. Fixed bug #53527 (php-fpm --test doesn't set a valuable return value). (fat)
+- Soap Extension:
+ . Fixed possible crash introduced by the NULL poisoning patch (Mateusz Kocielski, Pierre)
+- Sqlite Extension:
+ . Fixed memory leaked introduced by the NULL poisoning patch (Mateusz Kocielski, Pierre)
- SPL extension:
. Fixed bug #53515 (property_exists incorrect on ArrayObject null and 0
values). (Felipe)
- Streams:
. Implemented FR #26158 (open arbitrary file descriptor with fopen). (Gustavo)
+- Xsl Extension:
+ . Fixed memory leaked introduced by the NULL poisoning patch (Mateusz Kocielski, Pierre)
- Zip extension
. Fixed bug #53568 (swapped memset arguments in struct initialization).
(crrodriguez at opensuse dot org)
09 Dec 2010, PHP 5.3.4
- Upgraded bundled Sqlite3 to version 3.7.3. (Ilia)
- Upgraded bundled PCRE to version 8.10. (Ilia)
--- /dev/null
+Bug #46760 (SoapClient doRequest fails when proxy is used)\r
+<?php require_once('skipif.inc'); \r
+if (!extension_loaded('sqlite')) die('skip squilite extension not available');\r
+echo "blllllllllaaaaaaa\n";\r
+$var475 = sqlite_factory("\x00");\r
+$var147 = use_soap_error_handler();\r
+$var477 = flock(false,false);dump($client->_proxy_port);\r
+echo "OK";\r