#include "color.h"
#include "colorprocs.h"
+#include <assert.h>
static float dx = 0.0;
static float dy = 0.0;
static float dz = 0.0;
static int node_visible(topview_node* n);
static int select_topview_node(topview_node * n);
/* static int select_topview_edge(topview_edge * e); */
+#if 0
static int update_topview_node_from_cgraph(topview_node * Node);
static int get_color_from_edge(topview_edge * e);
static int draw_node_hint_boxes(void);
static int pick_node(topview_node * n);
-static int setpositioninfo(float* x,float* y,float* z,char* buf)
+static void
+setpositioninfo(float* x,float* y,float* z,char* buf)
- int ind=0;
- int commacount=0;
- /*zero all values*/
- *x=0;
- *y=0;
- *z=0;
- /*find out if 2D or 3 d, count commas*/
- if (!buf)
- return 0;
- for (;ind < (int)strlen(buf); ind=ind +1)
- {
- if( buf[ind]==',')
- commacount ++;
- }
- if (commacount == 1) /*2D no z value*/
- {
- sscanf(buf,"%f,%f",x,y);
- z=0;
- }
- else
- sscanf(buf,"%f,%f,%f",x,y,z);
- return 1;
+ /*zero all values*/
+ *x=0;
+ *y=0;
+ *z=0;
+ sscanf(buf,"%f,%f,%f",x,y,z);
static void setRGBcolor(RGBColor* c,char* colorstr)
gvcolor_t cl;
+#define DIST2(x,y) (((x)*(x))+((y)*(y)))
+#define DIST(x,y) (sqrt(DIST2(x,y)))
/*update position info from cgraph*/
void settvposinfo(Agraph_t* g,topview* t)
int ind;
float maxedgelen,len,minedgelen,totallen;
- maxedgelen=0;
- minedgelen=MAXFLOAT;
- totallen=0;
+ float xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
+ topview_node* np;
+ topview_edge* ep;
+ Agsym_t* poss = agattr (g, AGNODE, "pos", 0);
+ assert (poss);
+ maxedgelen=0;
+ xmax = ymax = -MAXFLOAT;
+ xmin = ymin = minedgelen = MAXFLOAT;
+ totallen=0;
/*loop nodes*/
- for (ind=0;ind < t->Nodecount ; ind ++)
- {
- if (!setpositioninfo(&t->Nodes[ind].x,&t->Nodes[ind].y,&t->Nodes[ind].z,agget(t->Nodes[ind].Node, "pos")))
- printf ("missing position information of node %s , setting to zero\n",agnameof(t->Nodes[ind].Node));
- /*distorted coordiantes, same with original ones at the beginning*/
- t->Nodes[ind].distorted_x = t->Nodes[ind].x;
- t->Nodes[ind].distorted_y = t->Nodes[ind].y;
- t->Nodes[ind].distorted_z = t->Nodes[ind].z;
- }
+ for (ind=0;ind < t->Nodecount ; ind ++) {
+ np = t->Nodes + ind;
+ setpositioninfo(&np->x,&np->y,&np->z,agxget(np->Node, poss));
+ /*distorted coordiates, same with original ones at the beginning*/
+ np->distorted_x = t->Nodes[ind].x;
+ np->distorted_y = t->Nodes[ind].y;
+ np->distorted_z = t->Nodes[ind].z;
+ xmax = MAX(xmax, np->x);
+ xmin = MIN(xmin, np->x);
+ ymax = MAX(ymax, np->y);
+ ymin = MIN(ymin, np->y);
+ }
/*loop edges*/
- for (ind=0;ind < t->Edgecount ; ind ++)
- {
- setpositioninfo(&t->Edges[ind].x1,&t->Edges[ind].y1,&t->Edges[ind].z1,agget(t->Edges[ind].Node1->Node, "pos"));
- setpositioninfo(&t->Edges[ind].x2,&t->Edges[ind].y2,&t->Edges[ind].z2,agget(t->Edges[ind].Node2->Node, "pos"));
- len=(float)pow(pow((t->Edges[ind].x2-t->Edges[ind].x1),2)+pow((t->Edges[ind].y2-t->Edges[ind].y1),2),0.5);
- totallen = totallen + len;
- if (len > maxedgelen)
- maxedgelen=len;
- if(len < minedgelen)
- minedgelen=len;
- t->Edges[ind].length=len;
- }
- t->maxedgelen=maxedgelen;
- t->minedgelen=minedgelen;
- t->avgedgelength=totallen / (float) t->Edgecount;
+ for (ind=0;ind < t->Edgecount ; ind ++) {
+ ep = t->Edges + ind;
+ ep->x1 = ep->Node1->x;
+ ep->y1 = ep->Node1->y;
+ ep->z1 = ep->Node1->z;
+ ep->x2 = ep->Node2->x;
+ ep->y2 = ep->Node2->y;
+ ep->z2 = ep->Node2->z;
+ len=(float)DIST(ep->x2 - ep->x1, ep->y2 - ep->y1);
+ totallen = totallen + len;
+ if (len > maxedgelen)
+ maxedgelen=len;
+ if(len < minedgelen)
+ minedgelen=len;
+ ep->length=len;
+ }
+ t->maxedgelen=maxedgelen;
+ t->minedgelen=minedgelen;
+ t->avgedgelength=totallen / (float) t->Edgecount;
else return mapbool(agxget (obj,attr), defv);
+static int visible (void* obj, Agsym_t* vattr, Agsym_t* sattr)
+ if (vattr)
+ return boolAttr (obj, vattr, 1);
+ else if (sattr) {
+ if (strcmp (agxget (obj, sattr), "invis")) return 1;
+ else return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ return 1;
void settvcolorinfo(Agraph_t* g,topview* t)
int ind;
Agsym_t* sel = agattr (g, AGNODE, "selected", 0);
Agsym_t* hilite = agattr (g, AGNODE, "highlighted", 0);
Agsym_t* vis = agattr (g, AGNODE, "visible", 0);
+ Agsym_t* sty = agattr (g, AGNODE, "style", 0);
Agsym_t* ecolor = agattr (g, AGEDGE, "color", 0);
char* color_string;
/*while in the loop why dont we set some smyrna settings from graph? selected , highlighted , visible */
np->data.Selected = boolAttr(np->Node,sel,0);
np->data.Highlighted = boolAttr(np->Node,hilite,0);
- np->data.Visible = boolAttr(np->Node,vis,1);
+ np->data.Visible = visible(np->Node,vis,sty);
/*loop edges*/
sel = agattr (g, AGEDGE, "selected", 0);
hilite = agattr (g, AGEDGE, "highlighted", 0);
vis = agattr (g, AGEDGE, "visible", 0);
+ sty = agattr (g, AGEDGE, "style", 0);
for (ind = 0;ind < t->Edgecount ; ind ++) {
ep = t->Edges + ind;
if (ecolor && (color_string = agxget(ep->Edge, ecolor)) && (*color_string != '\0'))
ep->Color = color;
ep->data.Selected = boolAttr(ep->Edge,sel,0);
ep->data.Highlighted = boolAttr(ep->Edge,hilite,0);
- ep->data.Visible = boolAttr(ep->Edge,vis,1);
+ ep->data.Visible = visible(ep->Edge,vis,sty);
- /*update node size values in case node size is changed*/
- t->init_node_size =
- t->avgedgelength*2/GetOGLDistance(2)*atoi(agget(view->g[view->activeGraph],"nodesize"))/100.0*5.00;
- t->init_zoom = view->zoom;
void update_topview(Agraph_t * g, topview * t,int init)
- if (init)
- preparetopview(g,t);
- settvposinfo(g,t);
- settvcolorinfo(g,t);
- set_boundaries(t);
- set_update_required(t);
- btnToolZoomFit_clicked(NULL,NULL);
+ if (init) {
+ float vsize;
+ int percent;
+ preparetopview(g,t);
+ percent = atoi(agget(view->g[view->activeGraph],"nodesize"));
+ vsize = 0.05*sqrt((view->bdxRight - view->bdxLeft)*(view->bdyTop - view->bdyBottom));
+ t->init_node_size = vsize*2/GetOGLDistance(2)*percent/100.0/sqrt(t->Nodecount);
+ t->init_zoom = view->zoom;
+ }
+ settvposinfo(g,t);
+ settvcolorinfo(g,t);
+ set_boundaries(t);
+ set_update_required(t);
+ btnToolZoomFit_clicked(NULL,NULL);
void preparetopview(Agraph_t * g, topview * t)
-float set_gl_dot_size(topview * t)
+static float set_gl_dot_size(topview * t)
- static float sizevc;
+ float sizevc;
if (view->active_camera==-1)
sizevc = t->init_node_size /view->zoom*t->init_zoom;
+#if 0
float calcfontsize(float totaledgelength,int totallabelsize,int edgecount,int totalnodecount)
float avglength=totaledgelength/(float)edgecount;
return avglength/ avglabelsize;
-static int begintopviewnodes(Agraph_t* g)
+static int begintopviewnodes(Agraph_t* g, float dotsz)
switch (view->defaultnodeshape)
case 0:
- glPointSize((GLfloat)set_gl_dot_size(view->Topview));
+ glPointSize((GLfloat)dotsz);
case 1:
- set_gl_dot_size(view->Topview);
+ /* set_gl_dot_size(view->Topview); FIX - command with no effect */
- set_gl_dot_size(view->Topview);
+ /* set_gl_dot_size(view->Topview); FIX - command with no effect */
static int drawtopviewnodes(Agraph_t * g)
- topview_node *v;
+ topview_node *v;
float ddx, ddy, ddz;
int ind = 0;
- float dotsize = 0;
- dotsize=set_gl_dot_size(view->Topview); //sets the size of the gl points
- set_topview_options();
- begintopviewnodes(g);
- view->visiblenodecount=0;
- for (ind = 0;
- ((ind < view->Topview->Nodecount) );
- ind++)
- {
- if (((-view->Topview->Nodes[ind].distorted_x / view->zoom >= view->clipX1)
- && (-view->Topview->Nodes[ind].distorted_x / view->zoom <=
- view->clipX2)
- && (-view->Topview->Nodes[ind].distorted_y / view->zoom >=
- view->clipY1)
- && (-view->Topview->Nodes[ind].distorted_y / view->zoom <=
- view->clipY2))
- || (view->active_camera >= 0) ) {
- float zdepth;
- v = &view->Topview->Nodes[ind];
- view->visiblenodecount = view->visiblenodecount + 1;
- if(!view->drawnodes)
- continue;
+ float dotsize = set_gl_dot_size(view->Topview); //sets the size of the gl points
- if (!node_visible(v))
- continue;
- select_topview_node(v);
+ set_topview_options();
+ begintopviewnodes(g, dotsize);
+ view->visiblenodecount=0;
+ for (ind = 0; ind < view->Topview->Nodecount; ind++) {
+ v = view->Topview->Nodes+ind;
+ if (((-v->distorted_x / view->zoom >= view->clipX1)
+ && (-v->distorted_x / view->zoom <= view->clipX2)
+ && (-v->distorted_y / view->zoom >= view->clipY1)
+ && (-v->distorted_y / view->zoom <= view->clipY2))
+ || (view->active_camera >= 0) ) {
+ float zdepth;
+ view->visiblenodecount = view->visiblenodecount + 1;
+ if(!view->drawnodes || !node_visible(v))
+ continue;
+ select_topview_node(v);
//UPDATE view->Topview data from cgraph
/* if (v->update_required) */
/* update_topview_node_from_cgraph(v); */
- if (v->data.Selected == 1) {
- glColor4f(view->selectedNodeColor.R,
- view->selectedNodeColor.G,
- view->selectedNodeColor.B,
- view->selectedNodeColor.A);
- ddx = dx;
- ddy = dy;
- ddz = dz;
- } else //get the color from node
- {
- glColor4f(v->Color.R, v->Color.G, v->Color.B,
+ if (v->data.Selected == 1) {
+ glColor4f(view->selectedNodeColor.R,
+ view->selectedNodeColor.G,
+ view->selectedNodeColor.B,
+ view->selectedNodeColor.A);
+ ddx = dx;
+ ddy = dy;
+ ddz = dz;
+ }
+ else { //get the color from node
+ glColor4f(v->Color.R, v->Color.G, v->Color.B,
- ddx = 0;
- ddy = 0;
- ddz = 0;
- }
+ ddx = 0;
+ ddy = 0;
+ ddz = 0;
+ }
- if (v->distorted_x != v->x)
- zdepth = (float) Z_FORWARD_PLANE;
- else
- zdepth = (float) Z_BACK_PLANE;
+ if (v->distorted_x != v->x)
+ zdepth = (float) Z_FORWARD_PLANE;
+ else
+ zdepth = (float) Z_BACK_PLANE;
- if ((view->defaultnodeshape==0))
- {
- glVertex3f(v->distorted_x - ddx,
+ if ((view->defaultnodeshape==0)) {
+ glVertex3f(v->distorted_x - ddx,
v->distorted_y - ddy, v->distorted_z - ddz);
- }
- else if (view->defaultnodeshape==1)
- {
- drawCircle(v->distorted_x - ddx,v->distorted_y - ddy,dotsize,0);
- }
- else
- {
+ else if (view->defaultnodeshape==1) {
+ drawCircle(v->distorted_x - ddx,v->distorted_y - ddy,dotsize,0);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
/* int a=1; */
- }
- endtopviewnodes(g);
+ }
+ endtopviewnodes(g);
return 1;
float dddx, dddy, dddz;
int ind = 0;
+ if (!view->drawedges)
+ return;
- for (ind = 0; ((ind < view->Topview->Edgecount) && view->drawedges);ind++)
- {
+ for (ind = 0; ind < view->Topview->Edgecount; ind++) {
+ e = view->Topview->Edges + ind;
+ if (((e->x1 / view->zoom * -1 > view->clipX1)
+ && (e->x1 / view->zoom * -1 < view->clipX2)
+ && (e->y1 / view->zoom * -1 > view->clipY1)
+ && (e->y1 / view->zoom * -1 < view->clipY2))
+ ||
+ ((e->x2 / view->zoom * -1 > view->clipX1)
+ && (e->x2 / view->zoom * -1 < view->clipX2)
+ && (e->y2 / view->zoom * -1 > view->clipY1)
+ && (e->y2 / view->zoom * -1 < view->clipY2))
+ || (view->active_camera >= 0)) {
- if (((view->Topview->Edges[ind].x1 / view->zoom * -1 >
- view->clipX1)
- && (view->Topview->Edges[ind].x1 / view->zoom * -1 <
- view->clipX2)
- && (view->Topview->Edges[ind].y1 / view->zoom * -1 >
- view->clipY1)
- && (view->Topview->Edges[ind].y1 / view->zoom * -1 <
- view->clipY2))
- ||
- ((view->Topview->Edges[ind].x2 / view->zoom * -1 >
- view->clipX1)
- && (view->Topview->Edges[ind].x2 / view->zoom * -1 <
- view->clipX2)
- && (view->Topview->Edges[ind].y2 / view->zoom * -1 >
- view->clipY1)
- && (view->Topview->Edges[ind].y2 / view->zoom * -1 <
- view->clipY2))
- || (view->active_camera >= 0)) {
- e = &view->Topview->Edges[ind];
if (!get_color_from_edge(e))
- continue;
+ continue;
- if (e->Node1->data.Selected == 1)
- { //tail is selected
- ddx = dx;
- ddy = dy;
- ddz = 0;
+ if (e->Node1->data.Selected == 1) { //tail is selected
+ ddx = dx;
+ ddy = dy;
+ ddz = 0;
- else {
- ddx = 0;
- ddy = 0;
- ddz = 0;
+ else {
+ ddx = 0;
+ ddy = 0;
+ ddz = 0;
- if (e->Node2->data.Selected == 1)
- { //head
- dddx = dx;
- dddy = dy;
- dddz = 0;
+ if (e->Node2->data.Selected == 1) { //head
+ dddx = dx;
+ dddy = dy;
+ dddz = 0;
- else
- {
- dddx = 0;
- dddy = 0;
- dddz = 0;
+ else {
+ dddx = 0;
+ dddy = 0;
+ dddz = 0;
- glVertex3f(e->Node1->distorted_x - ddx,
- e->Node1->distorted_y - ddy,
- e->Node1->distorted_z - ddz);
- glVertex3f(e->Node2->distorted_x - dddx,
- e->Node2->distorted_y - dddy,
- e->Node2->distorted_z - ddz);
+ glVertex3f(e->Node1->distorted_x - ddx,
+ e->Node1->distorted_y - ddy,
+ e->Node1->distorted_z - ddz);
+ glVertex3f(e->Node2->distorted_x - dddx,
+ e->Node2->distorted_y - dddy,
+ e->Node2->distorted_z - ddz);
static int drawtopviewlabels(Agraph_t * g)
(view->mouse.button== rightmousebutton)) //single selection or right click (picking)
- float dist=(float)pow((view->Selection.X-n->distorted_x),2)+(float)pow((view->Selection.Y-n->distorted_y),2);
+ float dist=(float)DIST2(view->Selection.X-n->distorted_x, view->Selection.Y-n->distorted_y);
if ((view->Selection.node_distance==-1) ||(dist < view->Selection.node_distance))
+#if 0
static int update_topview_node_from_cgraph(topview_node * Node)
char *buf;
Node->update_required = 0;
return 1;
#if 0
int update_topview_edge_from_cgraph(topview_edge * Edge)
if (buf)
- glprintfglut(view->glutfont,(v->distorted_x - ddx),(v->distorted_y - ddy),agget(v->Node,buf));
+ glprintfglut(view->glutfont,(v->distorted_x - ddx),(v->distorted_y - ddy),
+ agget(v->Node,buf));
return 1;
} else
return 0;
static int get_color_from_edge(topview_edge * e)
GdkColor color;
- int return_value = 0;
+ int return_value = 1;
float Alpha = 0;
GtkHScale *AlphaScale =
(GtkHScale *) glade_xml_get_widget(xml, "settingsscale2");
Alpha = (float) gtk_range_get_value((GtkRange *) AlphaScale);
//check visibility;
if ((node_visible(e->Node1))
&& (node_visible(e->Node2)))
- return_value = 1;
+ /* FIX - if edge is not visible, why not return immediately? */
+ if (!e->data.Visible)
+ return_value = 0;
/*if both head and tail nodes are selected use selection color for edges */