windowfuncs.o xid.o xml.o
jsonpath_scan.c: FLEXFLAGS = -CF -p -p
+jsonpath_scan.c: FLEX_NO_BACKUP=yes
# Force these dependencies to be known even without dependency info built:
jsonpath_gram.o: jsonpath_scan.c
static void addchar(bool init, char s);
static enum yytokentype checkKeyword(void);
static void parseUnicode(char *s, int l);
-static void parseHexChars(char *s, int l);
+static void parseHexChar(char *s);
/* Avoid exit() on fatal scanner errors (a bit ugly -- see yy_fatal_error) */
#undef fprintf
special [\?\%\$\.\[\]\{\}\(\)\|\&\!\=\<\>\@\#\,\*:\-\+\/]
any [^\?\%\$\.\[\]\{\}\(\)\|\&\!\=\<\>\@\#\,\*:\-\+\/\\\"\' \t\n\r\f]
blank [ \t\n\r\f]
+digit [0-9]
+integer {digit}+
+decimal {digit}*\.{digit}+
+decimalfail {digit}+\.
+real ({integer}|{decimal})[Ee][-+]?{digit}+
+realfail1 ({integer}|{decimal})[Ee]
+realfail2 ({integer}|{decimal})[Ee][-+]
hex_dig [0-9A-Fa-f]
unicode \\u({hex_dig}{4}|\{{hex_dig}{1,6}\})
+unicodefail \\u({hex_dig}{0,3}|\{{hex_dig}{0,6})
hex_char \\x{hex_dig}{2}
+hex_fail \\x{hex_dig}{0,1}
<xnq,xq,xvq,xsq>{unicode}+ { parseUnicode(yytext, yyleng); }
-<xnq,xq,xvq,xsq>{hex_char}+ { parseHexChars(yytext, yyleng); }
+<xnq,xq,xvq,xsq>{hex_char} { parseHexChar(yytext); }
+<xnq,xq,xvq,xsq>{unicode}*{unicodefail} { yyerror(NULL, "Unicode sequence is invalid"); }
-<xnq,xq,xvq,xsq>\\x { yyerror(NULL, "Hex character sequence is invalid"); }
+<xnq,xq,xvq,xsq>{hex_fail} { yyerror(NULL, "Hex character sequence is invalid"); }
-<xnq,xq,xvq,xsq>\\u { yyerror(NULL, "Unicode sequence is invalid"); }
+<xnq,xq,xvq,xsq>{unicode}+\\ {
+ /* throw back the \\, and treat as unicode */
+ yyless(yyleng - 1);
+ parseUnicode(yytext, yyleng);
+ }
<xnq,xq,xvq,xsq>\\. { yyerror(NULL, "Escape sequence is invalid"); }
-[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?[eE][+-]?[0-9]+ { /* float */
+{real} {
addstring(true, yytext, yyleng);
addchar(false, '\0');
yylval->str = scanstring;
return NUMERIC_P;
-\.[0-9]+[eE][+-]?[0-9]+ { /* float */
+{decimal} {
addstring(true, yytext, yyleng);
addchar(false, '\0');
yylval->str = scanstring;
return NUMERIC_P;
-([0-9]+)?\.[0-9]+ {
+{integer} {
addstring(true, yytext, yyleng);
addchar(false, '\0');
yylval->str = scanstring;
- return NUMERIC_P;
+ return INT_P;
-[0-9]+ {
+{decimalfail} {
+ /* throw back the ., and treat as integer */
+ yyless(yyleng - 1);
addstring(true, yytext, yyleng);
addchar(false, '\0');
yylval->str = scanstring;
return INT_P;
+({realfail1}|{realfail2}) { yyerror(NULL, "Floating point number is invalid"); }
{any}+ {
addstring(true, yytext, yyleng);
BEGIN xnq;
static void
parseUnicode(char *s, int l)
- int i;
+ int i = 2;
int hi_surrogate = -1;
for (i = 2; i < l; i += 2) /* skip '\u' */
/* Parse sequence of hex-encoded characters */
static void
-parseHexChars(char *s, int l)
+parseHexChar(char *s)
- int i;
- Assert(l % 4 /* \xXX */ == 0);
- for (i = 0; i < l / 4; i++)
- {
- int ch = (hexval(s[i * 4 + 2]) << 4) |
- hexval(s[i * 4 + 3]);
+ int ch = (hexval(s[2]) << 4) |
+ hexval(s[3]);
- addUnicodeChar(ch);
- }
+ addUnicodeChar(ch);
(1 row)
-select jsonb_path_query('null', '123.type()');
+select jsonb_path_query('null', '(123).type()');
(1 row)
+select '(1).type()'::jsonpath;
+ jsonpath
+ 1.type()
+(1 row)
+select '1.2.type()'::jsonpath;
+ jsonpath
+ 1.2.type()
+(1 row)
select '"aaa".type()'::jsonpath;
$?(@."a" < 101)
(1 row)
+select '0'::jsonpath;
+ jsonpath
+ 0
+(1 row)
+select '00'::jsonpath;
+ jsonpath
+ 0
+(1 row)
+select '0.0'::jsonpath;
+ jsonpath
+ 0.0
+(1 row)
+select '0.000'::jsonpath;
+ jsonpath
+ 0.000
+(1 row)
+select '0.000e1'::jsonpath;
+ jsonpath
+ 0.00
+(1 row)
+select '0.000e2'::jsonpath;
+ jsonpath
+ 0.0
+(1 row)
+select '0.000e3'::jsonpath;
+ jsonpath
+ 0
+(1 row)
+select '0.0010'::jsonpath;
+ jsonpath
+ 0.0010
+(1 row)
+select '0.0010e-1'::jsonpath;
+ jsonpath
+ 0.00010
+(1 row)
+select '0.0010e+1'::jsonpath;
+ jsonpath
+ 0.010
+(1 row)
+select '0.0010e+2'::jsonpath;
+ jsonpath
+ 0.10
+(1 row)
+select '1e'::jsonpath;
+ERROR: bad jsonpath representation
+LINE 1: select '1e'::jsonpath;
+ ^
+DETAIL: Floating point number is invalid at or near "1e"
+select '1.e'::jsonpath;
+ jsonpath
+ 1."e"
+(1 row)
+select '1.2e'::jsonpath;
+ERROR: bad jsonpath representation
+LINE 1: select '1.2e'::jsonpath;
+ ^
+DETAIL: Floating point number is invalid at or near "1.2e"
+select '1.2.e'::jsonpath;
+ jsonpath
+ 1.2."e"
+(1 row)
+select '(1.2).e'::jsonpath;
+ jsonpath
+ 1.2."e"
+(1 row)
+select '1e3'::jsonpath;
+ jsonpath
+ 1000
+(1 row)
+select '1.e3'::jsonpath;
+ jsonpath
+ 1."e3"
+(1 row)
+select '1.e3.e'::jsonpath;
+ jsonpath
+ 1."e3"."e"
+(1 row)
+select '1.e3.e4'::jsonpath;
+ jsonpath
+ 1."e3"."e4"
+(1 row)
+select '1.2e3'::jsonpath;
+ jsonpath
+ 1200
+(1 row)
+select '1.2.e3'::jsonpath;
+ jsonpath
+ 1.2."e3"
+(1 row)
+select '(1.2).e3'::jsonpath;
+ jsonpath
+ 1.2."e3"
+(1 row)
+select '1..e'::jsonpath;
+ERROR: bad jsonpath representation
+LINE 1: select '1..e'::jsonpath;
+ ^
+DETAIL: syntax error, unexpected '.' at or near "."
+select '1..e3'::jsonpath;
+ERROR: bad jsonpath representation
+LINE 1: select '1..e3'::jsonpath;
+ ^
+DETAIL: syntax error, unexpected '.' at or near "."
+select '(1.).e'::jsonpath;
+ERROR: bad jsonpath representation
+LINE 1: select '(1.).e'::jsonpath;
+ ^
+DETAIL: syntax error, unexpected ')' at or near ")"
+select '(1.).e3'::jsonpath;
+ERROR: bad jsonpath representation
+LINE 1: select '(1.).e3'::jsonpath;
+ ^
+DETAIL: syntax error, unexpected ')' at or near ")"
--- /dev/null
+-- encoding-sensitive tests for jsonpath
+-- checks for double-quoted values
+-- basic unicode input
+SELECT '"\u"'::jsonpath; -- ERROR, incomplete escape
+ERROR: bad jsonpath representation
+LINE 1: SELECT '"\u"'::jsonpath;
+ ^
+DETAIL: Unicode sequence is invalid at or near "\u"
+SELECT '"\u00"'::jsonpath; -- ERROR, incomplete escape
+ERROR: bad jsonpath representation
+LINE 1: SELECT '"\u00"'::jsonpath;
+ ^
+DETAIL: Unicode sequence is invalid at or near "\u00"
+SELECT '"\u000g"'::jsonpath; -- ERROR, g is not a hex digit
+ERROR: bad jsonpath representation
+LINE 1: SELECT '"\u000g"'::jsonpath;
+ ^
+DETAIL: Unicode sequence is invalid at or near "\u000"
+SELECT '"\u0000"'::jsonpath; -- OK, legal escape
+ERROR: unsupported Unicode escape sequence
+LINE 1: SELECT '"\u0000"'::jsonpath;
+ ^
+DETAIL: \u0000 cannot be converted to text.
+SELECT '"\uaBcD"'::jsonpath; -- OK, uppercase and lower case both OK
+ jsonpath
+ "ꯍ"
+(1 row)
+-- handling of unicode surrogate pairs
+select '"\ud83d\ude04\ud83d\udc36"'::jsonpath as correct_in_utf8;
+ correct_in_utf8
+ "😄🐶"
+(1 row)
+select '"\ud83d\ud83d"'::jsonpath; -- 2 high surrogates in a row
+ERROR: invalid input syntax for type jsonpath
+LINE 1: select '"\ud83d\ud83d"'::jsonpath;
+ ^
+DETAIL: Unicode high surrogate must not follow a high surrogate.
+select '"\ude04\ud83d"'::jsonpath; -- surrogates in wrong order
+ERROR: invalid input syntax for type jsonpath
+LINE 1: select '"\ude04\ud83d"'::jsonpath;
+ ^
+DETAIL: Unicode low surrogate must follow a high surrogate.
+select '"\ud83dX"'::jsonpath; -- orphan high surrogate
+ERROR: invalid input syntax for type jsonpath
+LINE 1: select '"\ud83dX"'::jsonpath;
+ ^
+DETAIL: Unicode low surrogate must follow a high surrogate.
+select '"\ude04X"'::jsonpath; -- orphan low surrogate
+ERROR: invalid input syntax for type jsonpath
+LINE 1: select '"\ude04X"'::jsonpath;
+ ^
+DETAIL: Unicode low surrogate must follow a high surrogate.
+--handling of simple unicode escapes
+select '"the Copyright \u00a9 sign"'::jsonpath as correct_in_utf8;
+ correct_in_utf8
+ "the Copyright © sign"
+(1 row)
+select '"dollar \u0024 character"'::jsonpath as correct_everywhere;
+ correct_everywhere
+ "dollar $ character"
+(1 row)
+select '"dollar \\u0024 character"'::jsonpath as not_an_escape;
+ not_an_escape
+ "dollar \\u0024 character"
+(1 row)
+select '"null \u0000 escape"'::jsonpath as not_unescaped;
+ERROR: unsupported Unicode escape sequence
+LINE 1: select '"null \u0000 escape"'::jsonpath as not_unescaped;
+ ^
+DETAIL: \u0000 cannot be converted to text.
+select '"null \\u0000 escape"'::jsonpath as not_an_escape;
+ not_an_escape
+ "null \\u0000 escape"
+(1 row)
+-- checks for single-quoted values
+-- basic unicode input
+SELECT E'\'\u\''::jsonpath; -- ERROR, incomplete escape
+ERROR: invalid Unicode escape
+LINE 1: SELECT E'\'\u\''::jsonpath;
+ ^
+HINT: Unicode escapes must be \uXXXX or \UXXXXXXXX.
+SELECT E'\'\u00\''::jsonpath; -- ERROR, incomplete escape
+ERROR: invalid Unicode escape
+LINE 1: SELECT E'\'\u00\''::jsonpath;
+ ^
+HINT: Unicode escapes must be \uXXXX or \UXXXXXXXX.
+SELECT E'\'\u000g\''::jsonpath; -- ERROR, g is not a hex digit
+ERROR: invalid Unicode escape
+LINE 1: SELECT E'\'\u000g\''::jsonpath;
+ ^
+HINT: Unicode escapes must be \uXXXX or \UXXXXXXXX.
+SELECT E'\'\u0000\''::jsonpath; -- OK, legal escape
+ERROR: invalid Unicode escape value at or near "E'\'\u0000"
+LINE 1: SELECT E'\'\u0000\''::jsonpath;
+ ^
+SELECT E'\'\uaBcD\''::jsonpath; -- OK, uppercase and lower case both OK
+ jsonpath
+ "ꯍ"
+(1 row)
+-- handling of unicode surrogate pairs
+select E'\'\ud83d\ude04\ud83d\udc36\''::jsonpath as correct_in_utf8;
+ correct_in_utf8
+ "😄🐶"
+(1 row)
+select E'\'\ud83d\ud83d\''::jsonpath; -- 2 high surrogates in a row
+ERROR: invalid Unicode surrogate pair at or near "E'\'\ud83d\ud83d"
+LINE 1: select E'\'\ud83d\ud83d\''::jsonpath;
+ ^
+select E'\'\ude04\ud83d\''::jsonpath; -- surrogates in wrong order
+ERROR: invalid Unicode surrogate pair at or near "E'\'\ude04"
+LINE 1: select E'\'\ude04\ud83d\''::jsonpath;
+ ^
+select E'\'\ud83dX\''::jsonpath; -- orphan high surrogate
+ERROR: invalid Unicode surrogate pair at or near "E'\'\ud83dX"
+LINE 1: select E'\'\ud83dX\''::jsonpath;
+ ^
+select E'\'\ude04X\''::jsonpath; -- orphan low surrogate
+ERROR: invalid Unicode surrogate pair at or near "E'\'\ude04"
+LINE 1: select E'\'\ude04X\''::jsonpath;
+ ^
+--handling of simple unicode escapes
+select E'\'the Copyright \u00a9 sign\''::jsonpath as correct_in_utf8;
+ correct_in_utf8
+ "the Copyright © sign"
+(1 row)
+select E'\'dollar \u0024 character\''::jsonpath as correct_everywhere;
+ correct_everywhere
+ "dollar $ character"
+(1 row)
+select E'\'dollar \\u0024 character\''::jsonpath as not_an_escape;
+ not_an_escape
+ "dollar $ character"
+(1 row)
+select E'\'null \u0000 escape\''::jsonpath as not_unescaped;
+ERROR: invalid Unicode escape value at or near "E'\'null \u0000"
+LINE 1: select E'\'null \u0000 escape\''::jsonpath as not_unescaped;
+ ^
+select E'\'null \\u0000 escape\''::jsonpath as not_an_escape;
+ERROR: unsupported Unicode escape sequence
+LINE 1: select E'\'null \\u0000 escape\''::jsonpath as not_an_escape...
+ ^
+DETAIL: \u0000 cannot be converted to text.
+-- checks for quoted key names
+-- basic unicode input
+SELECT '$."\u"'::jsonpath; -- ERROR, incomplete escape
+ERROR: bad jsonpath representation
+LINE 1: SELECT '$."\u"'::jsonpath;
+ ^
+DETAIL: Unicode sequence is invalid at or near "\u"
+SELECT '$."\u00"'::jsonpath; -- ERROR, incomplete escape
+ERROR: bad jsonpath representation
+LINE 1: SELECT '$."\u00"'::jsonpath;
+ ^
+DETAIL: Unicode sequence is invalid at or near "\u00"
+SELECT '$."\u000g"'::jsonpath; -- ERROR, g is not a hex digit
+ERROR: bad jsonpath representation
+LINE 1: SELECT '$."\u000g"'::jsonpath;
+ ^
+DETAIL: Unicode sequence is invalid at or near "\u000"
+SELECT '$."\u0000"'::jsonpath; -- OK, legal escape
+ERROR: unsupported Unicode escape sequence
+LINE 1: SELECT '$."\u0000"'::jsonpath;
+ ^
+DETAIL: \u0000 cannot be converted to text.
+SELECT '$."\uaBcD"'::jsonpath; -- OK, uppercase and lower case both OK
+ jsonpath
+ $."ꯍ"
+(1 row)
+-- handling of unicode surrogate pairs
+select '$."\ud83d\ude04\ud83d\udc36"'::jsonpath as correct_in_utf8;
+ correct_in_utf8
+ $."😄🐶"
+(1 row)
+select '$."\ud83d\ud83d"'::jsonpath; -- 2 high surrogates in a row
+ERROR: invalid input syntax for type jsonpath
+LINE 1: select '$."\ud83d\ud83d"'::jsonpath;
+ ^
+DETAIL: Unicode high surrogate must not follow a high surrogate.
+select '$."\ude04\ud83d"'::jsonpath; -- surrogates in wrong order
+ERROR: invalid input syntax for type jsonpath
+LINE 1: select '$."\ude04\ud83d"'::jsonpath;
+ ^
+DETAIL: Unicode low surrogate must follow a high surrogate.
+select '$."\ud83dX"'::jsonpath; -- orphan high surrogate
+ERROR: invalid input syntax for type jsonpath
+LINE 1: select '$."\ud83dX"'::jsonpath;
+ ^
+DETAIL: Unicode low surrogate must follow a high surrogate.
+select '$."\ude04X"'::jsonpath; -- orphan low surrogate
+ERROR: invalid input syntax for type jsonpath
+LINE 1: select '$."\ude04X"'::jsonpath;
+ ^
+DETAIL: Unicode low surrogate must follow a high surrogate.
+--handling of simple unicode escapes
+select '$."the Copyright \u00a9 sign"'::jsonpath as correct_in_utf8;
+ correct_in_utf8
+ $."the Copyright © sign"
+(1 row)
+select '$."dollar \u0024 character"'::jsonpath as correct_everywhere;
+ correct_everywhere
+ $."dollar $ character"
+(1 row)
+select '$."dollar \\u0024 character"'::jsonpath as not_an_escape;
+ not_an_escape
+ $."dollar \\u0024 character"
+(1 row)
+select '$."null \u0000 escape"'::jsonpath as not_unescaped;
+ERROR: unsupported Unicode escape sequence
+LINE 1: select '$."null \u0000 escape"'::jsonpath as not_unescaped;
+ ^
+DETAIL: \u0000 cannot be converted to text.
+select '$."null \\u0000 escape"'::jsonpath as not_an_escape;
+ not_an_escape
+ $."null \\u0000 escape"
+(1 row)
--- /dev/null
+-- encoding-sensitive tests for jsonpath
+-- checks for double-quoted values
+-- basic unicode input
+SELECT '"\u"'::jsonpath; -- ERROR, incomplete escape
+ERROR: bad jsonpath representation
+LINE 1: SELECT '"\u"'::jsonpath;
+ ^
+DETAIL: Unicode sequence is invalid at or near "\u"
+SELECT '"\u00"'::jsonpath; -- ERROR, incomplete escape
+ERROR: bad jsonpath representation
+LINE 1: SELECT '"\u00"'::jsonpath;
+ ^
+DETAIL: Unicode sequence is invalid at or near "\u00"
+SELECT '"\u000g"'::jsonpath; -- ERROR, g is not a hex digit
+ERROR: bad jsonpath representation
+LINE 1: SELECT '"\u000g"'::jsonpath;
+ ^
+DETAIL: Unicode sequence is invalid at or near "\u000"
+SELECT '"\u0000"'::jsonpath; -- OK, legal escape
+ERROR: unsupported Unicode escape sequence
+LINE 1: SELECT '"\u0000"'::jsonpath;
+ ^
+DETAIL: \u0000 cannot be converted to text.
+SELECT '"\uaBcD"'::jsonpath; -- OK, uppercase and lower case both OK
+ERROR: invalid input syntax for type jsonpath
+LINE 1: SELECT '"\uaBcD"'::jsonpath;
+ ^
+DETAIL: Unicode escape values cannot be used for code point values above 007F when the server encoding is not UTF8.
+-- handling of unicode surrogate pairs
+select '"\ud83d\ude04\ud83d\udc36"'::jsonpath as correct_in_utf8;
+ERROR: invalid input syntax for type jsonpath
+LINE 1: select '"\ud83d\ude04\ud83d\udc36"'::jsonpath as correct_in_...
+ ^
+DETAIL: Unicode escape values cannot be used for code point values above 007F when the server encoding is not UTF8.
+select '"\ud83d\ud83d"'::jsonpath; -- 2 high surrogates in a row
+ERROR: invalid input syntax for type jsonpath
+LINE 1: select '"\ud83d\ud83d"'::jsonpath;
+ ^
+DETAIL: Unicode high surrogate must not follow a high surrogate.
+select '"\ude04\ud83d"'::jsonpath; -- surrogates in wrong order
+ERROR: invalid input syntax for type jsonpath
+LINE 1: select '"\ude04\ud83d"'::jsonpath;
+ ^
+DETAIL: Unicode low surrogate must follow a high surrogate.
+select '"\ud83dX"'::jsonpath; -- orphan high surrogate
+ERROR: invalid input syntax for type jsonpath
+LINE 1: select '"\ud83dX"'::jsonpath;
+ ^
+DETAIL: Unicode low surrogate must follow a high surrogate.
+select '"\ude04X"'::jsonpath; -- orphan low surrogate
+ERROR: invalid input syntax for type jsonpath
+LINE 1: select '"\ude04X"'::jsonpath;
+ ^
+DETAIL: Unicode low surrogate must follow a high surrogate.
+--handling of simple unicode escapes
+select '"the Copyright \u00a9 sign"'::jsonpath as correct_in_utf8;
+ERROR: invalid input syntax for type jsonpath
+LINE 1: select '"the Copyright \u00a9 sign"'::jsonpath as correct_in...
+ ^
+DETAIL: Unicode escape values cannot be used for code point values above 007F when the server encoding is not UTF8.
+select '"dollar \u0024 character"'::jsonpath as correct_everywhere;
+ correct_everywhere
+ "dollar $ character"
+(1 row)
+select '"dollar \\u0024 character"'::jsonpath as not_an_escape;
+ not_an_escape
+ "dollar \\u0024 character"
+(1 row)
+select '"null \u0000 escape"'::jsonpath as not_unescaped;
+ERROR: unsupported Unicode escape sequence
+LINE 1: select '"null \u0000 escape"'::jsonpath as not_unescaped;
+ ^
+DETAIL: \u0000 cannot be converted to text.
+select '"null \\u0000 escape"'::jsonpath as not_an_escape;
+ not_an_escape
+ "null \\u0000 escape"
+(1 row)
+-- checks for single-quoted values
+-- basic unicode input
+SELECT E'\'\u\''::jsonpath; -- ERROR, incomplete escape
+ERROR: invalid Unicode escape
+LINE 1: SELECT E'\'\u\''::jsonpath;
+ ^
+HINT: Unicode escapes must be \uXXXX or \UXXXXXXXX.
+SELECT E'\'\u00\''::jsonpath; -- ERROR, incomplete escape
+ERROR: invalid Unicode escape
+LINE 1: SELECT E'\'\u00\''::jsonpath;
+ ^
+HINT: Unicode escapes must be \uXXXX or \UXXXXXXXX.
+SELECT E'\'\u000g\''::jsonpath; -- ERROR, g is not a hex digit
+ERROR: invalid Unicode escape
+LINE 1: SELECT E'\'\u000g\''::jsonpath;
+ ^
+HINT: Unicode escapes must be \uXXXX or \UXXXXXXXX.
+SELECT E'\'\u0000\''::jsonpath; -- OK, legal escape
+ERROR: invalid Unicode escape value at or near "E'\'\u0000"
+LINE 1: SELECT E'\'\u0000\''::jsonpath;
+ ^
+SELECT E'\'\uaBcD\''::jsonpath; -- OK, uppercase and lower case both OK
+ERROR: Unicode escape values cannot be used for code point values above 007F when the server encoding is not UTF8 at or near "E'\'\uaBcD"
+LINE 1: SELECT E'\'\uaBcD\''::jsonpath;
+ ^
+-- handling of unicode surrogate pairs
+select E'\'\ud83d\ude04\ud83d\udc36\''::jsonpath as correct_in_utf8;
+ERROR: Unicode escape values cannot be used for code point values above 007F when the server encoding is not UTF8 at or near "E'\'\ud83d\ude04"
+LINE 1: select E'\'\ud83d\ude04\ud83d\udc36\''::jsonpath as correct_...
+ ^
+select E'\'\ud83d\ud83d\''::jsonpath; -- 2 high surrogates in a row
+ERROR: invalid Unicode surrogate pair at or near "E'\'\ud83d\ud83d"
+LINE 1: select E'\'\ud83d\ud83d\''::jsonpath;
+ ^
+select E'\'\ude04\ud83d\''::jsonpath; -- surrogates in wrong order
+ERROR: invalid Unicode surrogate pair at or near "E'\'\ude04"
+LINE 1: select E'\'\ude04\ud83d\''::jsonpath;
+ ^
+select E'\'\ud83dX\''::jsonpath; -- orphan high surrogate
+ERROR: invalid Unicode surrogate pair at or near "E'\'\ud83dX"
+LINE 1: select E'\'\ud83dX\''::jsonpath;
+ ^
+select E'\'\ude04X\''::jsonpath; -- orphan low surrogate
+ERROR: invalid Unicode surrogate pair at or near "E'\'\ude04"
+LINE 1: select E'\'\ude04X\''::jsonpath;
+ ^
+--handling of simple unicode escapes
+select E'\'the Copyright \u00a9 sign\''::jsonpath as correct_in_utf8;
+ERROR: Unicode escape values cannot be used for code point values above 007F when the server encoding is not UTF8 at or near "E'\'the Copyright \u00a9"
+LINE 1: select E'\'the Copyright \u00a9 sign\''::jsonpath as correct...
+ ^
+select E'\'dollar \u0024 character\''::jsonpath as correct_everywhere;
+ correct_everywhere
+ "dollar $ character"
+(1 row)
+select E'\'dollar \\u0024 character\''::jsonpath as not_an_escape;
+ not_an_escape
+ "dollar $ character"
+(1 row)
+select E'\'null \u0000 escape\''::jsonpath as not_unescaped;
+ERROR: invalid Unicode escape value at or near "E'\'null \u0000"
+LINE 1: select E'\'null \u0000 escape\''::jsonpath as not_unescaped;
+ ^
+select E'\'null \\u0000 escape\''::jsonpath as not_an_escape;
+ERROR: unsupported Unicode escape sequence
+LINE 1: select E'\'null \\u0000 escape\''::jsonpath as not_an_escape...
+ ^
+DETAIL: \u0000 cannot be converted to text.
+-- checks for quoted key names
+-- basic unicode input
+SELECT '$."\u"'::jsonpath; -- ERROR, incomplete escape
+ERROR: bad jsonpath representation
+LINE 1: SELECT '$."\u"'::jsonpath;
+ ^
+DETAIL: Unicode sequence is invalid at or near "\u"
+SELECT '$."\u00"'::jsonpath; -- ERROR, incomplete escape
+ERROR: bad jsonpath representation
+LINE 1: SELECT '$."\u00"'::jsonpath;
+ ^
+DETAIL: Unicode sequence is invalid at or near "\u00"
+SELECT '$."\u000g"'::jsonpath; -- ERROR, g is not a hex digit
+ERROR: bad jsonpath representation
+LINE 1: SELECT '$."\u000g"'::jsonpath;
+ ^
+DETAIL: Unicode sequence is invalid at or near "\u000"
+SELECT '$."\u0000"'::jsonpath; -- OK, legal escape
+ERROR: unsupported Unicode escape sequence
+LINE 1: SELECT '$."\u0000"'::jsonpath;
+ ^
+DETAIL: \u0000 cannot be converted to text.
+SELECT '$."\uaBcD"'::jsonpath; -- OK, uppercase and lower case both OK
+ERROR: invalid input syntax for type jsonpath
+LINE 1: SELECT '$."\uaBcD"'::jsonpath;
+ ^
+DETAIL: Unicode escape values cannot be used for code point values above 007F when the server encoding is not UTF8.
+-- handling of unicode surrogate pairs
+select '$."\ud83d\ude04\ud83d\udc36"'::jsonpath as correct_in_utf8;
+ERROR: invalid input syntax for type jsonpath
+LINE 1: select '$."\ud83d\ude04\ud83d\udc36"'::jsonpath as correct_i...
+ ^
+DETAIL: Unicode escape values cannot be used for code point values above 007F when the server encoding is not UTF8.
+select '$."\ud83d\ud83d"'::jsonpath; -- 2 high surrogates in a row
+ERROR: invalid input syntax for type jsonpath
+LINE 1: select '$."\ud83d\ud83d"'::jsonpath;
+ ^
+DETAIL: Unicode high surrogate must not follow a high surrogate.
+select '$."\ude04\ud83d"'::jsonpath; -- surrogates in wrong order
+ERROR: invalid input syntax for type jsonpath
+LINE 1: select '$."\ude04\ud83d"'::jsonpath;
+ ^
+DETAIL: Unicode low surrogate must follow a high surrogate.
+select '$."\ud83dX"'::jsonpath; -- orphan high surrogate
+ERROR: invalid input syntax for type jsonpath
+LINE 1: select '$."\ud83dX"'::jsonpath;
+ ^
+DETAIL: Unicode low surrogate must follow a high surrogate.
+select '$."\ude04X"'::jsonpath; -- orphan low surrogate
+ERROR: invalid input syntax for type jsonpath
+LINE 1: select '$."\ude04X"'::jsonpath;
+ ^
+DETAIL: Unicode low surrogate must follow a high surrogate.
+--handling of simple unicode escapes
+select '$."the Copyright \u00a9 sign"'::jsonpath as correct_in_utf8;
+ERROR: invalid input syntax for type jsonpath
+LINE 1: select '$."the Copyright \u00a9 sign"'::jsonpath as correct_...
+ ^
+DETAIL: Unicode escape values cannot be used for code point values above 007F when the server encoding is not UTF8.
+select '$."dollar \u0024 character"'::jsonpath as correct_everywhere;
+ correct_everywhere
+ $."dollar $ character"
+(1 row)
+select '$."dollar \\u0024 character"'::jsonpath as not_an_escape;
+ not_an_escape
+ $."dollar \\u0024 character"
+(1 row)
+select '$."null \u0000 escape"'::jsonpath as not_unescaped;
+ERROR: unsupported Unicode escape sequence
+LINE 1: select '$."null \u0000 escape"'::jsonpath as not_unescaped;
+ ^
+DETAIL: \u0000 cannot be converted to text.
+select '$."null \\u0000 escape"'::jsonpath as not_an_escape;
+ not_an_escape
+ $."null \\u0000 escape"
+(1 row)
# ----------
# Another group of parallel tests (JSON related)
# ----------
-test: json jsonb json_encoding jsonpath jsonb_jsonpath
+test: json jsonb json_encoding jsonpath jsonpath_encoding jsonb_jsonpath
# ----------
# Another group of parallel tests
test: jsonb
test: json_encoding
test: jsonpath
+test: jsonpath_encoding
test: jsonb_jsonpath
test: indirect_toast
test: equivclass
select jsonb_path_query('[null,1,true,"a",[],{}]', '$[*].type()');
select jsonb_path_query('null', 'null.type()');
select jsonb_path_query('null', 'true.type()');
-select jsonb_path_query('null', '123.type()');
+select jsonb_path_query('null', '(123).type()');
select jsonb_path_query('null', '"123".type()');
select jsonb_path_query('{"a": 2}', '($.a - 5).abs() + 10');
select 'null.type()'::jsonpath;
select '1.type()'::jsonpath;
+select '(1).type()'::jsonpath;
+select '1.2.type()'::jsonpath;
select '"aaa".type()'::jsonpath;
select 'true.type()'::jsonpath;
select '$.double().floor().ceiling().abs()'::jsonpath;
select '$ ? (@.a < 10.1e+1)'::jsonpath;
select '$ ? (@.a < -10.1e+1)'::jsonpath;
select '$ ? (@.a < +10.1e+1)'::jsonpath;
+select '0'::jsonpath;
+select '00'::jsonpath;
+select '0.0'::jsonpath;
+select '0.000'::jsonpath;
+select '0.000e1'::jsonpath;
+select '0.000e2'::jsonpath;
+select '0.000e3'::jsonpath;
+select '0.0010'::jsonpath;
+select '0.0010e-1'::jsonpath;
+select '0.0010e+1'::jsonpath;
+select '0.0010e+2'::jsonpath;
+select '1e'::jsonpath;
+select '1.e'::jsonpath;
+select '1.2e'::jsonpath;
+select '1.2.e'::jsonpath;
+select '(1.2).e'::jsonpath;
+select '1e3'::jsonpath;
+select '1.e3'::jsonpath;
+select '1.e3.e'::jsonpath;
+select '1.e3.e4'::jsonpath;
+select '1.2e3'::jsonpath;
+select '1.2.e3'::jsonpath;
+select '(1.2).e3'::jsonpath;
+select '1..e'::jsonpath;
+select '1..e3'::jsonpath;
+select '(1.).e'::jsonpath;
+select '(1.).e3'::jsonpath;
--- /dev/null
+-- encoding-sensitive tests for jsonpath
+-- checks for double-quoted values
+-- basic unicode input
+SELECT '"\u"'::jsonpath; -- ERROR, incomplete escape
+SELECT '"\u00"'::jsonpath; -- ERROR, incomplete escape
+SELECT '"\u000g"'::jsonpath; -- ERROR, g is not a hex digit
+SELECT '"\u0000"'::jsonpath; -- OK, legal escape
+SELECT '"\uaBcD"'::jsonpath; -- OK, uppercase and lower case both OK
+-- handling of unicode surrogate pairs
+select '"\ud83d\ude04\ud83d\udc36"'::jsonpath as correct_in_utf8;
+select '"\ud83d\ud83d"'::jsonpath; -- 2 high surrogates in a row
+select '"\ude04\ud83d"'::jsonpath; -- surrogates in wrong order
+select '"\ud83dX"'::jsonpath; -- orphan high surrogate
+select '"\ude04X"'::jsonpath; -- orphan low surrogate
+--handling of simple unicode escapes
+select '"the Copyright \u00a9 sign"'::jsonpath as correct_in_utf8;
+select '"dollar \u0024 character"'::jsonpath as correct_everywhere;
+select '"dollar \\u0024 character"'::jsonpath as not_an_escape;
+select '"null \u0000 escape"'::jsonpath as not_unescaped;
+select '"null \\u0000 escape"'::jsonpath as not_an_escape;
+-- checks for single-quoted values
+-- basic unicode input
+SELECT E'\'\u\''::jsonpath; -- ERROR, incomplete escape
+SELECT E'\'\u00\''::jsonpath; -- ERROR, incomplete escape
+SELECT E'\'\u000g\''::jsonpath; -- ERROR, g is not a hex digit
+SELECT E'\'\u0000\''::jsonpath; -- OK, legal escape
+SELECT E'\'\uaBcD\''::jsonpath; -- OK, uppercase and lower case both OK
+-- handling of unicode surrogate pairs
+select E'\'\ud83d\ude04\ud83d\udc36\''::jsonpath as correct_in_utf8;
+select E'\'\ud83d\ud83d\''::jsonpath; -- 2 high surrogates in a row
+select E'\'\ude04\ud83d\''::jsonpath; -- surrogates in wrong order
+select E'\'\ud83dX\''::jsonpath; -- orphan high surrogate
+select E'\'\ude04X\''::jsonpath; -- orphan low surrogate
+--handling of simple unicode escapes
+select E'\'the Copyright \u00a9 sign\''::jsonpath as correct_in_utf8;
+select E'\'dollar \u0024 character\''::jsonpath as correct_everywhere;
+select E'\'dollar \\u0024 character\''::jsonpath as not_an_escape;
+select E'\'null \u0000 escape\''::jsonpath as not_unescaped;
+select E'\'null \\u0000 escape\''::jsonpath as not_an_escape;
+-- checks for quoted key names
+-- basic unicode input
+SELECT '$."\u"'::jsonpath; -- ERROR, incomplete escape
+SELECT '$."\u00"'::jsonpath; -- ERROR, incomplete escape
+SELECT '$."\u000g"'::jsonpath; -- ERROR, g is not a hex digit
+SELECT '$."\u0000"'::jsonpath; -- OK, legal escape
+SELECT '$."\uaBcD"'::jsonpath; -- OK, uppercase and lower case both OK
+-- handling of unicode surrogate pairs
+select '$."\ud83d\ude04\ud83d\udc36"'::jsonpath as correct_in_utf8;
+select '$."\ud83d\ud83d"'::jsonpath; -- 2 high surrogates in a row
+select '$."\ude04\ud83d"'::jsonpath; -- surrogates in wrong order
+select '$."\ud83dX"'::jsonpath; -- orphan high surrogate
+select '$."\ude04X"'::jsonpath; -- orphan low surrogate
+--handling of simple unicode escapes
+select '$."the Copyright \u00a9 sign"'::jsonpath as correct_in_utf8;
+select '$."dollar \u0024 character"'::jsonpath as correct_everywhere;
+select '$."dollar \\u0024 character"'::jsonpath as not_an_escape;
+select '$."null \u0000 escape"'::jsonpath as not_unescaped;
+select '$."null \\u0000 escape"'::jsonpath as not_an_escape;