- * Converts file & folder byte size values to more
- * readable values (bytes, KiB, MiB, GiB or TiB).
- *
- * @param integer bytes
- * @returns string
- */
-Math.formatBytes = function(bytes) {
- var size;
- var unit;
- // Terabytes (TiB).
- if ( bytes >= 1099511627776 ) {
- size = bytes / 1099511627776;
- unit = ' TiB';
- // Gigabytes (GiB).
- } else if ( bytes >= 1073741824 ) {
- size = bytes / 1073741824;
- unit = ' GiB';
- // Megabytes (MiB).
- } else if ( bytes >= 1048576 ) {
- size = bytes / 1048576;
- unit = ' MiB';
- // Kilobytes (KiB).
- } else if ( bytes >= 1024 ) {
- size = bytes / 1024;
- unit = ' KiB';
- // The file is less than one KiB
- } else {
- size = bytes;
- unit = ' bytes';
- }
- // Single-digit numbers have greater precision
- var precision = 1;
- if (size < 10) {
- precision = 2;
- }
- size = Math.roundWithPrecision(size, precision);
- // Add the decimal if this is an integer
- if ((size % 1) == 0 && unit != ' bytes') {
- size = size + '.0';
- }
- return size + unit;
- * Converts seconds to more readable units (hours, minutes etc).
- *
- * @param integer seconds
- * @returns string
- */
-Math.formatSeconds = function(seconds)
- var result;
- var days = Math.floor(seconds / 86400);
- var hours = Math.floor((seconds % 86400) / 3600);
- var minutes = Math.floor((seconds % 3600) / 60);
- var seconds = Math.floor((seconds % 3600) % 60);
- if (days > 0 && hours == 0)
- result = days + ' days';
- else if (days > 0 && hours > 0)
- result = days + ' days ' + hours + ' hr';
- else if (hours > 0 && minutes == 0)
- result = hours + ' hr';
- else if (hours > 0 && minutes > 0)
- result = hours + ' hr ' + minutes + ' min';
- else if (minutes > 0 && seconds == 0)
- result = minutes + ' min';
- else if (minutes > 0 && seconds > 0)
- result = minutes + ' min ' + seconds + ' seconds';
- else
- result = seconds + ' seconds';
- return result;
- * Converts a unix timestamp to a human readable value
- *
- * @param integer seconds
- * @returns string
- */
-Math.formatTimestamp = function(seconds) {
- var myDate = new Date(seconds*1000);
- var now = new Date();
- var date = "";
- var time = "";
- var sameYear = now.getFullYear() == myDate.getFullYear();
- var sameMonth = now.getMonth() == myDate.getMonth();
- var dateDiff = now.getDate() - myDate.getDate();
- if(sameYear && sameMonth && Math.abs(dateDiff) <= 1){
- if(dateDiff == 0){
- date = "Today";
- }
- else if(dateDiff == 1){
- date = "Yesterday";
- }
- else{
- date = "Tomorrow";
- }
- }
- else{
- date = myDate.toDateString();
- }
- var hours = myDate.getHours();
- var period = "AM";
- if(hours > 12){
- hours = hours - 12;
- period = "PM";
- }
- if(hours == 0){
- hours = 12;
- }
- if(hours < 10){
- hours = "0" + hours;
- }
- var minutes = myDate.getMinutes();
- if(minutes < 10){
- minutes = "0" + minutes;
- }
- var seconds = myDate.getSeconds();
- if(seconds < 10){
- seconds = "0" + seconds;
- }
- time = [hours, minutes, seconds].join(':');
- return [date, time, period].join(' ');
* Round a float to a specified number of decimal
* places, stripping trailing zeroes
--- /dev/null
+*** This file Copyright (C) 2010 Mnemosyne LLC
+*** This code is licensed under the GPL version 2.
+*** For more details, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
+Transmission.fmt = (function()
+ var KB_val = 1024;
+ var MB_val = 1024 * 1024;
+ var GB_val = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
+ var KB_str = 'KiB';
+ var MB_str = 'MiB';
+ var GB_str = 'GiB';
+ /**
+ * Round a number to a specified number of decimal places, stripping trailing zeroes
+ * @param number floatnum
+ * @param number precision
+ * @returns number
+ */
+ var roundWithPrecision = function(floatnum, precision) {
+ return Math.round ( floatnum * Math.pow ( 10, precision ) ) / Math.pow ( 10, precision );
+ };
+ return {
+ MODE_IEC: 1,
+ MODE_SI: 2,
+ setMode: function( mode ) {
+ if( mode == MODE_IEC ) {
+ this.KB_val = 1024;
+ this.MB_val = this.KB_val * 1024;
+ this.GB_val = this.MB_val * 1024;
+ this.KB_str = 'KiB';
+ this.MB_str = 'MiB';
+ this.GB_str = 'GiB';
+ } else {
+ this.KB_val = 1000;
+ this.MB_val = this.KB_val * 1000;
+ this.GB_val = this.MB_val * 1000;
+ this.KB_str = 'kB';
+ this.MB_str = 'MB';
+ this.GB_str = 'GB';
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Formats the bytes into a string value with B, KiB, MiB, or GiB units.
+ *
+ * @param {Number} bytes the filesize in bytes
+ * @return {String} formatted string with B, KiB, MiB or GiB units.
+ */
+ size: function( bytes )
+ {
+ if( !bytes )
+ return 'None';
+ if( bytes < KB_val )
+ return bytes.toFixed(0) + ' B';
+ if( bytes < ( KB_val * 100 ) )
+ return roundWithPrecision(bytes/KB_val, 2) + ' ' + KB_str;
+ if( bytes < MB_val )
+ return roundWithPrecision(bytes/KB_val, 1) + ' ' + KB_str;
+ if( bytes < ( MB_val * 100 ) )
+ return roundWithPrecision(bytes/MB_val, 2) + ' ' + MB_str;
+ if( bytes < GB_val )
+ return roundWithPrecision(bytes/MB_val, 1) + ' ' + MB_str;
+ if( bytes < ( GB_val * 100 ) )
+ return roundWithPrecision(bytes/GB_val, 2) + ' ' + GB_str;
+ else
+ return roundWithPrecision(bytes/GB_val, 1) + ' ' + GB_str;
+ },
+ speed: function( bytes )
+ {
+ if( !bytes )
+ return 'None';
+ else
+ return this.size( bytes ) + '/s';
+ },
+ timeInterval: function( seconds )
+ {
+ return 'Hello';
+ var result;
+ var days = Math.floor(seconds / 86400);
+ var hours = Math.floor((seconds % 86400) / 3600);
+ var minutes = Math.floor((seconds % 3600) / 60);
+ var seconds = Math.floor((seconds % 3600) % 60);
+ if (days > 0 && hours == 0)
+ result = days + ' days';
+ else if (days > 0 && hours > 0)
+ result = days + ' days ' + hours + ' hr';
+ else if (hours > 0 && minutes == 0)
+ result = hours + ' hr';
+ else if (hours > 0 && minutes > 0)
+ result = hours + ' hr ' + minutes + ' min';
+ else if (minutes > 0 && seconds == 0)
+ result = minutes + ' min';
+ else if (minutes > 0 && seconds > 0)
+ result = minutes + ' min ' + seconds + ' seconds';
+ else
+ result = seconds + ' seconds';
+ return result;
+ },
+ timestamp: function( seconds )
+ {
+ var myDate = new Date(seconds*1000);
+ var now = new Date();
+ var date = "";
+ var time = "";
+ var sameYear = now.getFullYear() == myDate.getFullYear();
+ var sameMonth = now.getMonth() == myDate.getMonth();
+ var dateDiff = now.getDate() - myDate.getDate();
+ if(sameYear && sameMonth && Math.abs(dateDiff) <= 1){
+ if(dateDiff == 0){
+ date = "Today";
+ }
+ else if(dateDiff == 1){
+ date = "Yesterday";
+ }
+ else{
+ date = "Tomorrow";
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ date = myDate.toDateString();
+ }
+ var hours = myDate.getHours();
+ var period = "AM";
+ if(hours > 12){
+ hours = hours - 12;
+ period = "PM";
+ }
+ if(hours == 0){
+ hours = 12;
+ }
+ if(hours < 10){
+ hours = "0" + hours;
+ }
+ var minutes = myDate.getMinutes();
+ if(minutes < 10){
+ minutes = "0" + minutes;
+ }
+ var seconds = myDate.getSeconds();
+ if(seconds < 10){
+ seconds = "0" + seconds;
+ }
+ time = [hours, minutes, seconds].join(':');
+ return [date, time, period].join(' ');
+ }
+ }
return null;
+ formatUL: function() {
+ return 'UL: ' + Transmission.fmt.speed(this._upload_speed);
+ },
+ formatDL: function() {
+ return 'DL: ' + Transmission.fmt.speed(this._download_speed);
+ },
getPeerDetails: function()
var c;
case Torrent._StatusDownloading:
- c = 'DL: '
- c += Math.formatBytes(this._download_speed);
- c += '/s UL: ';
- c += Math.formatBytes(this._upload_speed);
- c += '/s';
+ c = this.formatDL();
+ c += ' ';
+ c += this.formatUL();
} else {
// 'Downloading from 36 of 40 peers - DL: 60.2 KiB/s UL: 4.3 KiB/s'
c = 'Downloading from ';
c += this.peersSendingToUs();
c += ' of ';
c += this._peers_connected;
- c += ' peers - DL: ';
- c += Math.formatBytes(this._download_speed);
- c += '/s UL: ';
- c += Math.formatBytes(this._upload_speed);
- c += '/s';
+ c += ' peers - ';
+ c = this.formatDL();
+ c += ' ';
+ c += this.formatUL();
case Torrent._StatusSeeding:
- c = 'UL: '
- c += Math.formatBytes(this._upload_speed);
- c += '/s';
+ c += this.formatUL();
} else {
// 'Seeding to 13 of 22 peers - UL: 36.2 KiB/s'
c = 'Seeding to ';
c += this.peersGettingFromUs();
c += ' of ';
c += this._peers_connected;
- c += ' peers - UL: ';
- c += Math.formatBytes(this._upload_speed);
- c += '/s';
+ c += ' peers - ';
+ c += this.formatUL();
if (this._eta < 0 || this._eta >= Torrent._InfiniteTimeRemaining )
eta += 'remaining time unknown';
- eta += Math.formatSeconds(this._eta) + ' remaining';
+ eta += Transmission.fmt.timeInterval(this._eta) + ' remaining';
// Create the 'progress details' label
// Eg: '101 MiB of 631 MiB (16.02%) - 2 hr remaining'
- c = Math.formatBytes( this._sizeWhenDone - this._leftUntilDone );
+ c = Transmission.fmt.size( this._sizeWhenDone - this._leftUntilDone );
c += ' of ';
- c += Math.formatBytes( this._sizeWhenDone );
+ c += Transmission.fmt.size( this._sizeWhenDone );
c += ' (';
c += this.getPercentDoneStr();
c += '%)';
if (this._eta < 0 || this._eta >= Torrent._InfiniteTimeRemaining )
eta += 'remaining time unknown';
- eta += Math.formatSeconds(this._eta) + ' remaining';
+ eta += Transmission.fmt.timeInterval(this._eta) + ' remaining';
// Create the 'progress details' label
// Eg: '698.05 MiB, uploaded 8.59 GiB (Ratio: 12.3)'
- c = Math.formatBytes( this._size );
+ c = Transmission.fmt.size( this._size );
c += ', uploaded ';
- c += Math.formatBytes( this._upload_total );
+ c += Transmission.fmt.size( this._upload_total );
c += ' (Ratio ';
if(this._upload_ratio > -1)
c += Math.round(this._upload_ratio*100)/100;
refreshProgressHTML: function() {
- var c = Math.formatBytes(this._done);
+ var c = Transmission.fmt.size(this._done);
c += ' of ';
- c += Math.formatBytes(this._size);
+ c += Transmission.fmt.size(this._size);
c += ' (';
c += Math.ratio(100 * this._done, this._size);
c += '%)';
t = "Click to enable Temporary Speed Limits";
- t += " (" + this._prefs[RPC._TurtleUpSpeedLimit] + " kB/s up, "
- + this._prefs[RPC._TurtleDownSpeedLimit] + " kB/s down)";
+ t += " (" + Transmission.fmt.speed(this._prefs[RPC._TurtleUpSpeedLimit]) + " up, "
+ + Transmission.fmt.speed(this._prefs[RPC._TurtleDownSpeedLimit]) + " down)";
w.attr( 'title', t );
if (!iPhone)
- setInnerHTML( $('#limited_download_rate')[0], 'Limit (' + down_limit + ' KiB/s)' );
+ setInnerHTML( $('#limited_download_rate')[0], 'Limit (' + Transmission.fmt.speed(down_limit) + ')' );
var key = down_limited ? '#limited_download_rate'
: '#unlimited_download_rate';
- setInnerHTML( $('#limited_upload_rate')[0], 'Limit (' + up_limit + ' KiB/s)' );
+ setInnerHTML( $('#limited_download_rate')[0], 'Limit (' + Transmission.fmt.speed(up_limit) + ')' );
key = up_limited ? '#limited_upload_rate'
: '#unlimited_upload_rate';
var session = stats["current-stats"];
var total = stats["cumulative-stats"];
- setInnerHTML( $('#stats_session_uploaded')[0], Math.formatBytes(session["uploadedBytes"]) );
- setInnerHTML( $('#stats_session_downloaded')[0], Math.formatBytes(session["downloadedBytes"]) );
+ setInnerHTML( $('#stats_session_uploaded')[0], Transmission.fmt.size(session["uploadedBytes"]) );
+ setInnerHTML( $('#stats_session_downloaded')[0], Transmission.fmt.size(session["downloadedBytes"]) );
setInnerHTML( $('#stats_session_ratio')[0], Math.ratio(session["uploadedBytes"],session["downloadedBytes"]));
- setInnerHTML( $('#stats_session_duration')[0], Math.formatSeconds(session["secondsActive"]) );
+ setInnerHTML( $('#stats_session_duration')[0], Transmission.fmt.timeInterval(session["secondsActive"]) );
setInnerHTML( $('#stats_total_count')[0], total["sessionCount"] + " times" );
- setInnerHTML( $('#stats_total_uploaded')[0], Math.formatBytes(total["uploadedBytes"]) );
- setInnerHTML( $('#stats_total_downloaded')[0], Math.formatBytes(total["downloadedBytes"]) );
+ setInnerHTML( $('#stats_total_uploaded')[0], Transmission.fmt.size(total["uploadedBytes"]) );
+ setInnerHTML( $('#stats_total_downloaded')[0], Transmission.fmt.size(total["downloadedBytes"]) );
setInnerHTML( $('#stats_total_ratio')[0], Math.ratio(total["uploadedBytes"],total["downloadedBytes"]));
- setInnerHTML( $('#stats_total_duration')[0], Math.formatSeconds(total["secondsActive"]) );
+ setInnerHTML( $('#stats_total_duration')[0], Transmission.fmt.timeInterval(total["secondsActive"]) );
setSearch: function( search ) {
args[RPC._DownSpeedLimited] = false;
} else {
- setInnerHTML( $('#limited_download_rate')[0], 'Limit (' + rate + ' KiB/s)' );
+ setInnerHTML( $('#limited_download_rate')[0], 'Limit (' + Transmission.fmt.speed(rate) + ')' );
$('div.preference input#download_rate')[0].value = rate;
args[RPC._DownSpeedLimit] = parseInt( rate );
args[RPC._UpSpeedLimited] = false;
} else {
- setInnerHTML( $('#limited_upload_rate')[0], 'Limit (' + rate + ' KiB/s)' );
+ setInnerHTML( $('#limited_upload_rate')[0], 'Limit (' + Transmission.fmt.speed(rate) + ')' );
$('div.preference input#upload_rate')[0].value = rate;
args[RPC._UpSpeedLimit] = parseInt( rate );
var comment = 'N/A';
var download_dir = 'N/A';
var date_created = 'N/A';
- var error = '';
+ var error = 'None';
var hash = 'N/A';
var have_public = false;
var have_private = false;
download_dir = t._download_dir;
hash = t.hash();
- pieces = t._pieceCount + ', ' + Math.formatBytes(t._pieceSize);
- date_created = Math.formatTimestamp( t._creator_date );
+ pieces = t._pieceCount + ', ' + Transmission.fmt.size(t._pieceSize);
+ date_created = Transmission.fmt.timestamp( t._creator_date );
for( var i=0, t; t=torrents[i]; ++i ) {
else if( have_public ) private_string = 'Public Torrent';
setInnerHTML( tab.name, name );
- setInnerHTML( tab.size, torrents.length ? Math.formatBytes( total_size ) : na );
+ setInnerHTML( tab.size, torrents.length ? Transmission.fmt.size( total_size ) : na );
setInnerHTML( tab.pieces, pieces );
setInnerHTML( tab.hash, hash );
setInnerHTML( tab.state, total_state );
- setInnerHTML( tab.download_speed, torrents.length ? Math.formatBytes( total_download_speed ) + '/s' : na );
- setInnerHTML( tab.upload_speed, torrents.length ? Math.formatBytes( total_upload_speed ) + '/s' : na );
- setInnerHTML( tab.uploaded, torrents.length ? Math.formatBytes( total_upload ) : na );
- setInnerHTML( tab.downloaded, torrents.length ? Math.formatBytes( total_download ) : na );
+ setInnerHTML( tab.download_speed, torrents.length ? Transmission.fmt.speed( total_download_speed ) : na );
+ setInnerHTML( tab.upload_speed, torrents.length ? Transmission.fmt.speed( total_upload_speed ) : na );
+ setInnerHTML( tab.uploaded, torrents.length ? Transmission.fmt.size( total_upload ) : na );
+ setInnerHTML( tab.downloaded, torrents.length ? Transmission.fmt.size( total_download ) : na );
setInnerHTML( tab.availability, torrents.length ? Math.ratio( total_availability*100, sizeWhenDone ) + '%' : na );
setInnerHTML( tab.ratio, torrents.length ? Math.ratio( total_upload, total_download ) : na );
- setInnerHTML( tab.have, torrents.length ? Math.formatBytes(total_completed) + ' (' + Math.formatBytes(total_verified) + ' verified)' : na );
+ setInnerHTML( tab.have, torrents.length ? Transmission.fmt.size(total_completed) + ' (' + Transmission.fmt.size(total_verified) + ' verified)' : na );
setInnerHTML( tab.upload_to, torrents.length ? total_upload_peers : na );
setInnerHTML( tab.download_from, torrents.length ? total_download_peers : na );
setInnerHTML( tab.secure, private_string );
var parity = ((i+1) % 2 == 0 ? 'even' : 'odd');
html += '<tr class="inspector_peer_entry ' + parity + '">';
html += '<td>' + (peer.isEncrypted ? '<img src="images/graphics/lock_icon.png" alt="Encrypted"/>' : '') + '</td>';
- html += '<td>' + (peer.rateToPeer ? Math.formatBytes(peer.rateToPeer) + '/s' : '') + '</td>';
- html += '<td>' + (peer.rateToClient ? Math.formatBytes(peer.rateToClient) + '/s' : '') + '</td>';
+ html += '<td>' + Transmission.fmt.speed(peer.rateToPeer) + '</td>';
+ html += '<td>' + Transmission.fmt.speed(peer.rateToClient) + '</td>';
html += '<td class="percentCol">' + Math.floor(peer.progress*100) + '%' + '</td>';
html += '<td>' + peer.flagStr + '</td>';
html += '<td>' + peer.address + '</td>';
var lastAnnounceLabel = 'Last Announce';
var lastAnnounce = 'N/A';
if (tracker.hasAnnounced) {
- var lastAnnounceTime = Math.formatTimestamp(tracker.lastAnnounceTime);
+ var lastAnnounceTime = Transmission.fmt.timestamp(tracker.lastAnnounceTime);
if (tracker.lastAnnounceSucceeded) {
lastAnnounce = lastAnnounceTime;
lastAnnounce += ' (got ' + tracker.lastAnnouncePeerCount + ' peer';
if(timeUntilAnnounce < 0){
timeUntilAnnounce = 0;
- announceState = 'Next announce in ' + Math.formatSeconds(timeUntilAnnounce);
+ announceState = 'Next announce in ' + Transmission.fmt.timeInterval(timeUntilAnnounce);
case Torrent._TrackerQueued:
announceState = 'Announce is queued';
var lastScrapeLabel = 'Last Scrape';
var lastScrape = 'N/A';
if (tracker.hasScraped) {
- var lastScrapeTime = Math.formatTimestamp(tracker.lastScrapeTime);
+ var lastScrapeTime = Transmission.fmt.timestamp(tracker.lastScrapeTime);
if (tracker.lastScrapeSucceeded) {
lastScrape = lastScrapeTime;
} else {
setInnerHTML( $('#torrent_global_transfer')[0], s );
// update the speeds
- s = Math.formatBytes( upSpeed ) + '/s';
+ s = Transmission.fmt.speed( upSpeed );
if( iPhone ) s = 'UL: ' + s;
setInnerHTML( $('#torrent_global_upload')[0], s );
// download speeds
- s = Math.formatBytes( downSpeed ) + '/s';
+ s = Transmission.fmt.speed( downSpeed );
if( iPhone ) s = 'DL: ' + s;
setInnerHTML( $('#torrent_global_download')[0], s );