class PharCommand extends CLICommand
- function cli_get_SP2($l1, $l2, $arg_inf)
+ function cli_get_SP2($l1, $arg_inf)
- return str_repeat(' ', $l1 + 2 + 17);
+ return str_repeat(' ', $l1 + 2 + 4 + 9);
+ }
+ function cli_get_SP3($l1, $l2, $arg_inf)
+ {
+ return str_repeat(' ', $l1 + 2 + 4 + 9 + 2 + $l2 + 2);
static function phar_args($which, $phartyp)
'c' => array('typ'=>'select', 'val'=>NULL, 'inf'=>'<algo> Compression algorithmus.', 'select'=>array('gz'=>'GZip compression','gzip'=>'GZip compression','bzip2'=>'BZip2 compression','bz'=>'BZip2 compression','bz2'=>'BZip2 compression','0'=>'No compression','none'=>'No compression')),
'f' => array('typ'=>$phartyp, 'val'=>NULL, 'inf'=>'<file> Specifies the phar file to work on.'),
'i' => array('typ'=>'regex', 'val'=>NULL, 'inf'=>'<regex> Specifies a regular expression for input files.'),
- 's' => array('typ'=>'file', 'val'=>NULL, 'inf'=>'<stub> Select the stub file (excluded from list of input files/dirs).'),
+ 's' => array('typ'=>'file', 'val'=>NULL, 'inf'=>'<stub> Select the stub file.'),
'x' => array('typ'=>'regex', 'val'=>NULL, 'inf'=>'<regex> Regular expression for input files to exclude.'),
$args = array();
static function cli_cmd_inf_pack()
- return "Pack files into a PHAR archive.";
+ return "Pack files into a PHAR archive.\n"
+ . "When using -s <stub>, then the stub file is being excluded from the list of input files/dirs."
+ ;
static function cli_cmd_arg_pack()
- $args = self::phar_args('AcFrsx', 'pharnew');
- $args[''] = array('typ'=>'any', 'val'=>NULL, 'required'=>1, 'inf'=>' Any number of input files and directories.');
+ $args = self::phar_args('AcFisx', 'pharnew');
+ $args[''] = array('typ'=>'any', 'val'=>NULL, 'required'=>1, 'inf'=>' Any number of input files and directories. If -i is in use then ONLY files and matching thegiven regular expression are being packed. If -x is given then files matching that regular expression are NOT being packed.');
return $args;
echo " ...ok\n";
+ function cli_cmd_inf_setstub()
+ {
+ return "Set the stub of a PHAR file.\n";
+ }
+ function cli_cmd_arg_setstub()
+ {
+ return self::phar_args('Fs', 'phar');
+ }
+ function cli_cmd_run_setstub()
+ {
+ $phar = $args['f']['val'];
+ $stub = $this->args['s']['val'];
+ $phar->setStub(file_get_contents($stub));
+ }
+ function cli_cmd_inf_getstub()
+ {
+ return "Get the stub of a PHAR file.\n";
+ }
+ function cli_cmd_arg_getstub()
+ {
+ return self::phar_args('Fs', 'phar');
+ }
+ function cli_cmd_run_getstub()
+ {
+ $phar = $args['f']['val'];
+ $stub = $this->args['s']['val'];
+ file_put_contents($stub, $phar->getStub());
+ }
\ No newline at end of file