#include "dvdread/dvd_reader.h"
#include "HBPresets.h"
-#define _(a) NSLocalizedString(a,NULL)
#define DragDropSimplePboardType @"MyCustomOutlineViewPboardType"
/* We setup the toolbar values here */
/* Video framerate */
[fVidRatePopUp removeAllItems];
- [fVidRatePopUp addItemWithTitle: _( @"Same as source" )];
+ [fVidRatePopUp addItemWithTitle: NSLocalizedString( @"Same as source", @"" )];
for( int i = 0; i < hb_video_rates_count; i++ )
if ([[NSString stringWithCString: hb_video_rates[i].string] isEqualToString: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%.3f",23.976]])
-- (void) TranslateStrings
- [fSrcTitleField setStringValue: _( @"Title:" )];
- [fSrcChapterField setStringValue: _( @"Chapters:" )];
- [fSrcChapterToField setStringValue: _( @"to" )];
- [fSrcDuration1Field setStringValue: _( @"Duration:" )];
- [fDstFormatField setStringValue: _( @"Format:" )];
- [fDstFile1Field setStringValue: _( @"File:" )];
- [fDstBrowseButton setTitle: _( @"Browse" )];
- [fVidRateField setStringValue: _( @"Framerate (fps):" )];
- [fVidEncoderField setStringValue: _( @"Encoder:" )];
- [fVidQualityField setStringValue: _( @"Quality:" )];
- (void) enableUI: (bool) b
NSControl * controls[] =
[fSrcDVD2Field setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat:
- _( @"Scanning title %d of %d..." ),
+ NSLocalizedString( @"Scanning title %d of %d...", @"" ),
p.title_cur, p.title_count]];
[fScanIndicator setHidden: NO];
[fScanIndicator setDoubleValue: 100.0 * ( p.title_cur - 1 ) / p.title_count];
jobs during encoding, if they cannot be fixed in libhb, will implement a
nasty but working cocoa solution */
/* Update text field */
- string = [NSMutableString stringWithFormat: _( @"Encoding: task %d of %d, %.2f %%" ), p.job_cur, p.job_count, 100.0 * p.progress];
+ string = [NSMutableString stringWithFormat: NSLocalizedString( @"Encoding: task %d of %d, %.2f %%", @"" ), p.job_cur, p.job_count, 100.0 * p.progress];
if( p.seconds > -1 )
[string appendFormat:
- _( @" (%.2f fps, avg %.2f fps, ETA %02dh%02dm%02ds)" ),
+ NSLocalizedString( @" (%.2f fps, avg %.2f fps, ETA %02dh%02dm%02ds)", @"" ),
p.rate_cur, p.rate_avg, p.hours, p.minutes, p.seconds];
[fStatusField setStringValue: string];
/* Update text field */
string = [NSMutableString stringWithFormat:
- _( @"Muxing..." )];
+ NSLocalizedString( @"Muxing...", @"" )];
[fStatusField setStringValue: string];
/* Update slider */
#undef p
- [fStatusField setStringValue: _( @"Paused" )];
+ [fStatusField setStringValue: NSLocalizedString( @"Paused", @"" )];
// Pass along the info to HBQueueController
[fQueueController libhbStateChanged: s];
while( ( job = hb_job( fHandle, 0 ) ) && ( !IsFirstPass(job->sequence_id) ) )
hb_rem( fHandle, job );
- [fStatusField setStringValue: _( @"Done." )];
+ [fStatusField setStringValue: NSLocalizedString( @"Done.", @"" )];
[fRipIndicator setIndeterminate: NO];
[fRipIndicator setDoubleValue: 0.0];
[toolbar validateVisibleItems];
/* Lets show the queue status here in the main window */
int queue_count = [fQueueController pendingCount];
if( queue_count == 1)
- [fQueueStatus setStringValue: _( @"1 encode queued") ];
+ [fQueueStatus setStringValue: NSLocalizedString( @"1 encode queued", @"" ) ];
else if (queue_count > 1)
- [fQueueStatus setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat: _( @"%d encodes queued" ), queue_count]];
+ [fQueueStatus setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat: NSLocalizedString( @"%d encodes queued", @"" ), queue_count]];
[fQueueStatus setStringValue: @""];
if( [[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:
[fDstFile2Field stringValue]] )
- NSBeginCriticalAlertSheet( _( @"File already exists" ),
- _( @"Cancel" ), _( @"Overwrite" ), NULL, fWindow, self,
+ NSBeginCriticalAlertSheet( NSLocalizedString( @"File already exists", @"" ),
+ NSLocalizedString( @"Cancel", @"" ), NSLocalizedString( @"Overwrite", @"" ), NULL, fWindow, self,
@selector( overwriteAddToQueueAlertDone:returnCode:contextInfo: ),
NULL, NULL, [NSString stringWithFormat:
- _( @"Do you want to overwrite %@?" ),
+ NSLocalizedString( @"Do you want to overwrite %@?", @"" ),
[fDstFile2Field stringValue]] );
// overwriteAddToQueueAlertDone: will be called when the alert is dismissed.
else if ( ([fQueueController pendingJobGroupWithDestinationPath:[fDstFile2Field stringValue]] != nil)
|| ([[[fQueueController currentJobGroup] destinationPath] isEqualToString: [fDstFile2Field stringValue]]) )
- NSBeginCriticalAlertSheet( _( @"Another queued encode has specified the same destination." ),
- _( @"Cancel" ), _( @"Overwrite" ), NULL, fWindow, self,
+ NSBeginCriticalAlertSheet( NSLocalizedString( @"Another queued encode has specified the same destination.", @"" ),
+ NSLocalizedString( @"Cancel", @"" ), NSLocalizedString( @"Overwrite", @"" ), NULL, fWindow, self,
@selector( overwriteAddToQueueAlertDone:returnCode:contextInfo: ),
NULL, NULL, [NSString stringWithFormat:
- _( @"Do you want to overwrite %@?" ),
+ NSLocalizedString( @"Do you want to overwrite %@?", @"" ),
[fDstFile2Field stringValue]] );
// overwriteAddToQueueAlertDone: will be called when the alert is dismissed.
/* We check for duplicate name here */
if( [[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:[fDstFile2Field stringValue]] )
- NSBeginCriticalAlertSheet( _( @"File already exists" ),
- _( @"Cancel" ), _( @"Overwrite" ), NULL, fWindow, self,
+ NSBeginCriticalAlertSheet( NSLocalizedString( @"File already exists", @"" ),
+ NSLocalizedString( @"Cancel", "" ), NSLocalizedString( @"Overwrite", @"" ), NULL, fWindow, self,
@selector( overWriteAlertDone:returnCode:contextInfo: ),
NULL, NULL, [NSString stringWithFormat:
- _( @"Do you want to overwrite %@?" ),
+ NSLocalizedString( @"Do you want to overwrite %@?", @"" ),
[fDstFile2Field stringValue]] );
// overWriteAlertDone: will be called when the alert is dismissed. It will call doRip.
- (IBAction) qualitySliderChanged: (id) sender
[fVidConstantCell setTitle: [NSString stringWithFormat:
- _( @"Constant quality: %.0f %%" ), 100.0 *
+ NSLocalizedString( @"Constant quality: %.0f %%", @"" ), 100.0 *
[fVidQualitySlider floatValue]]];
[self customSettingUsed: sender];
hb_audio_config_t * audio;
[sender removeAllItems];
- [sender addItemWithTitle: _( @"None" )];
+ [sender addItemWithTitle: NSLocalizedString( @"None", @"" )];
for( int i = 0; i < hb_list_count( title->list_audio ); i++ )
audio = (hb_audio_config_t *) hb_list_audio_config_item( title->list_audio, i );