--- /dev/null
+# Display all commits on active branches, merging together commits from
+# different branches that occur close together in time and with identical
+# log messages. Most of the time, such commits occur in the same order
+# on all branches, and we print them out in that order. However, if commit
+# A occurs before commit B on branch X and commit B occurs before commit A
+# on branch Y, then there's no ordering which is consistent with both
+# branches.
+# When we encounter a situation where there's no single "best" commit to
+# print next, we print the one that involves the least distortion of the
+# commit order, summed across all branches. In the event of a further tie,
+# the commit from the newer branch prints first. It is best not to sort
+# based on timestamp, because git timestamps aren't necessarily in order
+# (since the timestamp is provided by the committer's machine), even though
+# for the portion of the history we imported from CVS, we expect that they
+# will be.
+# Even though we don't use timestamps to order commits, it is used to
+# identify which commits happened at about the same time, for the purpose
+# of matching up commits from different branches.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+require Date::Calc;
+require Getopt::Long;
+require IPC::Open2;
+my $since;
+Getopt::Long::GetOptions('since=s' => \$since) || usage();
+usage() if @ARGV;
+my @git = qw(git log --date=iso);
+push @git, '--since=' . $since if defined $since;
+my %all_commits;
+my %all_commits_by_branch;
+my %commit;
+for my $branch (@BRANCHES) {
+ my $commitnum = 0;
+ IPC::Open2::open2(my $git_out, my $git_in, @git, "origin/$branch")
+ || die "can't run @git origin/$branch: $!";
+ while (my $line = <$git_out>) {
+ if ($line =~ /^commit\s+(.*)/) {
+ push_commit(\%commit) if %commit;
+ %commit = (
+ 'branch' => $branch,
+ 'commit' => $1,
+ 'message' => '',
+ 'commitnum' => $commitnum++,
+ );
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^Author:\s+(.*)/) {
+ $commit{'author'} = $1;
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^Date:\s+(.*)/) {
+ $commit{'date'} = $1;
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^\s+/) {
+ $commit{'message'} .= $line;
+ }
+ }
+my %position;
+for my $branch (@BRANCHES) {
+ $position{$branch} = 0;
+while (1) {
+ my $best_branch;
+ my $best_inversions;
+ for my $branch (@BRANCHES) {
+ my $leader = $all_commits_by_branch{$branch}->[$position{$branch}];
+ next if !defined $leader;
+ my $inversions = 0;
+ for my $branch2 (@BRANCHES) {
+ if (defined $leader->{'branch_position'}{$branch2}) {
+ $inversions += $leader->{'branch_position'}{$branch2}
+ - $position{$branch2};
+ }
+ }
+ if (!defined $best_inversions || $inversions < $best_inversions) {
+ $best_branch = $branch;
+ $best_inversions = $inversions;
+ }
+ }
+ last if !defined $best_branch;
+ my $winner =
+ $all_commits_by_branch{$best_branch}->[$position{$best_branch}];
+ print $winner->{'header'};
+ print "Commit-Order-Inversions: $best_inversions\n"
+ if $best_inversions != 0;
+ print $winner->{'message'};
+ $winner->{'done'} = 1;
+ for my $branch (@BRANCHES) {
+ my $leader = $all_commits_by_branch{$branch}->[$position{$branch}];
+ if (defined $leader && $leader->{'done'}) {
+ ++$position{$branch};
+ redo;
+ }
+ }
+sub push_commit {
+ my ($c) = @_;
+ my $ht = hash_commit($c);
+ my $ts = parse_datetime($c->{'date'});
+ my $cc;
+ for my $candidate (@{$all_commits{$ht}}) {
+ if (abs($ts - $candidate->{'timestamp'}) < 600
+ && !exists $candidate->{'branch_position'}{$c->{'branch'}})
+ {
+ $cc = $candidate;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!defined $cc) {
+ $cc = {
+ 'header' => sprintf("Author: %s\n", $c->{'author'}),
+ 'message' => $c->{'message'},
+ 'timestamp' => $ts
+ };
+ push @{$all_commits{$ht}}, $cc;
+ }
+ $cc->{'header'} .= sprintf "Branch: %s [%s] %s\n",
+ $c->{'branch'}, substr($c->{'commit'}, 0, 9), $c->{'date'};
+ push @{$all_commits_by_branch{$c->{'branch'}}}, $cc;
+ $cc->{'branch_position'}{$c->{'branch'}} =
+ -1+@{$all_commits_by_branch{$c->{'branch'}}};
+sub hash_commit {
+ my ($c) = @_;
+ return $c->{'author'} . "\0" . $c->{'message'};
+sub parse_datetime {
+ my ($dt) = @_;
+ $dt =~ /^(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)\s+(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)/;
+ return Date::Calc::Mktime($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6);
+sub usage {
+ print STDERR <<EOM;
+Usage: git-topo-order [--since=SINCE]
+ exit 1;