estate, false, NULL, NIL);
ExecARInsertTriggers(estate, resultRelInfo,
- recheckIndexes, NULL);
+ recheckIndexes, cstate->transition_capture);
-- are really inserted into the parent)
copy parent (a, b) from stdin;
NOTICE: trigger = parent_insert_trig, new table = (AAA,42), (BBB,42), (CCC,42)
+-- same behavior for copy if there is an index (interesting because rows are
+-- captured by a different code path in copy.c if there are indexes)
+create index on parent(b);
+copy parent (a, b) from stdin;
+NOTICE: trigger = parent_insert_trig, new table = (DDD,42)
-- DML affecting parent sees tuples collected from children even if
-- there is no transition table trigger on the children
drop trigger child1_insert_trig on child1;
drop trigger child3_update_trig on child3;
drop trigger child3_delete_trig on child3;
delete from parent;
-NOTICE: trigger = parent_delete_trig, old table = (AAA,42), (BBB,42), (CCC,42)
+NOTICE: trigger = parent_delete_trig, old table = (AAA,42), (BBB,42), (CCC,42), (DDD,42)
drop table child1, child2, child3, parent;
-- Verify prohibition of row triggers with transition triggers on
CCC 42
+-- same behavior for copy if there is an index (interesting because rows are
+-- captured by a different code path in copy.c if there are indexes)
+create index on parent(b);
+copy parent (a, b) from stdin;
+DDD 42
-- DML affecting parent sees tuples collected from children even if
-- there is no transition table trigger on the children
drop trigger child1_insert_trig on child1;