lines that are centered, or left or right justified.\footnote{The escape
sequence $\backslash$N is an internal symbol for node names.}
-The node shape {\tt Mdiamond}, {\tt Msquare} and {\tt Mcircle}
-use the attributes {\tt toplabel} and {\tt bottomlabel} to specify
-additional labels appearing near the top and bottom of the nodes,
+%The node shape {\tt Mdiamond}, {\tt Msquare} and {\tt Mcircle}
+%use the attributes {\tt toplabel} and {\tt bottomlabel} to specify
+%additional labels appearing near the top and bottom of the nodes,
Graphs and cluster subgraphs may also have labels. Graph labels
appear, by default, centered below the graph. Setting {\tt labelloc=t}
\begin{tabular}[t]{|l|l|p{3.0in}|} \hline
Name & Default & Values \\ \hline
-{\tt bottomlabel} & & auxiliary label for nodes of {\tt shape} M* \\
+%{\tt bottomlabel} & & auxiliary label for nodes of {\tt shape} M* \\
{\tt color} & {\tt black} & node shape color \\
{\tt comment} & & any string (format-dependent) \\
{\tt distortion} & {\tt 0.0} & node distortion for {\tt shape=polygon} \\
{\tt skew} & {\tt 0.0} & skewing of node for {\tt shape=polygon} \\
{\tt style} & & graphics options, e.g. {\tt bold, dotted, filled};
cf. Section~\ref{sect:style} \\
-{\tt toplabel} & & auxiliary label for nodes of {\tt shape} M* \\
+%{\tt toplabel} & & auxiliary label for nodes of {\tt shape} M* \\
{\tt URL} & & URL associated with node (format-dependent) \\
{\tt width} & {\tt .75} & width in inches \\
{\tt z} & {\tt 0.0} & z coordinate for VRML output \\