Changes with Apache 2.3.0
[Remove entries to the current 2.0 and 2.2 section below, when backported]
- *) SECURITY: CAN-2005-2970 (
- worker MPM: Fix a memory leak which can occur after an aborted
- connection in some limited circumstances. [Greg Ames, Jeff Trawick]
*) Move mod_dbd to /modules/database/ (Nick Kew)
*) Move mod_filter and mod_charset_lite to /modules/filters/ (Nick Kew)
Changes with Apache 2.1.9
+ *) SECURITY: CAN-2005-2970 (
+ worker MPM: Fix a memory leak which can occur after an aborted
+ connection in some limited circumstances. [Greg Ames, Jeff Trawick]
*) Doxygen fixup [Neale Ranns <neale>, Ian Holsman]
*) mod_cache/mod_dir: Correct a subrequest lookup bug which was preventing