<title>Examples: Multi-Band versions</title>
<programlisting>-- Aggregate the 1st band of a table of like rasters into a single raster
--- with as many bands as there are test_types and as many rows as there are time_slots
+-- with as many bands as there are test_types and as many rows (new rasters) as there are mice
-- NOTE: The ORDER BY test_type is only supported in PostgreSQL 9.0
-- for 8.4 and below it usually works to order your data in a subselect (but not guaranteed)
-- The resulting raster will have a band for each test_type alphabetical by test_type
-- For mouse lovers: No mice were harmed in this exercise
-SELECT rabbit, ST_AddBand(NULL, array_agg(rast ORDER BY test_type), 1 ) As rast
+SELECT mouse, ST_AddBand(NULL, array_agg(rast ORDER BY test_type), 1 ) As rast
FROM mice_studies
- GROUP BY mice;
+ GROUP BY mouse;