call setline(1, ['one', 'two', 'three'])
setlocal ff=dos
- silent write XReadfile
- let lines = 'XReadfile'->readfile()
+ silent write XReadfile_bin
+ let lines = 'XReadfile_bin'->readfile()
call assert_equal(['one', 'two', 'three'], lines)
- let lines = readfile('XReadfile', '', 2)
+ let lines = readfile('XReadfile_bin', '', 2)
call assert_equal(['one', 'two'], lines)
- let lines = readfile('XReadfile', 'b')
+ let lines = readfile('XReadfile_bin', 'b')
call assert_equal(["one\r", "two\r", "three\r", ""], lines)
- let lines = readfile('XReadfile', 'b', 2)
+ let lines = readfile('XReadfile_bin', 'b', 2)
call assert_equal(["one\r", "two\r"], lines)
- call delete('XReadfile')
+ call delete('XReadfile_bin')
+func Test_readfile_bom()
+ call writefile(["\ufeffFOO", "FOO\ufeffBAR"], 'XReadfile_bom')
+ call assert_equal(['FOO', 'FOOBAR'], readfile('XReadfile_bom'))
+ call delete('XReadfile_bom')
+func Test_readfile_max()
+ call writefile(range(1, 4), 'XReadfile_max')
+ call assert_equal(['1', '2'], readfile('XReadfile_max', '', 2))
+ call assert_equal(['3', '4'], readfile('XReadfile_max', '', -2))
+ call delete('XReadfile_max')
func Test_let_errmsg()
call assert_equal('/', fnamemodify('.', ':p')[-1:])
call assert_equal('r', fnamemodify('.', ':p:h')[-1:])
call assert_equal('t', fnamemodify('test.out', ':p')[-1:])
+ call assert_equal($HOME .. "/foo" , fnamemodify('~/foo', ':p'))
call assert_equal('test.out', fnamemodify('test.out', ':.'))
call assert_equal('a', fnamemodify('../testdir/a', ':.'))
call assert_equal('~/testdir/test.out', fnamemodify('test.out', ':~'))
call assert_equal('', fnamemodify(test_null_string(), test_null_string()))
+func Test_fnamemodify_fail()
+ call assert_fails('call fnamemodify({}, ":p")', 'E731:')
+ call assert_fails('call fnamemodify("x", {})', 'E731:')
" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab
func Test_glob()
call assert_equal('', glob(test_null_string()))
call assert_equal('', globpath(test_null_string(), test_null_string()))
+ call writefile([], 'Xglob1')
+ call writefile([], 'XGLOB2')
+ set wildignorecase
+ " Sort output of glob() otherwise we end up with different
+ " ordering depending on whether file system is case-sensitive.
+ call assert_equal(['XGLOB2', 'Xglob1'], sort(glob('Xglob[12]', 0, 1)))
+ set wildignorecase&
+ call delete('Xglob1')
+ call delete('XGLOB2')
+ call assert_fails("call glob('*', 0, {})", 'E728:')
" Test for browse()