<section id="usingssltls"><title>Using SSL/TLS</title>
<p>The ability to create an SSL and TLS connections to an LDAP server
- is defined by the directives <directive module="mod_ldap">
- LDAPTrustedGlobalCert</directive>, <directive module="mod_ldap">
- LDAPTrustedClientCert</directive> and <directive module="mod_ldap">
- LDAPTrustedMode</directive>. These directives specify the CA and
- optional client certificates to be used, as well as the type of
- encryption to be used on the connection (none, SSL or TLS/STARTTLS).</p>
+ is defined by the directives
+ <directive module="mod_ldap">LDAPTrustedGlobalCert</directive>,
+ <directive module="mod_ldap">LDAPTrustedClientCert</directive>
+ and <directive module="mod_ldap">LDAPTrustedMode</directive>.
+ These directives specify the CA and optional client certificates to be used,
+ as well as the type of encryption to be used on the connection (none, SSL or
<highlight language="config">
# Establish an SSL LDAP connection on port 636. Requires that