cmd += ' &'
rc = os.system(cmd)
if rc:
+ cmd = "%s %s" % (, url)
+ if self.remote_background:
+ cmd += " &"
# bad return status, try again with simpler command
- rc = os.system("%s %s" % (, url))
+ rc = os.system(cmd)
return not rc
def open(self, url, new=0, autoraise=1):
remote_action = "openURL(%s)"
remote_action_newwin = "openURL(%s,new-window)"
remote_action_newtab = "openURL(%s,new-tab)"
+ remote_background = True
Netscape = Mozilla
if _iscommand("konqueror"):
rc = os.system( + " --silent '%s' &" % url)
elif _iscommand("kfm"):
- rc = os.system( + " -d '%s'" % url)
+ rc = os.system( + " -d '%s' &" % url)
return not rc
def open(self, url, new=0, autoraise=1):
remote_action = "openURL(%s)"
remote_action_newwin = "openURL(%s,new-window)"
remote_action_newtab = "openURL(%s,new-page)"
+ remote_background = True
class Elinks(UnixBrowser):
new = int(bool(new))
if == "default":
# User called open, open_new or get without a browser parameter
- script = _safequote('open location "%s"', url) # opens in default browser
+ script = 'open location "%s"' % url.replace('"', '%22') # opens in default browser
# User called get and chose a browser
if == "OmniWeb":
# Include toWindow parameter of OpenURL command for browsers
# that support it. 0 == new window; -1 == existing
toWindow = "toWindow %d" % (new - 1)
- cmd = _safequote('OpenURL "%s"', url)
+ cmd = 'OpenURL "%s"' % url.replace('"', '%22')
script = '''tell application "%s"
%s %s