#ifdef SINKS
STATIC_DCL void NDECL(dosinkfall);
-STATIC_DCL void NDECL(findtravelpath);
+STATIC_DCL boolean FDECL(findtravelpath, (BOOLEAN_P));
STATIC_DCL boolean FDECL(monstinroom, (struct permonst *,int));
STATIC_DCL void FDECL(move_update, (BOOLEAN_P));
#endif /* OVL1 */
#ifdef OVL3
-/* return TRUE if (dx,dy) is an OK place to move */
+/* return TRUE if (dx,dy) is an OK place to move
+ * mode is one of DO_MOVE, TEST_MOVE or TEST_TRAV
+ */
-test_move(ux, uy, dx, dy, test_only)
+test_move(ux, uy, dx, dy, mode)
int ux, uy, dx, dy;
-boolean test_only;
+int mode;
int x = ux+dx;
int y = uy+dy;
register struct rm *tmpr = &levl[x][y];
register struct rm *ust;
+ /* if this is the next step, must treat as if TEST_MOVE were used */
+ if (mode == TEST_TRAV && distmin(x, y, u.ux, u.uy) <= 1) mode = TEST_MOVE;
* Check for physical obstacles. First, the place we are going.
if (IS_ROCK(tmpr->typ) || tmpr->typ == IRONBARS) {
- if (Blind && !test_only) feel_location(x,y);
+ if (Blind && mode == DO_MOVE) feel_location(x,y);
if (Passes_walls && may_passwall(x,y)) {
; /* do nothing */
} else if (tmpr->typ == IRONBARS) {
return FALSE;
} else if (tunnels(youmonst.data) && !needspick(youmonst.data)) {
/* Eat the rock. */
- if (!test_only && still_chewing(x,y)) return FALSE;
+ if (mode == DO_MOVE && still_chewing(x,y)) return FALSE;
} else if (flags.autodig && !flags.run && !flags.nopick &&
uwep && is_pick(uwep)) {
/* MRKR: Automatic digging when wielding the appropriate tool */
- if (!test_only)
+ if (mode == DO_MOVE)
(void) use_pick_axe2(uwep);
return FALSE;
} else {
- if ( !test_only ) {
+ if (mode == DO_MOVE) {
if (Is_stronghold(&u.uz) && is_db_wall(x,y))
pline_The("drawbridge is up!");
if (Passes_walls && !may_passwall(x,y) && In_sokoban(&u.uz))
- pline_The("Sokoban walls resist your ability.");
+ pline_The("Sokoban walls resist your ability.");
return FALSE;
} else if (IS_DOOR(tmpr->typ)) {
if (closed_door(x,y)) {
- if (Blind && !test_only) feel_location(x,y);
+ if (Blind && mode == DO_MOVE) feel_location(x,y);
if (Passes_walls)
; /* do nothing */
else if (can_ooze(&youmonst)) {
- if ( !test_only ) You("ooze under the door.");
+ if (mode == DO_MOVE) You("ooze under the door.");
} else if (tunnels(youmonst.data) && !needspick(youmonst.data)) {
/* Eat the door. */
- if (!test_only && still_chewing(x,y)) return FALSE;
+ if (mode == DO_MOVE && still_chewing(x,y)) return FALSE;
} else {
- if ( !test_only ) {
+ if (mode == DO_MOVE) {
if (amorphous(youmonst.data))
You("try to ooze under the door, but can't squeeze your possessions through.");
else if (x == ux || y == uy) {
} else pline("That door is closed.");
- return FALSE;
+ if (mode != TEST_TRAV) return FALSE;
} else if (dx && dy && !Passes_walls
&& ((tmpr->doormask & ~D_BROKEN)
|| block_door(x,y))) {
/* Diagonal moves into a door are not allowed. */
- if ( Blind && !test_only )
+ if (Blind && mode == DO_MOVE)
return FALSE;
&& bad_rock(youmonst.data,ux,y) && bad_rock(youmonst.data,x,uy)) {
/* Move at a diagonal. */
if (In_sokoban(&u.uz)) {
- if ( !test_only )
+ if (mode == DO_MOVE)
You("cannot pass that way.");
return FALSE;
if (bigmonst(youmonst.data)) {
- if ( !test_only )
+ if (mode == DO_MOVE)
Your("body is too large to fit through.");
return FALSE;
if (invent && (inv_weight() + weight_cap() > 600)) {
- if ( !test_only )
+ if (mode == DO_MOVE)
You("are carrying too much to get through.");
return FALSE;
+ /* pick a path that does not require crossing a trap */
+ if (flags.run == 8 && mode != DO_MOVE) {
+ struct trap* t = t_at(x, y);
+ if (t && t->tseen) return FALSE;
+ }
ust = &levl[ux][uy];
if (sobj_at(BOULDER,x,y) && (In_sokoban(&u.uz) || !Passes_walls)) {
- if (!(Blind || Hallucination) && (flags.run >= 2))
+ if (!(Blind || Hallucination) && (flags.run >= 2) && mode != TEST_TRAV)
return FALSE;
- if (!test_only) {
+ if (mode == DO_MOVE) {
/* tunneling monsters will chew before pushing */
if (tunnels(youmonst.data) && !needspick(youmonst.data) &&
!In_sokoban(&u.uz)) {
if (still_chewing(x,y)) return FALSE;
} else
if (moverock() < 0) return FALSE;
+ } else if (mode == TEST_TRAV) {
+ struct obj* obj;
+ /* don't pick two boulders in a row, unless there's a way thru */
+ if (sobj_at(BOULDER,ux,uy) && !In_sokoban(&u.uz)) {
+ if (!Passes_walls &&
+ !(tunnels(youmonst.data) && !needspick(youmonst.data)) &&
+ !carrying(PICK_AXE) && !carrying(DWARVISH_MATTOCK) &&
+ !((obj = carrying(WAN_DIGGING)) &&
+ !objects[obj->otyp].oc_name_known))
+ return FALSE;
+ }
- /* test_only will assume you'll be able to push it when you get there... */
+ /* assume you'll be able to push it when you get there... */
/* OK, it is a legal place to move. */
return TRUE;
-static void findtravelpath()
+ * Find a path from the destination (u.tx,u.ty) back to (u.ux,u.uy).
+ * A shortest path is returned. If guess is TRUE, consider various
+ * inaccessible locations as valid intermediate path points.
+ * Returns TRUE if a path was found.
+ */
+static boolean
+boolean guess;
- if ( u.tx != u.ux || u.ty != u.uy ) {
+ if (u.tx != u.ux || u.ty != u.uy) {
xchar travel[COLNO][ROWNO];
xchar travelstepx[2][COLNO*ROWNO];
xchar travelstepy[2][COLNO*ROWNO];
- int n=1;
- int set=0;
- int dia=1;
- (void) memset((genericptr_t)travel,0,sizeof(travel));
- travelstepx[0][0] = u.tx;
- travelstepy[0][0] = u.ty;
- while ( n ) {
- int i;
- int nn=0;
- for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
+ xchar tx, ty, ux, uy;
+ int n = 1; /* max offset in travelsteps */
+ int set = 0; /* two sets current and previous */
+ int radius = 1; /* search radius */
+ int i;
+ /* If guessing, first find an "obvious" goal location. The obvious
+ * goal is the position the player knows of, or might figure out
+ * (couldsee) that is closest to the target on a straight path.
+ */
+ if (guess) {
+ tx = u.ux; ty = u.uy; ux = u.tx; uy = u.ty;
+ } else {
+ tx = u.tx; ty = u.ty; ux = u.ux; uy = u.uy;
+ }
+ noguess:
+ (void) memset((genericptr_t)travel, 0, sizeof(travel));
+ travelstepx[0][0] = tx;
+ travelstepy[0][0] = ty;
+ while (n != 0) {
+ int nn = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
int dir;
int x = travelstepx[set][i];
int y = travelstepy[set][i];
static int ordered[] = { 0, 2, 4, 6, 1, 3, 5, 7 };
- for (dir=0; dir<8; dir++) {
+ for (dir = 0; dir < 8; dir++) {
int nx = x+xdir[ordered[dir]];
int ny = y+ydir[ordered[dir]];
- /*printf("try %d,%d\n",nx,ny);*/
- if ( isok(nx,ny) && test_move( x, y, nx-x, ny-y, 1 ) ) {
- if ( nx == u.ux && ny == u.uy ) {
- u.dx = x-u.ux;
- u.dy = y-u.uy;
- /*printf("found\n");*/
- /*printf("findtravelpath %d,%d -> %d,%d by %d,%d\n",u.ux,u.uy,u.tx,u.ty,u.dx,u.dy);
- */
- return;
- } else {
- /*printf("%d %d %d",isok(nx,ny), !travel[nx][ny], ACCESSIBLE(levl[nx][ny].typ));*/
- if ( !travel[nx][ny] ) {
- travelstepx[1-set][nn]=nx;
- travelstepy[1-set][nn]=ny;
- travel[nx][ny]=dia;
- nn++;
+ if (!isok(nx, ny)) continue;
+ if (test_move(x, y, nx-x, ny-y, TEST_TRAV) &&
+ (levl[nx][ny].seenv || (!Blind && couldsee(nx, ny)))) {
+ if (nx == ux && ny == uy) {
+ if (!guess) {
+ u.dx = x-ux;
+ u.dy = y-uy;
+ if (x == u.tx && y == u.ty) {
+ nomul(0);
+ /* reset run so domove run checks work */
+ flags.run = 8;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ } else if (!travel[nx][ny]) {
+ travelstepx[1-set][nn] = nx;
+ travelstepy[1-set][nn] = ny;
+ travel[nx][ny] = radius;
+ nn++;
n = nn;
set = 1-set;
- dia++;
+ radius++;
- /* give up */
+ /* if guessing, find best location in travel matrix and go there */
+ if (guess) {
+ int px = tx, py = ty; /* pick location */
+ int dist, d;
+ dist = distmin(ux, uy, tx, ty);
+ for (tx = 1; tx < COLNO; ++tx)
+ for (ty = 0; ty < ROWNO; ++ty)
+ if (travel[tx][ty]) {
+ d = distmin(ux, uy, tx, ty);
+ if (d < dist && couldsee(ux, uy)) {
+ px = tx; py = ty; dist = d;
+ }
+ }
+ if (px == u.ux && py == u.uy) {
+ /* no guesses, just go in the general direction */
+ u.dx = sgn(u.tx - u.ux);
+ u.dy = sgn(u.ty - u.uy);
+ if (test_move(u.ux, u.uy, u.dx, u.dy, TEST_MOVE))
+ return TRUE;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ tx = px;
+ ty = py;
+ ux = u.ux;
+ uy = u.uy;
+ set = 0;
+ n = radius = 1;
+ guess = FALSE;
+ goto noguess;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
u.dx = 0;
u.dy = 0;
+ return FALSE;
- if ( flags.travel )
- findtravelpath();
+ if (flags.travel)
+ if (!findtravelpath(FALSE))
+ (void) findtravelpath(TRUE);
if(((wtcap = near_capacity()) >= OVERLOADED
|| (wtcap > SLT_ENCUMBER &&
- if((trap = t_at(x, y)) && trap->tseen) {
+ if (((trap = t_at(x, y)) && trap->tseen) ||
+ (Blind && !Levitation && !Flying &&
+ !is_clinger(youmonst.data) &&
+ (is_pool(x, y) || is_lava(x, y)) && levl[x][y].seenv)) {
if(flags.run >= 2) {
flags.move = 0;
- if ( !test_move( u.ux, u.uy, x-u.ux, y-u.uy, 0 ) ) {
+ if (!test_move(u.ux, u.uy, x-u.ux, y-u.uy, DO_MOVE)) {
flags.move = 0;