if fails, \verb|{127,0,0,1}|.
\titem{\{port, Number\}}\ind{options!port}This option defines port to listen for
incoming connections. Default is~7777.
+\titem{\{hostname, HostName\}}\ind{options!hostname}Defines a hostname advertised
+by the service when establishing a session with clients. This is useful when
+you run the service behind a NAT. The default is the value of \term{ip} option.
+Examples: \term{"proxy.mydomain.org"}, \term{""}. Note that
+not all clients understand domain names in stream negotiation,
+so you should think twice before setting domain name in this option.
\titem{\{auth\_type, anonymous|plain\}}\ind{options!auth\_type}SOCKS5 authentication type.
Possible values are \term{anonymous} and \term{plain}. Default is
none -> get_my_ip();
Addr -> Addr
- StrIP = inet_parse:ntoa(IP),
- StreamAddr = [{"jid", MyHost}, {"host", StrIP}, {"port", integer_to_list(Port)}],
+ HostName = case gen_mod:get_opt(hostname, Opts, none) of
+ none ->
+ inet_parse:ntoa(IP);
+ HostAddr when is_tuple(HostAddr) ->
+ inet_parse:ntoa(HostAddr);
+ HostNameStr ->
+ HostNameStr
+ end,
+ StreamAddr = [{"jid", MyHost}, {"host", HostName},
+ {"port", integer_to_list(Port)}],
#state{myhost = MyHost,
serverhost = ServerHost,
name = Name,