType *)inner_int_inter(datum_alpha, datum_beta);
+ rt__int_size(inter_d, &size_inter);
+ size_waste = size_union - size_inter;
+ pfree(union_d);
+ if (inter_d != (ArrayType *) NULL)
+ pfree(inter_d);
+ /*
+ * are these a more promising split that what we've
+ * already seen?
+ */
+ if (size_waste > waste || firsttime) {
+ waste = size_waste;
+ seed_1 = i;
+ seed_2 = j;
+ firsttime = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ left = v->spl_left;
+ v->spl_nleft = 0;
+ right = v->spl_right;
+ v->spl_nright = 0;
+ datum_alpha = (ArrayType *)(((GISTENTRY *)(VARDATA(entryvec)))[seed_1].pred);
+ datum_l = copy_intArrayType( datum_alpha );
+ rt__int_size((ArrayType *)datum_l, &size_l);
+ datum_beta = (ArrayType *)(((GISTENTRY *)(VARDATA(entryvec)))[seed_2].pred);
+ datum_r = copy_intArrayType( datum_beta );
+ rt__int_size((ArrayType *)datum_r, &size_r);
+ /*
+ * Now split up the regions between the two seeds. An important
+ * property of this split algorithm is that the split vector v
+ * has the indices of items to be split in order in its left and
+ * right vectors. We exploit this property by doing a merge in
+ * the code that actually splits the page.
+ *
+ * For efficiency, we also place the new index tuple in this loop.
+ * This is handled at the very end, when we have placed all the
+ * existing tuples and i == maxoff + 1.
+ */
+ maxoff = OffsetNumberNext(maxoff);
+ for (i = FirstOffsetNumber; i <= maxoff; i = OffsetNumberNext(i)) {
+ /*
+ * If we've already decided where to place this item, just
+ * put it on the right list. Otherwise, we need to figure
+ * out which page needs the least enlargement in order to
+ * store the item.
+ */
+ if (i == seed_1) {
+ *left++ = i;
+ v->spl_nleft++;
+ continue;
+ } else if (i == seed_2) {
+ *right++ = i;
+ v->spl_nright++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* okay, which page needs least enlargement? */
+ datum_alpha = (ArrayType *)(((GISTENTRY *)(VARDATA(entryvec)))[i].pred);
+ union_dl = (ArrayType *)inner_int_union(datum_l, datum_alpha);
+ union_dr = (ArrayType *)inner_int_union(datum_r, datum_alpha);
+ rt__int_size((ArrayType *)union_dl, &size_alpha);
+ rt__int_size((ArrayType *)union_dr, &size_beta);
+ /* pick which page to add it to */
+ if (size_alpha - size_l < size_beta - size_r) {
+ if ( datum_l ) pfree(datum_l);
+ if ( union_dr ) pfree(union_dr);
+ datum_l = union_dl;
+ size_l = size_alpha;
+ *left++ = i;
+ v->spl_nleft++;
+ } else {
+ if ( datum_r ) pfree(datum_r);
+ if ( union_dl ) pfree(union_dl);
+ datum_r = union_dr;
+ size_r = size_beta;
+ *right++ = i;
+ v->spl_nright++;
+ }
+ }
+ /**left = *right = FirstOffsetNumber;*/ /* sentinel value, see dosplit() */
+ if ( *(left-1) > *(right-1) ) {
+ *right = FirstOffsetNumber;
+ *(left-1) = InvalidOffsetNumber;
+ } else {
+ *left = FirstOffsetNumber;
+ *(right-1) = InvalidOffsetNumber;
+ }
+ v->spl_ldatum = (char *)datum_l;
+ v->spl_rdatum = (char *)datum_r;
+#ifdef GIST_DEBUG
+ elog(NOTICE, "--------ENDpicksplit %d %d",v->spl_nleft, v->spl_nright);
+ return v;
+** Equality methods
+bool *
+g_int_same(ArrayType *b1, ArrayType *b2, bool *result)
+ if (_int_same(b1, b2))
+ *result = TRUE;
+ else *result = FALSE;
+ return(result);
+g_int_internal_consistent(ArrayType *key,
+ ArrayType *query,
+ StrategyNumber strategy)
+ bool retval;
+ elog(NOTICE, "internal_consistent, %d", strategy);
+ switch(strategy) {
+ case RTOverlapStrategyNumber:
+ retval = (bool)inner_int_overlap(key, query);
+ break;
+ case RTSameStrategyNumber:
+ case RTContainsStrategyNumber:
+ retval = (bool)inner_int_contains(key, query);
+ break;
+ case RTContainedByStrategyNumber:
+ retval = (bool)inner_int_overlap(key, query);
+ break;
+ default:
+ retval = FALSE;
+ }
+ return(retval);
+_int_contained(ArrayType *a, ArrayType *b)
+ return ( _int_contains(b, a) );
+_int_contains ( ArrayType *a, ArrayType *b ) {
+ bool res;
+ ArrayType *an, *bn;
+ if ( ARRISNULL( a ) || ARRISNULL( b ) ) return FALSE;
+ an = copy_intArrayType( a );
+ bn = copy_intArrayType( b );
+ res = inner_int_contains( an, bn );
+ pfree( an ); pfree( bn );
+ return res;
+inner_int_contains ( ArrayType *a, ArrayType *b ) {
+ int na, nb;
+ int i,j, n;
+ int *da, *db;
+ if ( ARRISNULL( a ) || ARRISNULL( b ) ) return FALSE;
+ na = ARRSIZE( a );
+ nb = ARRSIZE( b );
+ da = ARRPTR( a );
+ db = ARRPTR( b );
+#ifdef GIST_DEBUG
+ elog(NOTICE, "contains %d %d", na, nb);
+ i = j = n = 0;
+ while( i<na && j<nb )
+ if ( da[i] < db[j] )
+ i++;
+ else if ( da[i] == db[j] ) {
+ n++; i++; j++;
+ } else
+ j++;
+ return ( n == nb ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ * Operator class for R-tree indexing
+ *****************************************************************************/
+_int_different(ArrayType *a, ArrayType *b)
+ return ( !_int_same( a, b ) );
+_int_same ( ArrayType *a, ArrayType *b ) {
+ int na , nb ;
+ int n;
+ int *da, *db;
+ bool anull = ARRISNULL( a );
+ bool bnull = ARRISNULL( b );
+ if ( anull || bnull )
+ return ( anull && bnull ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ SORT( a );
+ SORT( b );
+ na = ARRSIZE( a );
+ nb = ARRSIZE( b );
+ da = ARRPTR( a );
+ db = ARRPTR( b );
+ if ( na != nb ) return FALSE;
+ n = 0;
+ for(n=0; n<na; n++)
+ if ( da[n] != db[n] )
+ return FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
+/* _int_overlap -- does a overlap b?
+ */
+_int_overlap ( ArrayType *a, ArrayType *b ) {
+ if ( ARRISNULL( a ) || ARRISNULL( b ) ) return FALSE;
+ SORT(a);
+ SORT(b);
+ return inner_int_overlap( a, b );
+inner_int_overlap ( ArrayType *a, ArrayType *b ) {
+ int na , nb ;
+ int i,j;
+ int *da, *db;
+ if ( ARRISNULL( a ) || ARRISNULL( b ) ) return FALSE;
+ na = ARRSIZE( a );
+ nb = ARRSIZE( b );
+ da = ARRPTR( a );
+ db = ARRPTR( b );
+#ifdef GIST_DEBUG
+ elog(NOTICE, "g_int_overlap");
+ i = j = 0;
+ while( i<na && j<nb )
+ if ( da[i] < db[j] )
+ i++;
+ else if ( da[i] == db[j] )
+ return TRUE;
+ else
+ j++;
+ return FALSE;
+ArrayType *
+_int_union ( ArrayType *a, ArrayType *b ) {
+ if ( ! ARRISNULL( a ) ) SORT(a);
+ if ( ! ARRISNULL( b ) ) SORT(b);
+ return inner_int_union( a, b );
+ArrayType *
+inner_int_union ( ArrayType *a, ArrayType *b ) {
+ ArrayType * r = NULL;
+ int na , nb;
+ int *da, *db, *dr;
+ int i,j;
+#ifdef GIST_DEBUG
+ //elog(NOTICE, "inner_union %d %d", ARRISNULL( a ) , ARRISNULL( b ) );
+ if ( ARRISNULL( a ) && ARRISNULL( b ) ) return new_intArrayType(0);
+ if ( ARRISNULL( a ) ) r = copy_intArrayType( b );
+ if ( ARRISNULL( b ) ) r = copy_intArrayType( a );
+ if ( r ) {
+ dr = ARRPTR( r );
+ } else {
+ na = ARRSIZE( a );
+ nb = ARRSIZE( b );
+ da = ARRPTR( a );
+ db = ARRPTR( b );
+ r = new_intArrayType( na + nb );
+ dr = ARRPTR( r );
+ /* union */
+ i = j = 0;
+ while( i<na && j<nb )
+ if ( da[i] < db[j] )
+ *dr++ = da[i++];
+ else
+ *dr++ = db[j++];
+ while( i<na ) *dr++ = da[i++];
+ while( j<nb ) *dr++ = db[j++];
+ }
+ if ( ARRSIZE(r) > 1 )
+ r = _int_unique( r );
+ return r;
+ArrayType *
+_int_inter ( ArrayType *a, ArrayType *b ) {
+ if ( ARRISNULL( a ) || ARRISNULL( b ) ) return FALSE;
+ SORT(a);
+ SORT(b);
+ return inner_int_inter( a, b );
+ArrayType *
+inner_int_inter ( ArrayType *a, ArrayType *b ) {
+ ArrayType * r;
+ int na , nb ;
+ int *da, *db, *dr;
+ int i,j;
+#ifdef GIST_DEBUG
+ //elog(NOTICE, "inner_inter %d %d", ARRISNULL( a ), ARRISNULL( b ) );
+ if ( ARRISNULL( a ) || ARRISNULL( b ) ) return NULL;
+ na = ARRSIZE( a );
+ nb = ARRSIZE( b );
+ da = ARRPTR( a );
+ db = ARRPTR( b );
+ r = new_intArrayType( min(na, nb) );
+ dr = ARRPTR( r );
+ i = j = 0;
+ while( i<na && j<nb )
+ if ( da[i] < db[j] )
+ i++;
+ else if ( da[i] == db[j] ) {
+ if ( i+j == 0 || ( i+j>0 && *(dr-1) != db[j] ) )
+ *dr++ = db[j];
+ i++; j++;
+ } else
+ j++;
+ if ( (dr - ARRPTR(r)) == 0 ) {
+ pfree( r );
+ return NULL;
+ } else
+ return resize_intArrayType(r, dr - ARRPTR(r) );
+rt__int_size(ArrayType *a, float *size)
+ if ( ARRISNULL( a ) )
+ *size = 0.0;
+ else
+ *size = (float)ARRSIZE( a );
+ return;
+ * Miscellaneous operators and functions
+ *****************************************************************************/
+/* len >= 2 */
+bool isort ( int *a, int len ) {
+ int tmp, index;
+ int *cur, *end;
+ bool r = FALSE;
+ end = a + len;
+ do {
+ index = 0;
+ cur = a + 1;
+ while( cur < end ) {
+ if( *(cur-1) > *cur ) {
+ tmp=*(cur-1); *(cur-1) = *cur; *cur=tmp;
+ index = 1;
+ } else if ( ! r && *(cur-1) == *cur )
+ r = TRUE;
+ cur++;
+ }
+ } while( index );
+ return r;
+ArrayType * new_intArrayType( int num ) {
+ ArrayType * r;
+ int nbytes = ARR_OVERHEAD( NDIM ) + sizeof(int)*num;
+ r = (ArrayType *) palloc( nbytes );
+ if ( ! r )
+ elog(ERROR, "Can't allocate memory for new array");
+ MemSet(r, 0, nbytes);
+ r->size = nbytes;
+ r->ndim = NDIM;
+#ifndef PGSQL71
+ SET_LO_FLAG(false, r);
+ *( (int*)ARR_DIMS(r) ) = num;
+ *( (int*)ARR_LBOUND(r) ) = 1;
+ return r;
+ArrayType * resize_intArrayType( ArrayType * a, int num ) {
+ int nbytes = ARR_OVERHEAD( NDIM ) + sizeof(int)*num;
+ if ( num == ARRSIZE(a) ) return a;
+ a = (ArrayType *) repalloc( a, nbytes );
+ if ( ! a )
+ elog(ERROR, "Can't reallocate memory for new array");
+ a->size = nbytes;
+ *( (int*)ARR_DIMS(a) ) = num;
+ return a;
+ArrayType * copy_intArrayType( ArrayType * a ) {
+ ArrayType * r;
+ if ( ! a ) return NULL;
+ r = new_intArrayType( ARRSIZE(a) );
+ memmove(r,a,VARSIZE(a));
+ return r;
+/* num for compressed key */
+int internal_size (int *a, int len ) {
+ int i,size=0;
+ for(i=0;i<len;i+=2)
+ if ( ! i || a[i] != a[i-1] ) /* do not count repeated range */
+ size += a[i+1] - a[i] + 1;
+ return size;
+/* r is sorted and size of r > 1 */
+ArrayType * _int_unique( ArrayType * r ) {
+ int *tmp, *dr, *data;
+ int num = ARRSIZE(r);
+ data = tmp = dr = ARRPTR( r );
+ while( tmp - data < num )
+ if ( *tmp != *dr )
+ *(++dr) = *tmp++;
+ else
+ tmp++;
+ return resize_intArrayType(r, dr + 1 - ARRPTR(r) );
--- /dev/null
+-- Create the user-defined type for the 1-D frloating point indervals (_int4)
+-- External C-functions for R-tree methods
+-- Comparison methods
+CREATE FUNCTION _int_contains(_int4, _int4) RETURNS bool
+INSERT INTO pg_description (objoid, description)
+ SELECT oid, 'contains'::text
+ FROM pg_proc
+ WHERE proname = '_int_contains'::name;
+CREATE FUNCTION _int_contained(_int4, _int4) RETURNS bool
+INSERT INTO pg_description (objoid, description)
+ SELECT oid, 'contained in'::text
+ FROM pg_proc
+ WHERE proname = '_int_contained'::name;
+CREATE FUNCTION _int_overlap(_int4, _int4) RETURNS bool
+INSERT INTO pg_description (objoid, description)
+ SELECT oid, 'overlaps'::text
+ FROM pg_proc
+ WHERE proname = '_int_overlap'::name;
+CREATE FUNCTION _int_same(_int4, _int4) RETURNS bool
+INSERT INTO pg_description (objoid, description)
+ SELECT oid, 'same as'::text
+ FROM pg_proc
+ WHERE proname = '_int_same'::name;
+CREATE FUNCTION _int_different(_int4, _int4) RETURNS bool
+INSERT INTO pg_description (objoid, description)
+ SELECT oid, 'different'::text
+ FROM pg_proc
+ WHERE proname = '_int_different'::name;
+-- support routines for indexing
+CREATE FUNCTION _int_union(_int4, _int4) RETURNS _int4
+CREATE FUNCTION _int_inter(_int4, _int4) RETURNS _int4
+ LEFTARG = _int4, RIGHTARG = _int4, PROCEDURE = _int_overlap,
+ COMMUTATOR = '&&',
+ RESTRICT = contsel, JOIN = contjoinsel
+-- LEFTARG = _int4, RIGHTARG = _int4, PROCEDURE = _int_same,
+-- COMMUTATOR = '=', NEGATOR = '<>',
+-- RESTRICT = eqsel, JOIN = eqjoinsel,
+-- SORT1 = '<', SORT2 = '<'
+ LEFTARG = _int4, RIGHTARG = _int4, PROCEDURE = _int_different,
+ COMMUTATOR = '<>', NEGATOR = '=',
+ RESTRICT = neqsel, JOIN = neqjoinsel
+ LEFTARG = _int4, RIGHTARG = _int4, PROCEDURE = _int_contains,
+ COMMUTATOR = '~', RESTRICT = contsel, JOIN = contjoinsel
+ LEFTARG = _int4, RIGHTARG = _int4, PROCEDURE = _int_contained,
+ COMMUTATOR = '@', RESTRICT = contsel, JOIN = contjoinsel
+-- define the GiST support methods
+CREATE FUNCTION g_int_consistent(opaque,_int4,int4) RETURNS bool
+CREATE FUNCTION g_int_compress(opaque) RETURNS opaque
+CREATE FUNCTION g_int_decompress(opaque) RETURNS opaque
+CREATE FUNCTION g_int_penalty(opaque,opaque,opaque) RETURNS opaque
+CREATE FUNCTION g_int_picksplit(opaque, opaque) RETURNS opaque
+CREATE FUNCTION g_int_union(bytea, opaque) RETURNS _int4
+CREATE FUNCTION g_int_same(_int4, _int4, opaque) RETURNS opaque
+-- register the default opclass for indexing
+INSERT INTO pg_opclass (opcname, opcdeftype)
+ SELECT 'gist__int_ops', oid
+ FROM pg_type
+ WHERE typname = '_int4';
+-- get the comparators for _intments and store them in a tmp table
+SELECT o.oid AS opoid, o.oprname
+INTO TABLE _int_ops_tmp
+FROM pg_operator o, pg_type t
+WHERE o.oprleft = t.oid and o.oprright = t.oid
+ and t.typname = '_int4';
+-- make sure we have the right operators
+-- SELECT * from _int_ops_tmp;
+-- using the tmp table, generate the amop entries
+-- _int_overlap
+INSERT INTO pg_amop (amopid, amopclaid, amopopr, amopstrategy)
+ SELECT am.oid, opcl.oid, c.opoid, 3
+ FROM pg_am am, pg_opclass opcl, _int_ops_tmp c
+ WHERE amname = 'gist' and opcname = 'gist__int_ops'
+ and c.oprname = '&&';
+-- _int_same
+INSERT INTO pg_amop (amopid, amopclaid, amopopr, amopstrategy)
+ SELECT am.oid, opcl.oid, c.opoid, 6
+ FROM pg_am am, pg_opclass opcl, _int_ops_tmp c
+ WHERE amname = 'gist' and opcname = 'gist__int_ops'
+ and c.oprname = '=';
+-- _int_contains
+INSERT INTO pg_amop (amopid, amopclaid, amopopr, amopstrategy)
+ SELECT am.oid, opcl.oid, c.opoid, 7
+ FROM pg_am am, pg_opclass opcl, _int_ops_tmp c
+ WHERE amname = 'gist' and opcname = 'gist__int_ops'
+ and c.oprname = '@';
+-- _int_contained
+INSERT INTO pg_amop (amopid, amopclaid, amopopr, amopstrategy)
+ SELECT am.oid, opcl.oid, c.opoid, 8
+ FROM pg_am am, pg_opclass opcl, _int_ops_tmp c
+ WHERE amname = 'gist' and opcname = 'gist__int_ops'
+ and c.oprname = '~';
+DROP TABLE _int_ops_tmp;
+-- add the entries to amproc for the support methods
+-- note the amprocnum numbers associated with each are specific!
+INSERT INTO pg_amproc (amid, amopclaid, amproc, amprocnum)
+ SELECT am.oid, opcl.oid, pro.oid, 1
+ FROM pg_am am, pg_opclass opcl, pg_proc pro
+ WHERE amname = 'gist' and opcname = 'gist__int_ops'
+ and proname = 'g_int_consistent';
+INSERT INTO pg_amproc (amid, amopclaid, amproc, amprocnum)
+ SELECT am.oid, opcl.oid, pro.oid, 2
+ FROM pg_am am, pg_opclass opcl, pg_proc pro
+ WHERE amname = 'gist' and opcname = 'gist__int_ops'
+ and proname = 'g_int_union';
+INSERT INTO pg_amproc (amid, amopclaid, amproc, amprocnum)
+ SELECT am.oid, opcl.oid, pro.oid, 3
+ FROM pg_am am, pg_opclass opcl, pg_proc pro
+ WHERE amname = 'gist' and opcname = 'gist__int_ops'
+ and proname = 'g_int_compress';
+INSERT INTO pg_amproc (amid, amopclaid, amproc, amprocnum)
+ SELECT am.oid, opcl.oid, pro.oid, 4
+ FROM pg_am am, pg_opclass opcl, pg_proc pro
+ WHERE amname = 'gist' and opcname = 'gist__int_ops'
+ and proname = 'g_int_decompress';
+INSERT INTO pg_amproc (amid, amopclaid, amproc, amprocnum)
+ SELECT am.oid, opcl.oid, pro.oid, 5
+ FROM pg_am am, pg_opclass opcl, pg_proc pro
+ WHERE amname = 'gist' and opcname = 'gist__int_ops'
+ and proname = 'g_int_penalty';
+INSERT INTO pg_amproc (amid, amopclaid, amproc, amprocnum)
+ SELECT am.oid, opcl.oid, pro.oid, 6
+ FROM pg_am am, pg_opclass opcl, pg_proc pro
+ WHERE amname = 'gist' and opcname = 'gist__int_ops'
+ and proname = 'g_int_picksplit';
+INSERT INTO pg_amproc (amid, amopclaid, amproc, amprocnum)
+ SELECT am.oid, opcl.oid, pro.oid, 7
+ FROM pg_am am, pg_opclass opcl, pg_proc pro
+ WHERE amname = 'gist' and opcname = 'gist__int_ops'
+ and proname = 'g_int_same';