if blind and no gloves, using 'm<dir>' to move and then 'e' could be used to
locate cockatrice corpse without fatal touching (by declining to eat)
it's cannabilism for a were<foo> to eat a <foo> corpse
+conduct: wishing for an artifact and not getting it because it already exists
+ counts as wishing for an artifact, just like when not getting it
+ becuase of quest restrictions or too many artifacts in play does
Fixes to Post-3.6.0 Problems that Were Exposed Via git Repository
} else {
Sprintf(buf, "used %ld wish%s", u.uconduct.wishes,
(u.uconduct.wishes > 1L) ? "es" : "");
+ if (u.uconduct.wisharti) {
+ /* if wisharti == wishes
+ * 1 wish (for an artifact)
+ * 2 wishes (both for artifacts)
+ * N wishes (all for artifacts)
+ * else (N is at least 2 in order to get here; M < N)
+ * N wishes (1 for an artifact)
+ * N wishes (M for artifacts)
+ */
+ if (u.uconduct.wisharti == u.uconduct.wishes)
+ Sprintf(eos(buf), " (%s",
+ (u.uconduct.wisharti > 2L) ? "all "
+ : (u.uconduct.wisharti == 2L) ? "both " : "");
+ else
+ Sprintf(eos(buf), " (%ld ", u.uconduct.wisharti);
+ Sprintf(eos(buf), "for %s)",
+ (u.uconduct.wisharti == 1L) ? "an artifact"
+ : "artifacts");
+ }
if (!u.uconduct.wisharti)
otmp = oname(otmp, name);
- if (otmp->oartifact) {
+ /* name==aname => wished for artifact (otmp->oartifact => got it) */
+ if (otmp->oartifact || name == aname) {
otmp->quan = 1L;
u.uconduct.wisharti++; /* KMH, conduct */