py33_type_error_pattern = re.compile('^__call__\(\) takes (\d+) positional argument but (\d+) were given$')
py37_exception_repr = re.compile(r'([^\(\),])(\)+)$')
py39_type_error_pattern = re.compile('\w+\.([^(]+\(\) takes)')
+ py310_type_error_pattern = re.compile('takes (\d+) positional argument but (\d+) were given')
def emsg(ei):
return ei[0].__name__ + ':' + repr(ei[1].args)
msg = msg.replace(newmsg2, oldmsg2)
# Python 3.9 reports errors like "vim.command() takes ..." instead of "command() takes ..."
msg = py39_type_error_pattern.sub(r'\1', msg)
+ msg = py310_type_error_pattern.sub(r'takes exactly \1 positional argument (\2 given)', msg)
elif sys.version_info >= (3, 5) and e.__class__ is ValueError and str(e) == 'embedded null byte':
msg = repr((TypeError, TypeError('expected bytes with no null')))
py3 cb = vim.current.buffer
py3 << trim EOF
+ import os
d = vim.Dictionary()
ned = vim.Dictionary(foo='bar', baz='abcD')
dl = vim.Dictionary(a=1)