killer on tombstone had no prefix for starvation/exhaustion case
ensure proper message ordering for boulder trap messages
clean up data set by join_map that is overlaid by MAPs on special levels
-clarify disclose option default in opthelp
+clarify disclose option default in opthelp, and support "all" as old help said
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific Fixes
-/* SCCS Id: @(#)options.c 3.4 2003/04/30 */
+/* SCCS Id: @(#)options.c 3.4 2003/05/19 */
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */
* string as a prefix to get the desired behaviour.
* For backward compatibility, no prefix is required,
- * and the presence of a i,a,g,v, or c without a
- * prefix sets the corresponding value to DISCLOSE_YES_WITHOUT_PROMPT;
+ * and the presence of a i,a,g,v, or c without a prefix
+ * sets the corresponding value to DISCLOSE_YES_WITHOUT_PROMPT.
boolean badopt = FALSE;
int idx, prefix_val;
- if (!(op = string_for_opt(opts, TRUE))) {
- /* for backwards compatibility, "disclose" without a
- * value means all (was inventory and attributes,
- * the only things available then), but negated
- * it means "none"
- * (note "none" contains none of "iavkgc")
- */
- for (num = 0; num < NUM_DISCLOSURE_OPTIONS; num++) {
- if (negated)
- flags.end_disclose[num] = DISCLOSE_NO_WITHOUT_PROMPT;
- else flags.end_disclose[num] = DISCLOSE_PROMPT_DEFAULT_YES;
- }
+ op = string_for_opt(opts, TRUE);
+ if (op && negated) {
+ bad_negation("disclose", TRUE);
- if (negated) {
- bad_negation("disclose", TRUE);
+ /* "disclose" without a value means "all with prompting"
+ and negated means "none without prompting" */
+ if (!op || !strcmpi(op, "all") || !strcmpi(op, "none")) {
+ if (op && !strcmpi(op, "none")) negated = TRUE;
+ for (num = 0; num < NUM_DISCLOSURE_OPTIONS; num++)
+ flags.end_disclose[num] = negated ?
num = 0;
prefix_val = -1;
while (*op && num < sizeof flags.end_disclose - 1) {