delfunc s:save_reg_stat
unlet s:reg_stat
+func Test_libcall_libcallnr()
+ if !has('libcall')
+ return
+ endif
+ if has('win32')
+ let libc = 'msvcrt.dll'
+ elseif has('mac')
+ let libc = 'libSystem.B.dylib'
+ else
+ " On Unix, can be in various places.
+ " Interestingly, using an empty string for the 1st argument of libcall
+ " allows to call functions from libc which is not documented.
+ let libc = ''
+ endif
+ if has('win32')
+ call assert_equal($USERPROFILE, libcall(libc, 'getenv', 'USERPROFILE'))
+ else
+ call assert_equal($HOME, libcall(libc, 'getenv', 'HOME'))
+ endif
+ " If function returns NULL, libcall() should return an empty string.
+ call assert_equal('', libcall(libc, 'getenv', 'X_ENV_DOES_NOT_EXIT'))
+ " Test libcallnr() with string and integer argument.
+ call assert_equal(4, libcallnr(libc, 'strlen', 'abcd'))
+ call assert_equal(char2nr('A'), libcallnr(libc, 'toupper', char2nr('a')))
+ call assert_fails("call libcall(libc, 'Xdoesnotexist_', '')", 'E364:')
+ call assert_fails("call libcallnr(libc, 'Xdoesnotexist_', '')", 'E364:')
+ call assert_fails("call libcall('Xdoesnotexist_', 'getenv', 'HOME')", 'E364:')
+ call assert_fails("call libcallnr('Xdoesnotexist_', 'strlen', 'abcd')", 'E364:')